Page 48 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 48

Living History:

                                       World Heritage S  :e

                                     Tenerife became the capital America.             teenth centuries. Ornate
                                     in the eighteenth century.                       fountains and statues adorn
                                                             San Cristobal dc La   Laguna   a variety of interesting
                                     World heritage Site                              squares and gardens that are
                                                             The city still conserves an air   well preserved. Several
                                     San Cristobal de La Laguna   of unmistakable stateliness   streets of significance are
                                     was declared World Heritage   from its long period of domi-  closed to traffic that offers
                                     Site on 4 December 1999.   nation. It can be seen in its   place and space for leisurely
                                     Designated by the UNESCO   layout, in the architectural   discovery.
                                     World Heritage Convention,   style of its buildings, with a
                                     it is recognition of unique   predominance of symmetrical   in,,   hlist
                                     international importance of   sash-windows, in the sturdy
                                     natural, man-made site, area   walls, framed in volcanic   Prior to the Spanish
                                     or structure deserving of   stone, and in the sober beauty   Conquest, the island's muse-
                                     special protection. It seeks to   of its main places of worship   ums provide vivid testimony
                                     protect and preserve cultural   and public buildings.   to the history, culture, occu-
             San Cristobal de La Laguna,  and natural heritage around the   It is an ecclesiastical capital,   pation and life styles and
             in Tenerife, Canary Islands,  world considered to be of out-  as well as the headquarters of   funerary rites of Guanche
             was founded in 1496 by  standing value to humanity.   different autonomous cultur-  settlers, the ancient cave
             Alonso Fernandez de Lugo                        al, scientific, research, histori-  dwelling people of Tenerife.
             before the conflicts with the  The universal accolade adds   cal institutions and museums.
             Guanches, its native people,  prestige to the historic heritage   The Bishop, the Curia and the   San Cristobal de La Laguna
             were brought to an end. The   of the city's development as a   Cathedral council reside in   is now a sprawling urban
             town took its name from a   laboratory in which new ideas   the city, and they have a   centre. A municipality of
             small seasonal pool that was   of an "organised city" were   Diocese Seminar and a   Santa Cruz de Tenerife, in
             formed in the Aguere valley,  experimented between the   College of Theology. It is   rank and inhabitants it is the
             in the north-east of the island,  fifteenth and sixteenth cen-  home to some of the best folk-  third most important of the
             just over six hundred metres  turies. La Laguna was con-  lore and significant religious   Archipelago. The city has
             above sea level. Before the   ceived as a balanced space,   processions and festivals in   become a melting pot of his-
             Spanish conquest, the Aguere   with no walls or defensive sys-  the Canary Islands that attract   tory, art, tradition, old
             valley was a crossroads on the   tems, planned for the peaceful   thousands of pilgrims and vis-  essence and young spirit
             grazing trails used by the   cohabitation of the citizens.   itors from the island and   whose main attractions are
             Guanche settlers.                                beyond.                 the cultural and artistic
                                    Its original layout, as recorded                  trends of its five centuries of
             From a flat and cleared land, a   by the Italian architect   Its famous university found-  Living History.
             mere twenty-five years after   Leonardo Torriani who served   ed in 1742 makes it the old-
             being founded, La Laguna   King Phillip II (reign 1556-  est in the Canary Islands.
             was already "much more   98), has remained practically   The Cathedral is renowned        R  2007r
             densely populated and better  intact in a well known ancient   as are the many churches
             than any other settlement in  map of the city. With its price-  and chapels bearing witness   Note: h hnoii'lerh,'eiucnt is
             the Canary Islands". Develop-  less cultural, artistic and mate-  to the sumptuous wealth of   fi%Cfl  to all source used in
             ment was basically due to the   rial heritage, it emphasizes the   the artistic treasures of La   preparation  of  this article.
             fact that merchants, farm  important role in the develop-  Laguna. Several religious   It Jbl/ot's a published text
             workers, craftsmen and  ment of the urban and social   orders were established   entitled
             tradesmen from Portugal,  trends which appeared in the   from early on with monas-  '%Iadon,,a:
             Geneva, Andalusia, Cata- Renaissance.            teries for Augustinians,   Cru:delarii (Tenerife) bj'
             lonia, Majorca, etc. settled                     Dominicans, Franciscans   Ita  Marguet, Fehruar,
             there right from the begin-  This urban conception, drawn   and Jesuits and convents for   2006,
             ning.                   up in a virgin area like a big   women's religious orders.
                                     compass pointing to every lat-
             For more than three centuries,  itude of the island, grew into   These buildings form part of
             La Laguna was the principal  an ideal city in a new   the historical heritage of the
             arbiter of the island as well as  period of history, a model that   old city along with its state-
             its largest city. Following vol- was soon taken to America.   ly mansions, civic, public
             canic eruption that caused  This model was consolidated   and other fine architecture
             serious decline, Santa Cruz de  and spread all over Spanish   from the sixteenth to eigh-

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