Page 45 - DIVA_1_2017
P. 45
manner that adheres to the agree- acquisition of Catalan nationality by take a legitimate role in the interna-
ments applicable to the territory of foreign residents will also be greatly tional community. To really under-
the new Catalan State. facilitated by authorities in an inde- stand the Catalan pro -independence
pendent Catalonia'. movement one should keep in mind
The Effects of Catalan Indepen- that, for the Catalans, independence
dence for Foreign Residents and A Happy Ending ... for All? is a project of hope and change. Hope
Third Country Nationals The massive demonstrations that in for a fairer, more advanced and more
Besides exercising effective control of 2016, once again, took place in some prosperous country, where democ-
the territory and ensuring the provi- racy works better and corruption
sion of goods and services to satisfy is eradicated. Change for a country
the needs of the population, the fu- "...Catalonia has the that, given the opportunity to man-
ture independent Catalan State will age its own resources, can become
have to guarantee the required legal potential to become one of the most dynamic in Europe'.
certainty and security throughout With an independent Catalonia, Cat-
the transition period and beyond. a powerful economic alans will not only be able to defend
and promote their own language and
Consequently, foreign residents in hub for the promotion culture, but the interests of all EU
Catalonia and third country nationals countries and the international com-
having to deal with situations invol- of industry, services munity will also be better served (in-
ving contractual or property rights or cluding through the secured repay-
other legal entitlements concerning and innovation in ment of a sizeable part of the present
assets falling under Catalan jurisdic- Spanish debt). In addition, Catalonia
tion will, without a doubt, be able to Southern Europe and has the potential to become a power-
maintain them and have them prop- ful economic hub for the promotion
erly enforced after the independence the Mediterranean of industry, services and innovation
of Catalonia. This will apply, for in- in Southern Europe and the Medi-
stance, to real estate properties or region..." terranean region (including for our
secondary homes in coastal areas or neighbours in the West of the Iberian
to the tax exemption for retirees from Peninsula). Last, but most certainly
the United Nations system residing of the main Catalan cities on the oc- not least, the independence of Cata-
on Catalan territory. All these rights casion of the Catalan National Day lonia could mark the beginning of a
and privileges will be preserved and, on 11 September and brought mil- "virtuous domino effect" to finally
most likely, enhanced. It is also worth lions of people to the streets were yet dismantle and overcome the nefari-
mentioning that the highest judicial another peaceful but resolute mani- ous Franco legacy both in the Re-
instance responsible for tax matters festation of the will of the Catalan public of Catalonia and in its future
in Catalonia, namely, the Catalan population to become a state and to (good) neighbour, the Kingdom of
High Court of justice' has been al- Spain.
ready directly interpreting and apply-
6 Contrary to the restrictive measures
ing the Convention of Privileges and
applied by Spanish authorities, Catalonia
Immunities of the United Nations for has traditionally displayed a clearly open
7 Open Democracy, Catalonia: a new
many decades now. Moreover, the and welcoming attitude towards newcom-
country in the making? by Jordi Sole i
ers and refugees. See also in this regard
the CCN Dossier about "The attribution Ferrando, 19 August 2015 (https://www.
5 The so-called "Tribunal Superior de of Catalan nationality", available at www. opendemocracy.netican-europe-make-
JustIcia de Catalunya".