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P. 11


                                   Interview        with   His   Excellency
                        Mr.  Abdulla                 Abdullatif                Abdulla

                   Ambassador         Extraordinary        and   Plenipotentiary,Permanent
               Mission     of   the   Kingdom     of   Bahrain    to  the   United   Nations   Office

                                 and   Specialized       Institutions     in  Geneva

             The   Ambassador    is                                                          There    was   a    lot   of
             a    dedicated     man                                                          development    in  tenns
             and,   by   the   time   this                                                   ofliumanrights    issues,
             interview     is   publis-                                                      the   empowennent     of
             hed,   His   Excellency                                                         women   and  lately   we
             will   be   ranking    even                                                     have    accomplished
             higher-as                                                                       some    challenging
             Undersecretary     in                                                          1  a  b  o  u  r  -  m  a  r  k  e  t
             the    Ministry     of                                                          refoims.
             Foreign     Affairs     for
             the    Kingdom     of                                                           Recently,     we
             Bahrain.      We                                                                establislied     a   long-
             understand    why   he                                                          tenn    economic
             was    given     this                                                           strategy    for    Bahrain
             promotion     because                                                           2030   (The   Economic
             he   is   not    only    an                                                     Vision     2030    for
             excellent     diplomat,                                                         Babrain).   We  are  very
             hard    working    and                                                          keen   that   by  2030   the
             generous,    but   he  is                                                       income     of    each
             also    very    good    at                                                      Bahraini     household
             promoting     his                                                               will   be  at  least   double
             country.    Among    the                                                        what   it  is  now   iii   real
             Gulf   States,    Bahrain                                                       tei'iris.   We   are  hying   to
             is   known    to   be   a                                                       diversify    our   economy
                                      tional   organizations.    It  lias   been  LIFA,    King   of   Babrain,    His
             pleasant    place   to  live,   an                                       basically    to  be  more   proactive,
                                      a very   good   expei'ience,   dealing  Highness    Shaikh   Khalifa   Bin
             open   society    and   a  place                                          and  we   always    feel  that   our
                                      particulai'ly    with   human   rights  Sahnan   AL-KHALIFA,    Piiine
             where    women    have   equal                                           main   asset  is  our   people.   Thus,
                                      issues.   Since   I  an'ived,   with   the  Minister    and   His   Highness
             rights    with   men.   Here,   you                                       we   are   working    to    attract
                                      discrediting    of   the   Human  Sliaikh   Salman  Biii  HainadAL-
             will   find   women    working    in  Rights    Coinmission    and   tlie  KHALIFA,     Crown    Pi'ince   -  foreign    ii'iveshnent     in   high-
             all   professions.    It    is   far                                      tecli,   in   cominunications,    iii
                                      establishinent     of  the   Human  were   keen   that  we  should   do
             from     the    clich6s     that                                          banking,   factories,   etc.,  and   to
                                      Rights   Corincil,    we   liad   a  lot   of  our   uhnost   and   go  through   this
             many    might    hold    about                                            concentrate    on  igli-wage    jobs.
                                      work   to  do.  We  prepared   our-  process.   We   liad   a veiy   success-
             the   Middle    East.                                                     We   have   had   very   good   econo-
                                      selves   to  become   a  Member    of  ful   {JPR   process   and   we   beca-
                                                                                       inic   growfl'i   over   the  last   five   to
                                      the  Hrunan   Rights   Council,   and  me   a  model.
             It's   not    often    we   meet   a                                      six  years,   wlffch   has  been   sus-
                                      unfoitunately    the  lots   were   not
             man    who    is   as   proud    of  with   us.  We   have   a  lot   of  good   stories   to  tainable   at  around   6%.
             his    country     as    His                     tell   the   world   about  the   positive
             Excellency.     Before     giving                                         As  you   know,   the  oil   produc-
                                      We  only   had   one  tei'in   of   one  human   rights   development    that
             him   the   floor,    the   Diva                                          tion   of  Bal'irain   is  veiy   limited,
                                      year   as  a  Member    of   tlie  is  taking   place   in  Babrain.   bl
             team   wanted    to   wish   him                                          so  we   have   decided   to  diversify
                                      Human     Rights     Council.  addition   to  that,   Her   Highness
             the   very   best   of   success    in                                    our   economy-aluminium,

                                      Honestly,    it   was   a histoi'ical  Shaikha   Sabeeka   Bint   Torahim
             his    new    endeavours.     We                                          petrocheinicals,    etc.   We  have
                                      event.   Then   by   establishiiig    the  AL-KHALIFA,    Wife   of    His
             are   quite   sure   that   he   will  new   body,   there    was   a new  Majesty   the  King   of   Bahrain,  an    economic     development

             continue     putting     Bahrain  mechanism-the    Universal  has  been   working    very   hard   to  board   chaired   by  His   Highness
             on   the   world    map!                                                  the  Crown   Prince.
                                      Periodic    Review    (UPR).    We  empower    women   in  all   aspects
                                      were   chosen   to  be  the   first   one  of  life-economically,    socially,
             Q:    First     of    all,    your                                        Tlie   Pi'iine   A/Iinister   was   here   in
                                      to  go  through   that   process,   so  politically,    etc.
             Excellency,     congratula-                                               Genem   receiving    a  prize   from
                                      we   had   lot   of  work   to  do.
             tions    on   your    new    posi-                                        the   United    Nations    Human
                                                              We   were   tl'ie  fu'st   countiy   in  the
             tion.                                                                     Setklements    Programme     (UN-
                                      hi   theory,   matters   are  clear,   but  Arab    and   Islamic    world    to
                                                                                       HABITAT)    for   housing   deve-
                                      in   practice     things    are   not  nominate    a  woman    as  the
             Thank   you   so  mucli.   I  will   be                                   lopment.    His   Highness    the
                                      always   that  easy.  We  worked  President     of    the    General
             leaving    Geneva    after    almost                                      Crown    Prince    was   here   too
                                      very   hard   and   oir   leadership   iii  Assembly    and   we   liave   two
             four   years   where   I  have   been                                     addressing    tlie   Intemational
                                      Balmain-His    Majesty    tlie  women   in  the   Govenunent...
             dealing   with   all  of   the  intei'na-                                 Laborir   Organization.    As  you
                                      King   Hamad   Bin   IsaAL-KHA-
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