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Barclays   as  a   Group,   was  per-  regions   more  than  others  but  the   nature   of  the   investinent  ting   from   the  market   losses  suf-
                                                                                      fered  by  most  people,   "mespecti-
            ceived   to  be  safer.  Our   deposits  certainly   influences   Europe   and  banker.   How   do  we  do  it?  First  ve  of   the  size  of   their   wealth,
            went   up  by  19%   last  yeg.   We  the United   States.  Therefore,   we  we  get  a better  understanding    of  over  the  last two   years   this  crea-
            have  continued   to   do  business  are  still   being   careful.  what   his/l'ier   real  agenda   is,  and
                                                             where   he/she  wants  to  go  as  a  tes   a  paralysis   and  refusal   to
            and  our  lending   grew   by  31o/o                                      take  risk   at  a  time   when   there   is
            last  year.              Q:  In  a   previous    interview,  private   person,   not  as  the  presi-
                                     you    talked     about     the  dent  of  a  company.   We  then  no  clear  consensus   as  to  wliether
            Neveriheless,   we  are  facing   a  concept    of  private   invest-  involve    our  investtnent   bank,  the  ci'isis  is  really   over.
            very   difficult   market   situation.  ment   banking.    What   exact-  Barclays   Capital.   Is  it  a   question  Cleai'ly,   the  apparent   conclusion
             In  this  complicated   economic  ly  is  this   and   for   whom   is  it  of   providing   more   liquidity   or  of   our  study  is   that,  wile   the
             environment,    we  are  careful   and  designed?  helping   them  to   organize   the
                                                             next  steps  in owning  tbe  compa-  opportunities    are  there   and reco-
             are  controlling    our  costs.  By   eli-                               gnised  by   investors,   they   see  no
             rninating   superfluoris   expendi-  hz  the  last  fifteen  yeai's,   we  have  ny  in  different   manners,   before  reason  to  rush   and prefer  to  play
             ture,  we  have   reduced   our  costs  witnessed  major  wealth   creation  they  put  it  out  in  international  safe.  Tlus   is,  in simple  tei'ins,  the
             by   4%  last  year.  Wbile   we   have  in  new   regions   of   growth   such  markets?   Then,   we  bring   in  the  message   of  our  study.
             not  proceeded   with   any  major  as   Asia,  the  Middle   East,  but  investment   banking   part   so  that
             layoffs,   we  have   sought  to  work  also    in   Eastei'n  Europe   as  a  it  works   well   on  the  business  Q:  As   a  banker,   do   you   see
             more   productively.    result    of  the   enlargement    of  side  of  the  company   and  on  the  do   you
                                     Europe   as  well    as  in   Latin  private   banking   side  in  tbe  most  any    changes    or     will   end
             We   have   also   made   a  very  Ainerica   which   became   a  fairly  efficient     manner.    In    fact,  think   this   attitude
             important    acquisition    in   the  dynamic   place.  Barclays    Wealth   accompanies
                                                             them   on  both   sides.
             United    States   by  buying   tlie                                     I think  it will   change.   We  should
             Private       Investment  Wealth   is  increasingly    the  affair       not  underestiiriate   or  downplay
             Management   business   within  of   new   entrepreneurs.   It  is   no  Q:    In    the   latest    Barclays  the  enoi'inity   of  what  has  liappe-
             Lehman  Brothers  wich    gave  us  longer   the  established   fainilies  Wealth    Insights,     you    talk  ned:  in  tenns   of  economic   acti-
             a  very  strong   footpmt   in  the  tl'iat  control   tbings,   as   was  the  about   what   has   happened  vity,   in  tenns   of  the  way   we  do
             US.                     case before.   When  you  talkto   an  after    last    year's    financial
                                     entrepreneur,   yori   can   talk  to  crisis.   What   would   you   say  business,   in  the  new  level  of
             Barclays   Wealth   now   stands  at  in    in  two   ways.   First,   you   can  is  the   most   striking    trend?  intervention    that  goveminents
                                                                                                      the  crisis.
