Page 53 - DIVA_4_2007_No.31
P. 53

work. I think it is nice when
                                                                                      people come and talk to me
                                                                                       about my artwork.
                                                                                       However, it does not happen
                                                                                       all that often. When it
                                                                                       occurs it is often people who
                                                                                       do not have too much expe-
                                                                                       rience of the art world.
                                                                                       Nevertheless, I find it very

                                                                                       Q: So what are your
                                                                                       plans for the future?

                                                                                       Just keep going at it, and
                                                                                       sometime ahead find a place
                                                                                       where I can make a base to
                                                                                       work from.

                                                                                       Q: What about future

                                                                                       I now have a yearly plan for
                                                                                       future exhibits. I have
                                                                                       received several offers next
                                                                                       year to do things in London,
                                                                                       and also here in New York. I
                                                                                       would like to do some more
                                                                                       in NYC.

                                                                                       0: When you see one of
                                                                                       your paintings hanging
                                                                                       in somebody's home or
                                                                                       elsewhere, how do you
                                                                                       feel -- a kind of pride, or
                                                                                       have you turned the
                                                                                       page and moved on?

                                'Fold 2007, Acrylic and Charcoal on Papei:             Sometimes it's rather fright-
                                                                                       ening to see a piece of art-
             middle of it, you forget   inspiration come from?   Q: We also hear a lot
                                                                                       work again -- is it good
             everything around you.                           about an artist's frustra-  enough or not? It's good to
                                       Inspiration can come from   tion. What is yours?   exercise a certain amount of
             Its a very consuming      everywhere. I often work                        self-criticism, as long as it
             process, and I often have dif-  from found photos or scraps   Perhaps the feeling of not   does not hamper or handi-
             ficulties detaching myself   of imagery I've stumbled   being able to go out too   cap you.
             when I am in the middle of   upon. I keep a camera with   much -- perhaps you would
             it. Of course, there are sever-  me at all times, and take   call it a kind of claustropho-  Q: How many hours a
             al phases in the creation of   photos.           bia. I tend to spend quite a   day do you work?
             an artwork. In the beginning                     lot of time in my studio.
             it's very intense. You are   Q: How would charac-  Because I live and work in   Quite a lot -- long hours.
             throwing ideas around, and   terize your style?   the same place, it's true that
                                                                                       Right now I'm preparing a
             then you have to pick one.                       perhaps I do not get out   new art show in Oslo, Galeri
             When you are in the middle   I like textures, the feel of   enough. I just got a dog,
                                                                                       Riis, in December.
             of it, a huge amount of work   handicrafts -- the imprint, or   which helps. She let's me
             is involved before it starts to   weave, if you can put it this   know when it's time to get   For further information
             take on the shape you want.   way. Often a kind of textile   out and get some air, and
             Often it's quite hectic, as you   texture is present. I slowly   sniff the bushes.   wcw havardhonistvedt. corn
             may be working to strict   build up the picture and I
             deadlines.                work quite a lot on it to get   You do not get feedback
                                       the right effect.      from paintings -- you are not
             Q: Where does the                                there to represent your own

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