Page 43 - DIVA_1_2017
P. 43


          judiciary in order to create false ac-  USD 5 billion loan requested by the  more industrially diversified and
          cusations of corruption and wrong-  Spanish government from the Eu-   more sustainable than in the rest of
          doing against the Catalan pro-inde-  ropean Central Bank to prevent the  Spain (and many areas of the EU).
          pendence leaders, that were regularly  collapse of the banking system (and  During the "crisis years", despite
          "filtered" to the media during the crit-  avoid an "intervention" by the EU),  the systematic financial suffocation
          ical periods prior to Catalan and  a mere USD 500 million have been  caused by the measures taken in Ma-
          Spanish elections. This must be seen  recovered from the banks (most of  drid, Catalan exports have increased
          in a political context in Spain charac-  them controlled by political cronies).  three-fold, and they have also aug-
          terised by a proliferation of instances                               mented their added value and their
          of corruption, indictments and ju-                                    technological content. Presently, only
          dicial proceedings against Span-         "Catalonia is well           one third of Catalan sales go to the
          ish PP political leaders and officials                                Spanish market'. Catalonia continues
          (as in the so-called "Arena'Gürtel"   placed and has all the          to attract international investments
          and "Bankia" cases) involving some    required technological          and, according to the well-known
          Presidents of Autonomous Commu-                                       economist Jeremy Rifkin, "Catalonia
          nities, town mayors, former treasur-  resources and assets to         is well placed and has all the required
          ers of the Popular Party (accused of                                  technological resources and assets to
          having operated a parallel system of   spearhead the "third           spearhead the "third industrial revo-
          illegal party contributions and kick-  industrial revolution"         lution" based on a collaborative and
          backs for over 20 years) and even                                     sustainable economic model, resil-
          members of the Spanish royal family.   based on a collabora-          ient to climate change"'.
          Moreover, after two general elections
          held over the course of one year, the   tive and sustainable          But, what will be the effect of the "split-
          PP has been incapable of securing a                                   ting" of the huge Spanish debt bur-
          stable majority. Spain is thus "man-  economic model, resil-          den on a newly independent Catalan
          aged" by a caretaker PP government                                    State? A recently published analysis of
                                                ient to climate change"
          that refuses to be accountable to the                                 the "Economics of a Catalan Secession
          elected representatives of the Spanish                                from Spain" reaches the following en-
          Parliament (Cortes) and whose only                                    lightening conclusions, based on dif-
          objective seems to be to continue us-  The rest will have to be shouldered  ferent political scenarios':
          ing the Spanish Constitutional Court  by many generations of Spanish tax
          as a tool to repress the claims and as-  payers. Given the prevalence of cor-
                                                                                1 See the journal "Elpuntavui", 3 October
          pirations of Catalans while it goes on  ruption scandals, indebtness and re-  2016.
          exploiting them.                   pression, the worst case scenario for   2 "A New Economic Paradigm for a sus-
                                             Catalans is, clearly, to remain part   tainable Catalonia", a conference organ-
                                                                                ized by Diplocat in Barcelona on 1 Octo-
          The Economic Perspective: the  of Spain. As we explained in the first
                                                                                ber 2016.
          "Splitting" of Spanish Debt        part of this article, the nature of the
                                                                                3 "Here are the economics of a Cata-
          The Kingdom of Spain is riddled with  Catalan economy is fundamentally  lan secession from Spain", by Alfons
          a huge unpayable debt. Presently, the  different from the oligarchic canvas   LOpez Tena and Elisenda Paluzie, Busi-
          public indebtness of the country is  prevalent in most areas of the Span-  ness Insider UK, Feb. 24 2016 (http://
          just over 100 per cent of the Gross  ish State. Catalan economic activity
                                                                                catalan-secession-from-spain-201   6-
          Domestic Product. From an over  is firmly rooted in the real economy,   2?r=US&IR=T

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