                                                                                      had to take  througliout
             the  end  of   2008  with   assets   of  go  and  see     as  an  investtnent
             clients'    wealth    equivalent    to  bank.  He  is  the  president   of  his  Tlie  most   stiiking   trend   is   the  Tlffs   will  probably   mean   in  time
             fl45    billion,    compared   witli  own   company    that   he   still  co-ex3stcnce   of  clear   opportuni-  igher   taxation   and  more   regu-
             fl32.5   billion   the  year   before.  controls.   He  may   need  invest-  ties  iii   the  market   to  invest   ones  lations.    Tlie    wide-ranging
             Elsewhere,   a   lot  of   new   things  ment   banking   solutions-whe-  assets   with   a  great  measure   of  goveriunent   deficits   are  worri-
             have  happened  in tei'i'ns  of  intro-  ther  to   sell  his  company,   buy  piudence   by  iiivestors   following  some  and  these  are  not  thiiigs
             ducing   the  new   inveshnent   phi-  other   companies,   increase   capi-  the  market   instability   over   the  that   will    go   away   quickly.
             losophy.   Tis   is  fundamental   to  tal  or raise   debts  in  international  last  2  years.   There  are   clearly  Therefore    people   across   the
             the way  we  orgaxfflze  and respect  markets.   These  are   a  variety   of  some  quality   assets  or  financial  board,    realize   tliat  there   has
             the  size  of  the  investment   objec-  typically    inveshnent   banking  assets  in  different   regions,   whe-
             tives  of   our  clients  witli   pro-  achvthes.  ther  on  the  equity   side,  on  the  been  a   game  change  and  we
                                                                                      have  not  yet  understood   fully
             found   and  in-depth   qriestionnai-            bond   side    or   the    coini'nodity  the  consequences.   This   calls   for
             res   aiid  personality   evaluation.  Second,   if  you   talk   to  hii'n  as  a  side.  This   is  very   different   from  caution-a    natiu'al   attitude   for
             We  by  to   align   the  way   their  wealth  manager,   you   are  addres-  the  previous   5  years  when   a  lot  anyone   what   lies  over   the  liori-
             portfolios    are   organized    in  sing  the  individual   to   maiiage  of  money  was  chasiiig   few   good  zon   is  not   clear.
             accordance   with   their   life   situa-  his  personal   wealth.   A   common  investinents.   Prices  were  liigh
             tions,   their  tolerance   of  risk,   etc.  feature   for  these  entrepreneurs  and  it  were   expensive.  On  the  other   hand,  I  stilI  think
             2009   has  continued  to  be  a  clial-  is  that   a  large  proportion   of  their  that  we  are   too  close  to  2008.
             lenging   year.  In  the  first   quarter  wealth  is  still  tied  up  iii   the com-  There   has  been  quite   a   big   cor-  People   have  looked   at   the  per-
             of  the year,  business   was  almost  pany  they  have   founded.   So  rection   iii  asset  prices   over   the  fonnance   of  their  financial   port-
             at  a   standstill,   because   of   client  tliey   find  themselves   having  pii-  last   two   years   and,   if  past  folio-tlieir   saviiigs,   their  retire-
             paralysis.   This   is  wliat   our   latest  vate  needs  to   find   investment  reflexes   of  the  investor  base had  ment   plan,   their   pension   plan   -
             study,  Barclays   Wealth   Insight  bank   solutions   for   their   compa-  continued,     the    corrections  diuing  2008.   Veiy  few   ai'e  those
             Vol.  9:  Breaking   the  Mould   -  A  nies,    especially    considering  would   have  been  more   liinited  who   can   say   that  "we  made
             Question   of   persomlity,   seems  opening   up  the  capital   at  a  cer-  because    the   philosophy    was  money   in  2008".
             to malce    apparent    in   a  vivid  tain  point,    selling    it   because  "buy   on  Dips".

                                      there  may   not   be  a  successor   in
                                      the  family,   consider'ng   on  the  Today   the  ability   or the  desire   of  I  do  not  think   that  the  present
             It's   a  cliallenging    economic  contrary   acquiig    other   compa-  investors   to  go  in  is  more   limi-  crisis   will   go  away   qriickly   but
                                      nies,  etc.             fed  than   it  used  to  be.  What   the  in   terms   of   investment
             environment    and   it   is  still                                                market,    human
             unclear   whetlier   globally    we              study  lias  hied   to   focus  on  is  financial    can   sometimes    be
             have   bottomed   out  in the  econo-  Tlffs  is   where   we  increasingly  why  this   is  so.  The   conclusion   is  metrioiy
                                                                                      shorter   than  we  expect.   As  the
             tnic   cycle   or  if  the  level   of  eco-  foster   encounters.   This   is  not  a  really   a veiy   simple   one:  Across  conclusion   of  the  report   states  -
             notnic   activity   we  are   wihies-  day-to-day   activity,   but  for  the  geographies,   investors   fail   to  act  it  is  a  year   of  caution.
             sing  today   is   sustainable.   It  is  wealth   management   of   ceitain  funy  on  the  inveshnent  oppo%-
             substantially   lower   than  it  was  clients  we  attempt   to   provide  nities   that  are  out  there.   There   is
             in   2007.   This   affects   some  tl'+etn with  solutions  which   are in  an   element   of   prudence   resul-
                                                                                                  3  2009   Diva   13

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