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the  websites   of   each   mission,  you   may   not   see  the  immediate  ccording   to  some,   my   foresiglit
                                      you   would   find   descriptions    of  results   of  your   work.   However,  and   intuition.
                                      these   activities.   But,   as  I  have  you   have   the   exposure    to
                                      already   said,  it's  not   generally  political     processes     and  Q:    You    are    of    Iraqi
                                      ath'active   for   the   media.  colleagues   from   a  wide   range  descent.
                                                               of  disciplines,    whichmakes    this
                                      There   are  many   things   that   we  career   experience    invaluable.  I'm    proud    of   being    from
                                      do  in  the  field   that   are  recogni-  You   merely   work   toward   the  Mesopotamia,    which    means
                                      zed  by  the   local  population.    It   is  success   of   the  mandate   of   that  "the   counhy   between   the  two
                                      important    for   the   peace:keeping  inission.   In  duty   stations,   there  rivers".   It  is  one  of   the  world's
                                      mission   that   the  local   popula-  is  a  general   mandate,   and  the  oldest    civilizations,    and   I'm
                                      tion   recognizes    it.   It   is   an  results   are  not   as  visible   as  the  proud   to  be  Iraqi.   I'm   honoured
                                      importantjob    forinfomiationto  ones   we   see  in   the  field.  to  be  Swiss   too.  I  have   three
                                      reach   not  only   the  public   but            passports-one    Iraqi,   one
                                      also    the    international  Q:  What   do   you   consider  Swiss,   and   one   UnitedNations!
                                      journalists.    I    think    that   our  to  be  your   main   achieve-
                                      colleagues    in   the   field   are  ments?     Q:  One   of   these   passports
                                      ttying   to  do  their   best   and   they       is  neutral    and   another    one
                                      place   a lot   of  infomiation    on  the  I  think   my   achievement    is  that  is  for   service    to   humanity:
                                      web   and   work   by   interested  the    work    in    the    various  the   United    Nations.
                                      joumalists.              Headquarters    departments    or
                                                               services   where   I   have    been  Before   I  joined   the  UN,   I  had
                                      Q:   Some   people    say   that  located,    or   the   peacekeeping  published    many   articles    in
                                      being   in  the   field   is  when  operations     where    I    have  Arabic    newspapers    about   the
                                      you    really   know   that   you  worked,     have    functioned  United     Nations,     not    only
                                      are   doing    a  useful    job.   Do  smoothly    and   with   high   morale  because   of   my   close   proxitnity
                                      you   share    this   point    of  and   teamwork.    Even   since   my  to,  and   contact   with,   the  United
                                      VieW?                    most  junior   days,   I  have   shown  Nations    and   its   specialized
                                                               that  I  can   implement   the   visions  agencies   but   because   I  was   in
                                      Actually,    I  would   like   to  put   it  -the     mandate-of     my  charge   of   the   Division    of
                                      differently.    In   the  field   you   can  superiors   effectively    and  effi-  United     Nations     and
                                      immediately     see,    relatively  ciently.   My   real   acievement,  Intemational     Organizations    at
                                      speaking,    the  results    of   your  if   one  caii  suminarize    it,  is  to  the   Arab   League   in  Geneva.   At
                                      work,   whether   it  is  in  a  peace  have    used    effectively     my  one  stage  there   was  even   an
                                      building     or    peacekeeping  accumulated    and   diverse   expe-  Arabic     newspaper     here    in
                                      Mission.   Meanwhile,    in  a  duty  rience,    adaptability     in    all  Geneva   during   that   time.   My
           i                          station   or  at  {TN   Headquarters  prevailing    sihiations    and,   a  puipose    was   to   promote    the

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