Page 11 - DIVA_2_2013
P. 11
the MDGs have revolutionized extent than others. If we truly events at the Palais during the
development work and rallied want to reinforce multilateralism, year. What has changed, I think,
the world behind an agreed set we need to embrace and support is the geographic provenance of
of targets. Without the United these trends, not work against these journalists, with a shift to-
Nations as an incubator of ideas, them based on an outdated un- wards correspondents for media
this would not have been pos- derstanding of what multilatera- based in the Middle East and
sible. I don't think I am so much lism should be. There is no doubt East Asia, as well as the growing
re-launching as making sure that that the United Nations will conti- importance taken by newswires
we capitalize on the tradition and nue to occupy the pre-eminent as the number of correspondents
strengths we already have for place in this new governance. And for newspapers has decreased.
creative thinking. As I mentioned I see this flexible form of multi- Those changes are not specific to
earlier, innovative thinking and lateralism practised very effecti- Geneva or to the United Nations.
new ideas are very much needed vely every day here in Geneva. It Rather they reflect wider shifts
today. Geneva is a particularly is a model to the world. in the international media land-
useful platform for generating
ideas because of all the different
actors that are brought together
here -- a large United Nations
presence, other international or-
ganizations, a vibrant civil society
and a dynamic private sector.
Q: Multilateralism seems
increasingly threatened.
With your experience, what
do you think can be done to
reinforce it in these troubled
You are right that some obser-
vers believe that multilateralism
is under threat. And sometimes it
may seem true. Important multi-
lateral processes are stalled. Take
for example, the Conference on
Disarmament or the Doha Round.
Configurations such as the G-20
are changing the multilateral
landscape as we know it. But I Q: Geneva is considered as scape to which we need to adapt.
have a different interpretation one of the most important As long as important discussions
of these developments. Rather diplomatic cities in the world are held and decisions taken in
than being under threat, I see and yet there are fewer jour- Geneva, the media will be here to
that multilateralism is adapting nalists present here than in cover them. The Human Rights
to new circumstances, taking a the past. What do you think Council's action during the "Arab
more flexible and inclusive form. can be done to increase Spring", for instance and the hu-
This is positive. Our new global Geneva's role and visibility? manitarian assistance provided
governance is a multilateralism by United Nations agencies to
that involves different voices, for In fact, the number of accredited affected countries, as well as the
example from regional grouping correspondents at the United Na- work of the former Joint Special
and civil society, which is very tions in Geneva has been surpri- Envoy and the current Joint Spe-
important. It is a multilateralism singly stable and has even grown cial Representative on Syria, have
that adjusts itself according to over the last couple of years. In all generated considerable inte-
issue areas. For example, it can 2012, we had 315 journalists rest from newswires, broadcas-
be most effective and logical to accredited on a permanent basis ters and newspapers alike.
have a smaller group of countries and we delivered over 500 tem-
work together around challenges porary accreditations to corres-
that touch them to a greater pondents who covered specific
International 9