Page 52 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 52

Hàvard Homstvedt

                            the most promising Norwegian

                                        contemporary artist

             Remember that name!      prestigious Basel Art   Island School of Design   There seems to be a bit of the
             Hàvard Homstvedt! He     Fair, and his work is   (RISD) before I went to Yale   mystique left in the public
             is, according to some    shown by one of the    University, School of Art,   conception of the artist figure
             prestigious London art   most prestigious art   New Haven, CT.           there. I like that. Certain
             magazines, one of the    galleries in Norway --                          artists have become part of
             most promising contem-   Galleri Riis in Oslo.   Q: Why did you start to   the cast of characters that
                                      Despite the success,
             porary 	                                         paint?                  appear regularly in the media
             artists. We had the      international fame and                          in Norway. They have an
                                                              Nobody in my family are
             opportunity of meeting   recognition, 	                                  almost storied air to them. In
             him in his studio, hidden   Homstvedt is a modest   artists -- my father is an   the US, the art world is much
             away in the middle of    young man who has       engineer and my mother a   bigger but tends to be rather
             New Yorks China-town.    kept both feet on the   social worker -- so one can-  insular, and there's really very
                                      ground.                 not say that I come from a   few artists that cross over to
             Before coming to the                             typically artistic family.   become household names. In
             United States, he stud-  Q: Who are you?         Although, my siblings are   the end, it's not just the media
             ied art and design in                            both designers. I've always   image, it still is about the
             Norway. His work has     I grew up in Trondheim, but   liked manual work, and   work, and it really is just a lot
             been shown at the        moved to Oslo when I was   enjoyed arts and craft class-  of work. Hopefully, good
             Kantor/Feuer Gallery in   18. 1 finished my baccalau-  es in school. I started to do   work..
             Los Angeles, at IBID     reates there before starting at   watercolors on my own
             Projects in London, and   Asker Kunst og Design   quite young. My interest for   Q: You say that this is
             Southfirst in New York,   College, Asker. In 1999 I   this kept on growing, and   like work? Do mean that
             among others. This year,   went to Rome (European   then schooling came along.   you can just turn off the
             he was one of the very   Honours Programme), and                         creative button? Or
             few Norwegian artists to   then in 2000 1 graduated   Q: What is it like to be   would you rather say
             be presented at the      with a BFA from Rhode   an artist in Norway?    that when you are in the

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