Page 20 - DIVA_3_2009
P. 20

Q:   The    Niger    authorities  Q:  You   have   won   interna-  conflict     has    been    written
                                      have    blocked     access     by  tional     prizes     for    this  about    in   The   Guardian,    as
                                      M6decins         sans    documentary    film.   Why   is  well   as  in  several   Noi'wegian
                                      Frontiires    France    to   the  it   not    possible    to   see   it  newspapers.     Swedish
                                     country.    Do   you   have   any  on    other    TV    channels  Television     (SVT)     made    a
                                     explanation?              outside    Norway?      report   on   this   conflict    with   the
                                                                                       BBC    in    November     2008
                                     I    do   not   know    the   specific  A   major    part   of   the   film  (Korrespondentarna).
                                     reason    for    the    Niger  consists     of    BBC    archive
                                     Government's     decision     to  material,    wich    we  had   pur-  Q:  The   film   raises    a  lot   of
                                     block    MSF   France,    but   it  chased   from   the  BBC   ahead  questions     about     the
                                     might   have   something    to  do  of   the    actual    production.  media    as  such,    but   also
                                     with    the   situation    in   2005.  Normally,     we  produce    films  about    humanitarian    aid
                                     MSF   was  in  the  forefront    of  only   for   the  Norwegian    mar-  organizations.     What     is
                                     the    international     media's  ket.  Thus,   we  only   acquired  your   view    of   them    after
                                     coverage    of   the   situation    in  the   rights   to  show   this   archive  this   experience?
                                     the   counhy.   The   President    and  material     in    Norway.
                                     the   then   Prime   Minister    were  Immediately     after    the  In  my   opinion,    the   media   has
                                     labelled    as  "typical     comipt  documentary    was   broadcast    in  always     had    a   different
                                     African     leaders"     who    did  Noi'way,    we   received    requests  approach   to  humanitarian    aid
                                     nothing    about   the  suffering    of  from   many   countries   to  buy  organizations    tlian    to   other
                                     tlieir   people.   The   Goverent  the   film.   Unfortunately,    we  subjects   that   they   cover.   The
                                     was   irritated    about   the   way  liad   to  direct   these   inquiries    to  story   about   Niger   in  2005   is
                                     their   counti'y    was   portrayed  the  BBC   so  that   they   could  only   one   case   among   many
                                     by   the  media   during   tlie   sum-  clear   the  rights   to  broadcast  others   ilhistrating    the  need   of
                                     mer   of  2005.   Niger   is  a  relati-  tlie   archived    material    in  each  joru'nalists    to  use  fair   approa-
                                     vely   peaceful    country    witli   an  counhy.    However,    the   BBC  ches   and  raise   critical   ques-
                                     elected   President    and   an  elec-  ignored    these   inquiries    and  tions   about   the  humanitarian

                                     ted   Government.        thereby     blocked     all  industiy,    as aborit   any  other
                                                               distribution    of   the  film.   This  indushy.


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