Page 14 - DIVA_2_2013
P. 14

wenty-two years ago on       adoption of the Constitution on    Nations, which is the main gua-
                27  October 1991, having    18 May  1992,  which enshrined     rantor of security and sustainable
         T received the support of the      in a legislative text the desire   development around the world.
         international community, Turkme-   and aspirations of the Turkmen     Our country consistently sets out
         nistan achieved the legal status of   people to build their secular and   its specific proposals in this area
         an independent State. This histori-  democratic State, in which the   from the rostrum of this autho-
         cal event has been the outcome of   first priority is the interests of the   ritative international organi-
         centuries-old-hopes that came true   individual. From the first years   zation. Assessing the activity
         and the aspirations of many genera-  of its independence, protecting   of Turkmenistan in the inter-
         tions of the Turkmen people. Twen-  the rights and freedoms of the    national arena, one can say that
         ty-two years is a short period of time   individual, and ensuring high le-  it is carried out consistently and
         in history. However, during this   vels of social and domestic living   purposefully in strict accordance
         by-historical-standards short time   standards for the people were    with the country's neutral sta-
         the young independent state and its   declared as the key directions of   tus, as well as taking into account
         people have witnessed fundamental   Turkmenistan State policy. Based   the real situation prevailing
         and far-reaching changes.          on these priorities, each stage of   in the region and the world at
                                            the country's development on       large. This has enabled Turkme-
         Today, under the leadership of     the path to a market economy       nistan to develop positive rela-
         the President Gurbanguly Berdi-    has been coupled with the adop-    tions with neighbouring countries
         muhamedov, Turkmenistan is a       tion of the necessary measures     and other countries further afield
         model of stability and social and   for the social protection of the   in the political, trade, economic
         public consensus, and demons-      population and providing unpre-    and humanitarian spheres.
         trates to the world convincing     cedented benefits for the citizens
         proof of the ambitious reforms of   of Turkmenistan that continue to   The basis of Turkmenistan's
         Turkmen society.                   this day.                          foreign policy originates in its
                                                                               neutrality -- peace-loving, good-
         Among the most important events    One of the main achievements of    neighbourliness, mutually bene-
         of the independence era was the    Turkmenistan during the years of   ficial cooperation and a strong
                                                    independence has been      commitment to the generally
                                                    its neutrality. Turkme-    recognized rules of international
                                                    nistan is highly commit-   law. Today, Turkmenistan, an au-
                                                    ted to the principles of a   thoritative and respected country
                                                    neutral legal status. This   in the world, is one of the key ele-
                                                    is evidenced by the fact   ments in regional stability and
                                                    that the Resolution "On    security.
                                                    the permanent neutra-
                                                    lity of Turkmenistan",     In order to ensure the economic
                                                    adopted on 12 December     security of Turkmenistan, the
                                                    1995, was reflected in the   main directions of the invest-
                                                    country's Constitution.    ment policy and industrial deve-
                                                                               lopment strategies of the country
                                                     Based on the status of    have been established.
                                                    permanent neutrality,
                                                    Turkmenistan streng-        Relying on cooperation with the
                                                    thens constructive coo-    United Nations, and the world's
                                                    peration with the United   leading research and educational

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