Page 42 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 42

September 21: International Day of Peace

                                         The Luarca Declaration

                                   and the Human Right to Peace

              The international day of   together all of our worldwide
                                     work, from peacekeeping and
              peace was established 26 years
                                     preventive diplomacy to pro-
              ago in 1981 by the United
                                     moting human rights and
              Nations General Assembly as
              an annual observance of glob-
                                     This work for peace is vital.
              violence and ceasefire. Every
                                     But it is not easy. Indeed, in
              year the United Nations and its
                                     countless communities across
              specialized agencies remind   the world, peace remains an
              the world that peace is the
                                     elusive goal. From the dis-
              highest good, peace with jus-
                                     placed person camps of Chad
                                     and Darfur to the byways of
                                     Baghdad, the quest for peace
              On 21 September 2007 UN
                                     is strewn with setbacks and
              Secretary-General Ban Ki-
              moon rang the Peace Bell at
              UN headquarters in New York
                                     September 21, the Inter-  sized that the human right to   effects of radiation in places
              in the company of UN
                                     national Day of Peace, is an   peace goes well beyond the   where atmospheric nuclear
              Messengers of Peace.
                                     occasion to take stock of our   mere prohibition of war, well   tests had been conducted, and
                                     efforts to promote peace and   beyond the imperative of dis-  reminded States of their obli-
              In Geneva a round table on the
                                     well-being for all people   armament. While the United   gation under article 6 of the
              human right to peace was held
                                     everywhere.             Nations Security Council   Non-proliferation Treaty to
              at the Council Chamber in the
                                                             retains the primary function of   negotiate with a view to com-
              Palais des Nations, moderated
                                     It is an opportunity to   ensuring international peace,   plete nuclear disarmament.
              by Professor Carlos Villán   appreciate what we have   the General Assembly, the   She also endorsed efforts to
              Duran, co-author of the book
                                     already accomplished, and to   Economic and Social Council,   adopt an International
             "La Declaración de Luarca
                                     dedicate ourselves to all that   the Human Rights Council and   Convention to Abolish
              sobre el Derecho humano a la
                                     remains to be done.     all subsidiary organs also have   Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). In
             paz", which has just been pub-
                                                             a mandate to work for peace,   this context she referred to arti-
              lished by Ediciones Madñ in
                                     It is also meant to be a day of   because peace is the raison   cle 11 of the Luarca
                                     global ceasefire: a 24-hour   d'être of the United Nations   Declaration, which stresses the
                                     respite from the fear and inse-  and all of its activities must   right to disarmament.
              The Luarca Declaration is a   curity that plague so many   serve this ultimate purpose.   Subparagraph 3 stipulates:
              product of Spanish academics
                                     places.                                          "Individuals and peoples have
              and civil society, adopted in
                                                             Civil society also has a   the right to the allocation of the
              Luarca, Spain, on 30 October
                                     Today I urge all countries and   sacred duty to work for peace.   resources freed by disarma-
              2006 and officially presented
                                     all combatants to honour this   The Luarca Declaration,   ment to the economic, social
              to the United Nations Human
                                     cessation of hostilities. And I   which takes a holistic   and cultural development of
              Rights Council on 15 March
                                     ask people everywhere to   approach to peace, covers its   peoples and the fair re-distri-
                    Participants in the
                                     observe a minute of silence at   many components, only one of   bution of such resources,
              Round Table were Luis
                                     noon local time. As the guns   which is the prohibition of the   responding especially to the
              Narvaez of Amnesty     fall silent, we should use this   use of force. Peace also entails   needs of the poorest countries
              International, Patricia Lewis,
                                                             the promotion of conditions of
                                     opportunity 	                                    and to vulnerable groups, in
              director of UNIDIR in
                                     ponder the price we all pay   social justice, the realization of   such a way as to put an end to
              Geneva, Ingeborg Breines,
                                     due to conflict. And we should   the right to development,   inequality, social exclusion
              Director of UNESCO in
                                     resolve to vigorously pursue   access to the necessities of life,   and poverty."
              Geneva, Andrés Guerrero of
                                     ways to make permanent this   including clean water and a
              UNICEF and myself.
                                     day's pause.            healthy environment. Peace is   Ingeborg
                                                             a condition to the enjoyment of   UNESCO recalled the famous
              It was my honour to read the
                                     On this International Day, let   one's culture and identity.   preamble of UNESCO's
              peace message of Secretary-
                                     us promise to make peace not   Peace and human dignity go   Constitution which stipulates:
              General Ban Ki-moon: "Peace   just a priority, but a   hand in hand.    "Since wars begin in the minds
              is one of humanity's most pre-
                                     passion. Let us pledge to do                     of men, it is in the minds of
              cious needs. It is also the
                                     more, wherever we are in   Patricia Lewis of UNIDIR   men that the defences of peace
              United Nations' highest call-
                                     whatever way we can, to make   spoke eloquently about the   must be constructed," Thus,
                                     every day a day ofpeace."   necessity of abolishing   what better place to start build-
                                                             weapons of mass destruction,   ing these "defences" than at
              It defines our mission. It drives                                       grammar school and high
                                     After reading the Secretary-  including nuclear weapons.
              our discourse. And it draws                     She deplored the long-term   schools, in the minds of youth?
                                     General's statement, I empha-
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