Page 16 - DIVA_3_2009
P. 16

Q:  Is  your   bank   reserved  successfully    as    large   clients  We  pay   particular   attention   to  are  in   a  neutral   position-we
              for   extremely    wealthy    per-  througli   mutual   :auids,   tl'u'ough  the   people   who   have   their  will   go  for   what   makes   most
                                       special  inyestinentprograt'nu'nes
              sons,   or  is  it  possible    for              busiiiess   life   and  their   careers  sense.  The   same  is  also  tnue
              more   "ordinary"    people   to  that  the  financial   markets.  in  these  organizations.    Tl'iey  about   the  investments    that   we
              benefit     from    your                         are   an   important   and  a   local  look   at.  We  look   at  the  whole
              expertise?               Q:  What   can   people   do  in  element   tliat   foi'ms   opinions  world   as  a place   to  inyest.
                                       order   to  benefit    from   your  in  tlie  Geneva   market.   Tlieir
              In   Switzerland   we   focus   on  services?    positioii    and  tlieir   intet'natio-  Q:    If    people     leave
              Wealth    management.     We                     nal   culture   helps  us  ver'y  triuch  Geneva,    can   this   rela-
              manage   wealth,    but   wealth  Mattluas   Ei'ismaiui   is   the  best  in   adapting   to   the   evolving  tionship     continue    and
              does  not  tieed  to  be  extremely  person   to    contact;    lie  ltas    a  needs   of   that   international  could     I benefit    from  the
                                       whole   team  of   dedicated   peo-  seginent.
              lffgli   for   us  to  do  busuiess.   The                               same    services    if   I   were
                                       ple.  If  clients   are  geograpical-
              way  we  organize   ourselves   is                                       based,    for   instance,     in
              tliat   we  liave   dedicated   teatns  ly  close,   we  can quickly   organi-  This   provides   118  with   some  New   York?
              wlio   will   manage   different   seg-  ze  a  meeting,   explain   the  situa-  veiy   interestiiig    aspects  tl'iat
              ments   of  clients    with    their  tion   and  show   them   what   we  are   reflected   in  inveshnents.  Yes,   absolutely.    Oi'ie    wortld
              respective   requirements.  can  do  for   them.   We  are  extre-  You  will   find  people   from   dis-  first   look   at  the  tax  situation
                                       mely   flexible   about   meeting  tant  regions   who   are    better  depending   on tlie   new  place   of
                                       them.   At   tl'ie  outset,   if   a   rela-
              At   Barclays   Baiik   (Suisse)   SA            infonned   and  understand   cer-  residence.   We    can    certainly
                                       tionsliip   is  started,   clients   will
              we  have  a  dedicated   team,  led              tain   risks   tliat   are  not   necessa-  advise   people   before   they

              by  Mr   Mattlffias   Ei'ismatui,   who  receive   a  dedicated   relatiotts-  rily   obvious   for   a Westertt  make   a  move   whether   it  is
              focuses   on   Switzerland   with  hip   manager   with   wliot'n   they  European.   Somebody   cotning  better   for   tliem    to    transfer
              clients   who   are  not  among   the  will   be   able  to   conduct   their  from   Asia   may   rmderstand  tlieir   assets  to  our  New   York
                                       day-to-day    communication,
              absolutely   wealtliy,   but  rather             better   a  paiticular    Asian   tele-  office   to  be  managed   there   or
              "cornfortable".    Tlxey   haye   good  conduct    business   and   hold  couu'nuuication    cot'npany,   etc.  to  be  neutral-to    keep  them
              careers-people    froin   iittema-  meetings.   These  relationship  Tl'iat   is  what   Geneva   is  about  liere.   (ur   aiin   is  definitely    to
              tional   organizations   and  mrilti-  managers   will   then   call   upon  as  a  banking   centre.   It  ts  qutte  continue   to   sei've  our  clients
              nationals.               different   specialists   who   tnay  unique   in  comparison    to  New  wlierever    tl'iey   are   on   the
                                       be  needed   to  advise   on  diffe-  York,    London     and    Hong  globe.
                                       rent   products   and   specialty
              Q:  What   might   you    offer                  Koi'ig,   wbich   are  liuge   fit'ian-
              the    international     com-  areas.            cial   centres   but   each  with  their
              munity    in  particular?                        own   culture.   New   York   is  an
                                       Q:  What   Barclays    Wealth  American    financial    centre;
               We  provide   a  fiill   inveshnent  offers   in  Switzerland';'  London   is   primarily    a  UK   or
              offer  and  cait  lielp  people   to             European    financial    centre,
              fiiid   flexible   solutions   to  orga-  We   liave   our   lieadquarters  Hong    Kong    is   Asian.
              nize  their   wealtli   botl'i  legally  here  in  Geneva,   and  Geneva  Switzerland    in  that  sense  is   a
              and   fiiiancially   and  tliere  are  lias  a   yery   special   role  as  an  ti'uly   international     financial
              some  fairly   siinple   answers   as  inteniational    city   for   multina-  centre.  We  do   not  liave   any
              tlie   majority    of  intet'national  tionals    and    international  bias  on  ctu'rency,   so   when   we
              people   need  tlie  same  kjnd   of  organizations.  liold   a  position   for   a  client   we
                 14  3  2009   Diva

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