Page 7 - DIVA_3_2009
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More   than   at  any   other   time   in
                                                                                       recent   istoiy    -  migration    it+  its
                                                                                       various    forms   is   rel:ated    in
                                                                                       critical     measure     to    labour
                                                                                       migration     and    the    global
                                                                                       economy.    This   phenomenon
                                                                                       corresponds    to   demographic,
                                                                                       economic    and   labour    market
                                                                                       dynamics:   the  growing   labour
                                                                                       demands     and    deficits     in
                                                                                       industrialized    countries   due  to
                                                                                       ageing    populations     and
                                                                                       dramatically    declining    birth
                                                                                       rates,   combined    with    rapid
                                                                                       population    growth    and   the
                                                                                       search   for  employment   in   much
                                                                                       of  the  developing    world.   Other
                                                                                       factors   drive   human   mobility,
                                                                                       such   as  climate   change,   natural
                                                                                       disasters,     conflicts     and
                                                                                       instability.    Moreover,    the  cur-
                                                                                       rent   global   financial    crisis   adds
                                                                                       further   sei'ious   complications.
             work    of   the    UN    and    its  Therefore    it  is  not   solely    an  '[JNHCR    and  the  peace   buil-
             agencies,   some   of   which   were  administrative     function,  ding   process.  I  knew   IOM   from   my   t'me   in
             unknown    to  the   general   public.  especially    as  there   is  already   a  Geneva   as  a  delegate   and   from
             For   instance,   in  those   days   the  Director     dealing     with  Q:  So   you   will    be  one   of  time   spent   in  the  field.   Now   I
             International     Trade    Centre  Administrative    Support.    The  the   key   players    at   10M?  am   learning    more   about    the
              (ITC)   was   playing   a  huge   role,  Chef   de  Cabinet   organizes   the  Orgaxiation    from   the  inside.
              and   I  stin   believe   that   its  work  work    with    the   other    depart-  It  is  a very   challenging   position,  As  far  as  the  mandate   of   the
             represents     a   considerable  ments,   in   coordination     with  although   I  have   been   used   to  organization    is  concemed,   we
              acievement.    It  operates   in  its  their   respective   Heads   and  all  siinilar    challenges    throughout  have   a  major   challenge   before
              field   to  promote    trade   in  deve-  IOM   colleagues,   according   to  my   career.   As  one  of   my   {JN  us,   but   also   a  number    of
              loping   counti'ies.   It  only  has  one  the   Director    General's    vision  colleagues    said  to   me:   "Aha,  potential     opporkunities,     in

             meeting    a year   to   adopt    its  and   insttuctions.    He   is  the  filter  you    are    the    example     of  increasing    IOM   services    to
             budget.   The   rest  of   the  time   it  between   the  secretariat   and   the  mobility."    This   was   because,  Member     States   ,   despite
              works   to  carg   out   its  mandate.  outside     world-meaning  when   I  retiu'ned   to  '[JNOG,   I  economic    austerity   as  Member
              Other   articles   were   published    at  Member    States,   our   offices  had   been   moving    from   one  States  and  other   govemments
              the    time    regarding     ITU,  abroad   (because   IOM   has  430  position    to   another-from  seek   to  address   new   economic
              ECOSOC,    the   {JN   Secretaiy  regional    and  national    offices  Director     of    Publication  realities.    IOM   is   proud   to
              General   and   others.  worldwide).            Services,   to  Chef  de  Cabinet   of  support     the    intemational
                                                              the  UNOG    Director    Geneial,   to  corrmunity    in   addressing   the

              Other   agencies,   as  you   know,  There   is   a lot   of   incoming  Director    of  Central    Planning  problems     associated     with
              have   a  mandate   split   between  infomation    and   requests   for  and   Coordination    Sei'vice   of  the  migration    and   I  am  pleased   to
              iinpleinenting    programines    and  infoi'mation.     The    Chef   de  Division     of    Conference  play   my   part   in  assisting   the
              address'mg   political    matters.  Cabiiiet's   job   is  to  orgarme   it,  Management    and   tlien   I  moved  new   Director    General,    Mr.
                                      and  then   to  coordinate    follow-  again   in  Febniaiy    this   year.  William     Lacy    Swing,     in
              Q:    Congratulattons     on  rip    inside    and   outside    the      implementing    his   important
              your    new   position    as   Chef  Organization...    At   the   same  I   believe    that,   whoever    is  programme     for    the
              de   Cabinet     of   the   IOM.  tiine,   the   Director-General's  concerned,    mobility    has   its  Organization.
              Does   this    mean   that   you  visions   and   inshuctions    have   to  merits   and   I  also   tliink   of  it  as  a
              will   be  in  charge    of   admi-  be    implemented     and  challenge.    It  is  not  simply   a  Thank  you.
              nistration?             information    filtered   to   .  The  question   of   moving   from   one
                                      appropriate    infonnation     must  place   to  another,   but   whatever
              First   of   all,  I  would   like   to  say  go  to  the  appropi'iate    levels.   As  the   field    of  expertise    there
              that   it  was  an  honour   that   Mr.  you   know,   97  per   cent   of   IOM  sliould     be    challenges     -
              William    Lacy   Swing,   the  new  staff   is  field-based    and  only   3  sei'vices,   political,    administra-
              Director     General     of   IOM,  per  cent   at  Headquaiters    (200  tion.   Each   ofthese   challenges   is
              appoMed    me  to  tlffs   position.  staff  members).   With   my   expe-  important   for   career   develop-
              Chef  de  Cabinet   is  a managerial  rience,   in  tlie   field   as  well   as  at  ment.
              position   to  assist   the  Director  Headquarters,    I    think    I    can
              General   to  iinplement    his   man-  fulfil   the  tasks   entrusted   to  me  Q:   Now    you    are   dealing
              date.   The   inciunbent    should   not  by  the   Director    General.   As   you  with   migration,    one   of   the
              only   liave   wide   adininistrative  laiow,   IOM   works   closely   w'th  biggest    challenges    of   the
              experience   and  personal   skills  the  UN    cou'ihy   teain   in  the  twenty-first    century?
              but    also    political     acumen.  field   and   is  partner   of  the   UN   in
                                      many   fields,   especially    with
                                                                                                   3  2009   Diva   5

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