Page 18 - DIVA_3_2009
P. 18
Having completed the index, I tions and political unrest.
techniqries. Yori train them to as possible and to be broadcast
thought: I have answered the
use tlie riglit fertilizers properly, by as many television networks
questions myself, but other Q: When will the next
etc. Jn is way, they have the as possible around the world.
people should how about it Global Peace lndex be
i'ight skills to keep the project At this stage, I'm quite confi-
too. Thus, I started a publicity published?
going afterwards. dent that this will liappen as the
campaign about the outcome of
take rip of the movie has been
the index. That is where we are R was published on 2 June
Some projects, such as famine above expectations. The inovie
today: a thorough index of the 2009 and publicly released at a
relief and cataract operations, has won anumber of intematio-
measurement of peace. press conference at Central Hall
do not necessarily liave a sus- nal awards-the Monaco
tainability component. hitemational Film Festival, the in London and an event at CSIS
Q: What do you want to in Washington DCWe were
However, when we cai'ry out Las Vegasa Intemational Film
achieve? very pleased with the attention
cataract program+ries, we Festival and we also received
is received this year which
always iiitroduce training pro- the Club of Budapest award at
I really want to change orir resulted in coverage in more
grammes for local doctors. the Cannes Intemational Fihn
consciorisness and the way we than 100 countries in the days
With these trained staff, liospi- festival.
approach peace. We sliould following
tals can take over the operations the release as well as
look at the fact that peace is just
after we have goi'ie. Q: When are you going to under a / million web
more than simply the absence visits in the first few weeks.
show the film in Geneva?
of war. We should tiy and better
Q: Soldiers of Peace is
understand the fabric of peace. One key point that I would like
your film. Why did you We are in tbe process of wor-
There is a lot more that we can to make is that Peace in the
engage in this venture? It king out the intemational mar-
do withiii any society to tnake it twenty-first
is quite different from the keting relations. I am sure that centuiy is different
more peaceful and to advance
other things you do. there w'll be a screeniiig by the from any other epoch in liuinan
the study of peace in higher
end of 2009. And we are plan- histoiy. The major challenges
education institutions. facing humanity in the %enty-
The reason why we stated to do ning a special private screening
first century are all based
Soldiers of Peace was our acti- at the Palais des Nations for the
Q: Last year, at a seminar around sustainability-these
ve interest in peace. I had a first ever {JN organized Global
on trade and peace in New are global issues. Unless we
fi'iend, one of Australia's lea- Model {JN event inAugust. We
York, a study showed that
diiig war coi'respondents, and hope to stimulate the thinking have a world that is basically
the world is more peaceful peaceful, we will never get the
we decided to do a movie toge- about global peace of tl'ie thou-
when the level of trade is level of tnist, inclusiveness, co-
ther about peace while talkjng sand of intemational students
high. What do you think operation and social equity that
about war. The pilosoplffcal that will be gathered there.
about that? will enable intemational institu-
concept arose from of the
tions to cairy out govemance
Global Peace Index. Q: You are the inventor of
To be honest, it depends 011 and to create policies.
the Global Peace Index.
what you are t'ading. If you are Therefore, I would say that the
Q: What was your role? How did you get that idea?
t'ading arms, it inight be good spread of peace can be equated
for some but I do not think it is
Iworked on the concepts which At one point, I was travellii'ig with the sui'vival of society as
good for peace! I think that you we la'iow it in the twenty-first
we wanted to portray in the through ,Afi'ica and I staited to
liave to look at what is being centuiy.
movie. I commented on the wonder what the inverse of all
traded ... and why. Certainly,
script and then I looked at the these war-tom nations were like
there is great correlation bet- It is impossible to solve the
outcome at the editing. That -what was a peaceful counhy
ween per capita income and major issues without the world
was my level of involvement. like? I started to look at the web
peace. If you iiicrease peace being a peaceful place.
aiid I could not find a list of the
you will iiicrease the wealth of
Q: How would you charac- mostpeacefulcounti'ies. SinceI
society because you will have
terize this kind of project? could not find anytlmg, I star-
more trade and business.
ted to work on the Global Peace
Obviorisly, we can leam from Ii'idex.
Q: In these difficult econo-
anything new that we do and
mic times, are you afraid
the film industiy is new to me. I That was the origiii. It really
that we will see an increa-
leanied a lot about intemational started by asking a question and
se in conflict?
distribution and conveying fiiiding the answers to that
messages through tlffs mediiun. question. Then I decided to lie
I know that we will see such a
the Economist Intelligence
movement in some countries
Q: What is your ambition Unit, pait of the Economist
and tuffs will be reflected in the
for the film? Group in London to collect and
peace index. We caii see this
collate the data for the index.
already the world has become
There are two main areas wliere An international panel of
less peaceful as measured by
I am hoping the film will have experts, made up by peace
the Global Peace Index bet-
aii iinpact. The first is to raise experts and statist'cians, over-
ween 2008 and 2009 and this is
awareness about the importan- saw and guided the process.
directly tied to the economic
ce of peace and how little we First we defined peace as: the
ci'isis. Certainly, the destniction
actually la'iow about the pro- absence of violence, then we
of wealth creates a lot of anger.
cess. The second is for the fih'n decided on 23 indicators that
This year we liave seen an
to be viewed by as many people corild be rised and for wlnch we
increase iii violent demonstra-
could find reliable data.
16 3 2009 Dive