Page 16 - DIVA_2_2013
P. 16

resorts have found a second life
                                                                               by being equipped with the most
                                                                               modern medical equipment. In
                                                                               the future, other unique natural
                                                                               mineral water springs and cura-
                                                                               tive mud baths located on the
                                                                               territory of Turkmenistan will be

                                                                               In Turkmenistan, there are op-
                                                                               portunities for the development
                                                                               of modern forms of international
                                                                               tourism -- eco, sport, culture and
                                                                               mass tourism.

                                                                               Today, the white-marbled city of
                                                                               Ashgabat, justly called the "pearl"
                                                                                of Asia, and the national tourist
                                                                                park "Avaza" comply with accep-
                                                                               ted international standards for
                                                                               the development of urban and
                                                                                marine tourism. Children's health
                                                                                centres constructed in the beauti-
                                                                                ful Geokdere nature reserve and
                                                                                on the clean Turkmen coast of
                                                                                the Caspian Sea act as clear evi-
                                                                                dence of the State's interest in the
                                                                                health and harmonious education
                                                                                of the younger generation.

                                                                                The past twenty-two years have
                                                                                witnessed the prosperity of the
                                                                                national culture in the full sense
                                                                                of the word, and the spiritual
                                                                                renewal of society. In the years
                                                                                since independence, in-depth stu-
                                                                                dy of the rich cultural heritage of
                                                                                the Turkmen people, which have
                                                                                a glorious centuries-old history,
         the partners of Turkmen doctors    international prestige of Turkme-   has begun. Today, this heritage
         are: the World Health Organi-      nistan, recognizing at the inter-   has been restored and is care-
         zation; the United Nations Deve-   national level its tremendous       fully preserved as a national and
         lopment Programme; the United      achievements in all spheres of      universal value. The Government
         Nations Children's Fund; as well   State and public life. It also opens   pays close attention to the revi-
         as other international organiza-   up new opportunities for the        val, promotion and study of the
         tions. International certificates   development of sport, and          national historical and cultural
         awarded by the international       health and fitness movements in     heritage, as well as its careful pre-
         community to Turkmenistan act      Turkmenistan.                       servation for present and future
         as a striking testimony recogni-                                       generations.
         zing the success of the Turkmen    One of the most important vectors
         State in the area of healthcare.   of this work is the development of   The Turkmen land is the mother-
                                            tourism through the reconstruc-
         Along with this, the Olympic move-  tion of the resort and recreation   land of not only wonderful car-
                                                                                pets but also Akhal-Teke horses,
         ment in Turkmenistan has been      system. A good example here is a    which are renowned throughout
         steadily widening its scope. The   large-scale project creating a na-  the world for their beauty and
         country is the venue for major in-  tional tourist zone "Avaza" on the   playfulness. Great thinkers have
         ternational sporting events. The   coast of the Caspian Sea, which is   lived in this land. It is here that
         decision has been made to hold     currently being implemented at      the heroic epics "Gorkutata" and
         the World Cycling Championship     an accelerated pace.                "Gerogly" were created, which for
         2016 in Turkmenistan. And Ash-                                         many centuries determined the
         gabat will host the Asian Games    After major reconstruction, a       development of the consciousness
         2017. All this testifies to the high   number of well-known health
                                                                                of Turkic-speaking peoples. The

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