Page 10 - DIVA_2_2013
P. 10
Interview with
Under-Secretary- General
of the United Nations,
Director-General of the United
Nations Office in Geneva
Q: You led a long and personal point of view, after two are experiencing, we cannot act.
impressive career before years in the job, I continue to find The conference that we hosted
becoming the Director- working in a multicultural setting on 3 June, in close collabora-
General of UNOG. Going from enriching; the different points of tion with a distinguished NGO,
a national to a multi-cultural views, the different ways of look- the World Academy of Art and
setting, what do you consider ing at our world, are an incredible Science, was part of our contri-
as the most difficult part? source of inspiration for me. bution to this necessary reflection
process. Many important recom-
It is clear that the experience of Q: You recently organized a mendations came out of the dis-
working in a multilateral setting one-day conference on the cussions on energy security,
is different to a national context, theme "Opportunities and development, disarmament and
but there are also similarities. challenges for the 21st cen- a host of other issues. We now
The concerns of countries differ. tury: the need for a new pa- continue our collaboration with
Bridging these differences to find radigm". What was the out- the World Academy to expand the
solutions that are acceptable to come of the conference, and process. The ultimate outcome is
all is a key challenge. But in many why do you think that this action that can help to build the fu-
ways this is not all that different theme is so important today? ture. We want a better world for all.
from a national setting where
the needs of all sectors of society I see a great need to reflect dee- Q: We have the impression
have to be accommodated in a fair per on the developments in the that you are "re-launching
and balanced way through nego- world today: protracted violent UNOG" to become a think
tiation. The difference is rather conflicts, economic stagnation, tank, a vehicle for new ideas.
in scale. In today's global world, environmental degradation If this is the case, why do you
the national and international le- and climate change, increasing think it is so important?
vels are closely connected. Many inequality, growing ethnic or sec-
of the most pressing problems tarian tension, but also unprece- The United Nations has always
in individual countries, such as dented opportunities presented been a vehicle for new ideas.
unemployment, slow economic by greater ease of interaction and Innovative thinking and concepts
growth, lack of opportunities for communication, and by demo- are what drives human progress.
youth and instability, can really cratic transitions. I believe that The United Nations has a strong
only be solved effectively through these changes and contradictions track record of intellectual leader-
global collaboration. In this rea- are transforming our world pro- ship and in generating ideas that
lity, I see the greatest challenge foundly in ways that we cannot have shaped our world. Think
in convincing stakeholders that truly foresee and therefore we are about the Millennium Develop-
national interests are, in fact, best not fully prepared for. If we do not ment Goals (MDGs) as just one
served through stronger multi- understand the dimensions and example. Both as a concept and
lateral co-operation. From a more potential implications of what we as an operational framework,
8 International