Page 3 - DIVA_3_2009
P. 3

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               "Diva     International
                   3   Interview    with   Ala   Almoman,    the   newly   appointed    Chef
                       de  Cabinet   at  the   International    Organization    for
                       Migration    (10M)
                   6   Inteiview    de  Son   Excellence,    Monsieur    Babacar
                       Mbaye,   Ambassadeur,    Repr6sentant    Permanent    du
                       S6n6gal   aupres   des   Nations
                                                 Unies   et  des   Agences
                      Sp6cialis6es    A   Geneve   ;   Ambassadeur    du  S6n6gal
                      aupres   de  la  Conf6d6ration    Helv6tique
                  9   Interview    with   His  Excellency    Mr.  Abdulla    Abdullatif
                      Abdulla    Ambassador    Extraordinaiy    and
                      Plenipotentiary,Permanent    Mission    of   the   Kingdom    of
                      Bahrain   to  the   United   Nations   Office   and   Specialized
                      Institutions    in  Geneva
                  12    GENEVA   HAS   A  VERY   SPECIAL   ROLE   AS   AN   INTERNATIONAL   CITY
                      INTERVIEW    WITH   PHILIPPE   SEDNAOUI,    CEO   of
                      Barclays    Wealth   in  Switzerland
                  15    Interview    with   Steve   Killelea:    Philanthropist    and
                      founder    of   the   Global   Peace   Index
                  17    "The   Famine   Scam"
                  19    NUTRITION    IN  A  NUTSHELL?    Interview    with   Huub
                      Verhagen    of   Ms:decins    sans   Fronti6res
                  22    The   De-Motivation    Vicious    Circle
                  24    NEW   MASTER   IN   INTERNATIONAL    TRADE
                      RELATIONS    AT  IUG
              Human   Rights
                 25    PEC   AWARDS   2009
                 25    THE   PATH   TO  PEACE   IN  ISRAEL   PALESTINE
                                                             by  Zeki
                 28    INTERVIEW   wrrs   AKON
                 29    Interview    with   Dowoti   Desir   Executive    Director    of   the
                     Malcolm    X  and   Dr  Betty   Shabazz   Memorial    and
                     Educational    Center   New   York
                 31   Durban   11  par   Andrea   Varadi
                 32    Interview    with   Nazanin   Afshin-Jam,    President,    Stop
                     Child   Executions    (SCE),   by  Nicolas-Emilien    Rozeau
                 34    Le  rave   am6ricain    de  Karl   Bodmer    par
                     Jean-Michel    Wissmer
                 36    Le  Salon   Africain
                                     du  Livre,   de  la  Presse   et  de  la
                     Culture   de  Geneve   par   Tcliaptcliet   Jean-Martiii
                 37   PROMOUVOIR    LE  LIVRE   AFRICAIN    EN  FRAN(,AIS
                     par   Tchaptchet    Jean-Martin
                 38    UN  ESPACE   DE  DECONSTRUCTION
                                                     DES   MYTHES
                     par   Tchaptchet    Jean-Martin
                 40    Astonishing    Van  Gogh   in  Basel:   Between   Earth   and
                     Heaven   by  Kyra   NOriez
                 41   des  Arts   et  des  homines
                     Francia   pone   de  moda   los   sombreros
                     de  paja   de  iraca   par   Juan   Gasparini.
                44    Ita's   world
                45    Le  coin   de  l'6ducation
                46    Hayward   Beywood    Column
                48    Ambassadress
                                                                                                   3  2009  Diva  1
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