Page 44 - DIVA_1_2017
P. 44


         1) The Velvet Divorce Scenario:  after losing Catalonia's GDP, which  Parliament has resolved to begin the
         Agreed Secession.  The independ-  is now 20 per cent of Spain's current  process of "disconnection" from Spain
         ence of Catalonia is recognized by  GDP. Its debt-to-GDP ratio would  and the creation of an independent
         Spain, it becomes a full EU Member  soar to 114 per cent from the cur-  State. The "road map" includes sev-
         State, enters the UN and all the inter-  rent 100 per cent. This would make  eral options, such the possibility of
         national organizations, assumes its  Spain completely unsustainable. In  calling a referendum and the voting
         rights and duties under existing trea-  all these scenarios,  Spain would  on a draft Catalan Constitution. Un-
         ties, etc. Catalonia would then get  have only two options. It can either  like the non-binding consultation on
         full control of its own taxes, hence  recognize or not recognize an inde-  independence of 9 November 2014, if
         around USD 21 billion would not  pendent Catalan State. In spite of all  Spain won't agree to a referendum on
         syphoned away by Spain every year,  the (empty) threats and gloomy rhet-  independence, and it turns out to be
         and both parts would take their fair  oric engaged in by Spanish political  the chosen path, the referendum will
         share of Spain's public assets and  figures at home and abroad, if Spain  be called by invoking a new Catalan
         debt in application of the Vienna  chose not to recognize an independ-  legal system rather than the current
         Convention of 1983.                ent Catalonia, it could not apply any  Spanish law. On this point the key
                                            retaliatory or discriminatory meas-  lies with the prior approval of the law
         2)  The Sour Divorce Scenario:  ures against Catalonea either, since  on "Legal Transistorizes" that is cur-
         Unilateral Secession.  If Catalonia  its people would continue enjoying  rently being drafted in the Catalan
         secedes, despite Spanish opposition,  their status as EU citizens  .4   Parliament. The law could include a
         the effect on the economy will be                                    declaration of sovereignty, the rules
         closely related to Spain's success or  The Legal Perspective: the "Discon-  for calling a referendum and a set of
         failure in expelling Catalonia from  nect Laws" and the Voting of the  transitional regulations (some Span-
         the single European market and the  Catalan Constitution             ish legislation will continue to ap-
         euro.                              The democratically elected Catalan  ply just after independence) so as to
                                                                              avoid any legal uncertainty. It must
         3) This outcome would, in turn have                                  be emphasised that the idea of decid-
                                            4 More detailed information on the parti-
         two "sub-scenarios": a) secession in-  tion of assets and liabilities between the   ing the future of Catalonia by way of
         side the single European market,   independent Catalan State and Spain  a referendum is supported by over 80
         or b) secession  outside the single   can be found in "Delenda est Hispania"  per cent of the Catalan population.
         European market. In both cases, the   and "Adendum", both by Albert Pont.
                                            References to these and other related
         main impact would be on debt: Spain                                  In this regard, the CCN has urged
                                            publications can be obtained through the
         would retain its USD 1.3 trillion debt,   CCN website:   the United Nations to assist them in
                                                                              the organisation and implementation
                                                                              of a referendum on the future draft
                                                                              Constitution of the Catalan Republic,
                  ECOLE VARADI SA                                             presently also being elaborated by the
                                                                z             Catalan Parliament. The CCN recalls
                                                                              that the UN has in the past conduct-
                Around a language in 80 hours                    I!           ed referendums on the issue of self-
               French . English. German • Russian +33 languages   I!           determination, and is the best placed
                                                                              authority to ensure the authenticity
              Personalized programs from 1 t 20 lessons per week:
                          adults • adolescents • children                      of the vote while putting aside any
                 Special programs for companies, banks, organizations          controversy on the expression of the
                                                                               public will among the Catalan popu-
               School support and motivation in all subjects:
                   Math • French • German • English. all languages             lation. As Catalan Justice Counsellor
                     Preparation for English and French schooling              (Minister) Carles Mundó has put it:
                                                                              "The Catalan Road Map to inde-
               pecialized pedagogy for gifted children, ADHD, dyslexia
                                                                               pendence does not foresee any legal
                     Secretarial Diploma in 3 to 12 months                     vacuum. This is a process that goes
                Flexible schedule from 7 am to 10 pm - 7 days a week
                                                                               from the ballot boxes to the ballot
                         First lesson without commitment                       boxes, from the law to the law" It will
                                                                               encompass the full control of infra-
                    32, avenue de Frontenex - 1207 Genève                      structure, such as ports and airports,
                   022 736 28 74                          and the implementation of border
                                                                               control security commitments, in a

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