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"The   Famine   Scam"

                                                             months   had   elapsed.   Even  BBC   had  claimed   to  be  har-
                                                             though   we  worked   on  another  dest  stricken   by  the  famine.
                                                             project   in  between,   it  took   us  They   told   us   that  they  had
                                                              this  amount   of  tiine   to  comple-  heard   of  no-one   dying   of  hun-
                                                              te  the  documentaiy.   ger.   This   contradicted   BBC
                                                                                      reports   which    stated   that
                                                              Q:  How   did   you   feel   when  "thousands    have   died   here
                                                              nobody    could   tell   you   any-  during   the   last   weeks   and
                                                              thing   about   the   famine?  months".   The   BBC   report   was
                                                                                      made   in  a  village   where   peo-
                                                              First   of   all,  there  is   no  doubt  ple  told  us  that  no-one   had
                                                              that  the  suminer   of  2005  was  a  died-except    for   those   who
                                                              hard  time   for  fatmers   and  the  had   been   crushed   in   the
                                                              great  majority   of  the   people  queues   to  receive   free   food!
                                                              living   in   poverty    in  Niger.
                                                              However,   what   we  question   in  Q:    How    do  you    explain
                                                              the  film   is  the  use  of   the  term  what    we   were    hearing
                                                              "famine".   The  media   and  the  about    the   "famine"?
                                                              large  NGOs-in    addition  to  the
             In   2005   a  BBC    reporter  explain.         {JN-used    this  term  for  a  When   the  rainy   season   starts
             made    television    reports                    whole  year. "Famine"   calls  for  a  (normally   in  early   summer)
             about   a   famine    in    Niger.  Q:  Could   you   tell   us  how  certain   reaction   from   the  inter-  the  malaria   epidemic   increa-
             The   international    humani-  your   project    started?  national    community,    e.g.  the  ses  dramatically    in   Niger
             tarian   organizations    reac-                  delivery   of  large  amounts   of  (mostly   due  to  the  increase   of
             ted   quickly    with   aid.   It  later  When   visiting   Niger   for  the  free  food.   According    to  the  sta-  mosquitoes   in  the  damp  di-
             came    to   light    that    there  fmt   tiine   in  Februaiy   2007,   we  tistics,   the hard  time  in the  sum-  mate).   Thus,   more   than   a  dra-
             had   never   been   any   fami-  realized   it  might   be  good  jour-  mer  of   2005  was  litkle  worse  matic   lack   of   food,   the  pro-
             ne.  How   did   this   situation  nalism   to  investigate   what   that  than    average  -  ever5r   year  blem   confronting    the  people
             arise?                   country   had  experienced   in  the  being   a   hard  year   in  Niger.  of   Niger   was  malaria,   wich
                                      srnnmer   and  autumn   of   2005.  Given   the   huge   intemational  particularly    affects   small   chil-
             It  was    purely    by   chance  We  carried   out  several  inter-  operation  that  was  set in motion  dren.  The  statistics   on   child
             that   Per   Christian    Magnus  views    diuing   tis   first  visit.  because   the  word   "famine"   had  deaths  in  Niger   are   terrible:
             and   his  colleague    Robert  That   was  the  start.  Upon   retur-  been   used   to  describe   the  situa-  every   year,  one  in  every   four
             Reinlund    came   to  Niger   in  ning   to  Norway   we  teained   up  tion,   it really  was  astonisbing   to  or   five  children   dies  before
             February    2007.   They   were,  witli   an    excellent   researcher,  tneet   so    many   local   people  reacg    the  age   of  5.   And
             in    fact,    following     the  Anne   Marie   Groth,   who  had  whose   perception   of   the  situa-  malaria    is   the   big   killer.
             Noiwegian    Red   Cross's  considerable     experience     of  tion   was  totaIly   different.  However,   when   free  food   is
             White   Truck   Project,    and  research   on humanitarian    ci'ises   the  "medicine"    prescribed   by
             the    last   stop   on  the   trip  in  Africa.   We  realized   after  a  Q:  You   met   the   loca(   popu-  the  inteinational    coininunity,
             was   Niger.   A  journalist    is  wlule   that  media   coverage   of  lation     and    even    a  the  NGOs   and  the  {JN,   it  real-
             a(ways    a  journalist,    so  the  2005  crisis  raised   several  Norwegian    family   living   in  ly  does  not  havc   any  iznpact
             they   started    to   ask   people  interesting   questions   about  how  the   supposedly    most  fami-  the   real   problem.    On   the
             about   how   they   had   survi-  the  international    media   functio-  ne-stricken    area.   What   did  contrary,    free   food   hams
             ved    the   awful    famine    of  ned  in  Africa,   as  well   as   how  they    tell   you   about    the  local   economic    stnictures:
             2005.    To   their    astonish-  collaboration   between   NGOs  famine?  famiers   give   up  their   work   on
             ment,    people    looked    at  and  the  media   works.   We  went     the   fields   to   receive   food
             them   curiously    and   said:  back  to   Niger   in   September  We  met  fanners   and  people  donations;   local   markets   are
             "What    famine?"    Magnus  2007,   travelling    for   several  working   in  the  fields   in  the  wiped   out,  etc.
              and   Reinlund    were    more  weeks   in  the  regions   that  sup-  region   that  the  '[JN  and  the
             specific:    "Well,   the   big   cri-  posedly   had  been  stricken   by
              sis   in   2005    where    more  the   "famine",    and  talked   to
             than   3.6   million    people  more   than  fifty   famiers   and
              were   faced    with   staiva-  "ordinary"   people,   in  addition
             tion."    The   television     had  to  representatives   of  NGOs   and
              shown        first-hand  Niger   politicians.
              accounts    of  this    terrible
              event     and    Nomegian  Q:  How   long   did   it  take   to
              humanitarian     organiza-  make   your   documentary';'
              tions   had   collected     huge
              amount    of   aid.   It  was   the-  Between   our   first   visit   to  Niger
              refore   strange    that   nobody  in  Febiuary   2007  and  the  time
              knew   about    it    We   asked  the   film   was   broadcast   in
              Magnus   and    Reinlund    to  Norway   (A/Iarch  2008)  twelve
                                                                                                   3  2009   Diva  17

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