Page 20 - DIVA_2_2013
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Sport and Leisure
he UN Inter-Agency decided by a UNIAG Organizing a display of physical or intellectual
Games (UNIAG) was es- Committee. The Geneva-based prowess, impressive as that may
T tablished to enable ser- UN organizations established the be. Bringing together both partici-
ving staff and retired members of "Commission des Sports (CIS)" pants and supporters from nume-
agencies and organizations of the which co-ordinates the participa- rous agencies, the Games present a
United Nations system and other tion of their staff members in the unique reminder to us that we are
eligible bodies to get to know each Games and often assists the host all part of the United Nations fami-
other through sport and recrea- agency in putting the Games toge- ly. Against a current background of
tional activities with the aim of ther when it is Geneva's turn within world-wide turmoil, our horizons
improving mutual understanding the four-year cycle. Organizations must stretch beyond the four walls
and working relations. UNIAG try to facilitate the release of staff of our own organizations. The co-
events are supported by family and for the UNIAG. operation, solidarity, teamwork
friends, many of whom accompany and striving for excellence which
the participants. Sport and Leisure are hallmarks of true sportsmen
(and women) must also be appa-
In 1968, the "Commission des Now in its fortieth year, the UNIAG rent in our daily lives.
Sports de l'Association du Person- was hosted by Geneva from 24
nel UNESCO" arranged an om- to 28 April 2013 at Marina d'Or, Following the Final Declaration
nisports meeting in Paris against Oropesa de Mar, in the Castellón from the seventh World Confe-
a team from the UN in Geneva region of Spain. The Games serve rence on Sport and Environment
(UNOG). Both organizations conti- to bring worldwide participants of (25-27 October 2007, Beijing,
nued meeting in 1969 and 1970. the UN family together. The sports China), UNESCO became the lead
In 1971 the UN Geneva organized now include athletics, badminton, UN agency to carry it forward. As
the first multi-institutional sports basketball, bridge, chess, darts, organizers of the Games in 2008,
competition in Champéry, Swit- football, golf, pétanque, table ten- they aimed to help raise awareness
zerland. Ten agencies of the UN nis, tennis, volleyball, mountain and educate members and parti-
System with offices in Europe biking and swimming, as well as cipants in UNIAG about the need
participated. The Games included cricket and mixed volleyball, which to facilitate a healthy environment
the disciplines of chess, football, were added in 2013 to the long list and sustainable development in
table tennis, tennis and men's vol- of sporting and leisure activities. our connected and dependent
ley ball. Thus, the United Nations world.
Inter-Agency Games (UNIAG) was It is worth recalling the opening
initiated and the principle of alter- address delivered at the UNIAG by ITA M4RGUET
nating the venue and responsibi- the Director-General of UNIDO at
lity for making the arrangements the twentieth Games held in 1991 Note: Acknowledgement is given
spread among the UN organiza- in Baden, Austria. to UNIAG and related sources in
tions in Geneva, Rome, Vienna and preparing this text.
Paris. I believe the Games provide more
than a pleasurable diversion from
General Rules were adopted and the daily routine, more than an op-
the Games have expanded from the portunity for staff to pit their res-
original five disciplines to a long list pective skills against those of their
of sport and recreational activities colleagues, and more than simply
18 International