Page 43 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 43
Such is the thinking underpin-
area of peace and non-violence
education programmes.
Observers from several non-
governmental organizations,
including the Red Cross and
Citoyens du Monde also took
the floor to endorse the Luarca
declaration and stress the role
of civil society in creating a
culture of human rights..
In my final comments I
referred to the semantics of Dégustez nos sushi et sashimi au sushi-bar.
human rights and to the wide- N'hésitez pas a prendre place autour de nos tables "Teppan-yaki ".
spread misconceptions ema-
Venez découvrir le talent de nos cuisiniers, qui se feront
nating from the deliberately
misleading terminology which un plaisir de preparer des plats devant vos yeux.
postulates a false hierarchy of Nos Suki-yaki et Nabe sont servis dans nos salons
human rights. In Europe the "Tatami ", tradition oblige.
so-called 'first generation
rights' (civil and political) are
preferred over the "second
generation rights" (economic,
social and cultural) and are
deemed more important than
the "third generation rights"
(right to development, to a
clean environment, to peace).
Some observers even
question whether a human
right to peace exists, or
whether it is a chimera, a
recent invention of blue-eyed
idealists. The human right to
peace is surely not recent,
since the preamble and
Table de cuisson Salon Tatami
article 1 of the United Nations
Charter place peace at the very
heart of activity of the Restaurant de Gastronomie Japonaise
Organization and as its most
sacred goal. M IYAKO
This false hierarchy of rights 11, rue Chantepoulet - 1201 GENEVE
must be reversed, because the Tél. 022 738 01 20 - Fax 022 738 16 08 -
rights are really "enabling" << TAKE AWAY>>
rights, which allow us to enjoy
civil, political, economic,
the means and also the end of tems and should be adopted by La Declaración de Luarca
social and cultural rights.
human endeavor. Pax optima the Human Rights Council and sobre el Derecho Humano a
Instead, we could propose
rerum. then by the UN General ía Paz, edited by Carmen
three categories of rights: 1)
Assembly. A working group Rosa Rueda Castañón and
enabling rights such as peace;
The panel was closed by of experts shall then be Carlos Villán Durán, was
2) over-arching rights such as
Professor Villán Duran, who appointed to monitor compli- published Ediciones Madá,
equality, and 3) end rights such
gave a brief tour-d'horizon of ance with the Declaration and Granda, Siero, Spain 2007.
as the right to identity and cul-
ture, the right to be just who the drafting history of the to engage in promotional
Luarca Declaration, the activities, including support of
we are.
regional conferences that have the Millennium Development
Peace, however, is much more already been held and the Goals.
program of forthcoming con-
than an enabling right. Peace
ference. The Declaration will PROFESSOR
is also an over-arching right
be enriched by the input of all ALFRED DE ZAVAS,
and an end right. It is alpha and
world cultures and legal sys- GENEVA
omega, it is the starting point,
4 2007 Diva 41
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