Page 42 - DIVA_1_2017
P. 42



           by Albert Pont, President, Catalan Circle for Business (

         In the first part of this article we re-  basic democratic mandate from the  moves by Spanish powers to create
         ferred to the historic, political, eco-  Catalan people. There have been no  false evidence incriminating Cata-
         nomic and cultural reasons that, for  political voices in Spain in favour of  lan political figures with the help of
         over three centuries, have under-  finding ways to reach an understand-  Spanish "patriotic" news media. In
         pinned the Catalan claim for self-  ing with Catalonia. The only "reply"  this connection, it is worth pointing
         rule. In this second part, we shall  from the Spanish Popular Party (PP)  out to the existence of secret record-
         provide readers with a succinct over-  government to the legitimate claims  ings, made by the Ministry of the In-
         view of the Catalan "Road Map" to  of Catalans that their political and  terior, that were made public due to
         independence together with the eco-  economic rights be respected and  the disputes between different "fac-
         nomic and legal consequences of the  about the need for a genuine political  tions" in the Spanish security bod-
         establishment of a Catalan Republic,  dialogue, has been the unprecedent-  ies and were then profusely covered
         both for the Catalan population, for  ed, extravagant and abusive role and  by Catalan and Spanish media, con-
         foreign residents in Catalonia, as well  the repressive powers vested to the  cerning the existence of a vast con-
         as for third country nationals hav-  Spanish Constitutional Court (SCC),  spiracy to discredit Catalan political
         ing to deal with a newly independent  that are contrary to democratic divi-  leaders and to prepare the ground for
         Catalan State.                     sion of powers and the rule of law, to  an intervention by the central Span-
                                            "prosecute and punish" Catalan po-  ish government to do away with the
         What can be Expected Next?         litical leaders and public officers and  remnants of Catalan autonomy.
         The will of the Catalans was expressed  the intensification of the "dirty war"
         peacefully and democratically in the  being waged by the Spanish state  The so-called "Operation Catalonia"
         last elections to the Catalan Parlia-  against Catalonia.            was organized by the Spanish Minis-
         ment held in September 2015. But                                     ter of the Interior (the leading candi-
         there has been a constant hostility  The "Dirty War" against Catalonia   date of the PP in Catalonia), employ-
         shown by Madrid towards Catalan in-  As it was revealed by the media, since  ing vast resources among the police
         stitutions, as well as contempt for the  2010 there have been undercover  forces, the public prosecutors and the

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