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             problem    goes   well    beyond                 as  well,   like   health   education  This   is  an  option   that   Save   the
             knowledge    about  proper                       and   dietgy    complements.    They  Children    is  investigating.    They
                                    MSF   has  indeed   raised   aware-               have   some   pilot   projects   in   this
             feeding.                                         then   come   up   with   a  figure   that
                                    ness   in   the   United   States   for   the     sense,    which     seem    to    be
                                                              is  ten   times   higherl
                                    problem    of  malnutrition;    not   at          promising.
             Q:  Such   as?
                                     the  US   congress    though,   but
                                                              Q:   Rather    than    spending
                                     duig    a  conference    co-organi-              hi  the   end,   what  it  means   is  that,
             Proper   nutritional    intake.   aThis          US$750     million     or  LIS$I
                                     sed    with    the    Columbia                   if  you   have   stnictiu'al    problems
             means   that   those   who   are   really        billion    to   buy   Plumpy'Nut,
                                     University    in   New   York.   To  be          and   sttuctural    causes,   you   must
             sick,   the  malnourished     child-             don't    you   think    that   these
                                     clear  though,   we   are notpromo-              have    stnictural     answers.
             ren,   are  going   to  need  therapeu-          same    funds    could    be   used
                                     ting   Plumpy-Nut,    but  the   WHO             Development     programmes
             tic   food.   Ideally,   the  diets   of   all   in  a  better    way   to   combat
                                     recommended     community-                       need   to  be  put   in   place.   At   the
             those   children   in   all  those   coun-       malnutrition?
                                     based   strategy   for  treating   seve-          same   time   you   cannot   accept
             tries   where   there   are  nutritional
                                     re  acute   malnutrition.                        that   3  to  5  million    cMdren    die
             deficiencies    need   to  be  comple-           Behind     the    problem     of
             mented.   How   to  do  this   is,  of           malnutrition    there   are   several  every   year.   You   are  facedwith    a
                                     If   you   take   the  figures   I  have         medical   emergency   here,   and
             course,   remains   a  big   question.           causes.   'kn  particular,    there   are
                                     given   you   earlier   to  treat   one          you   must   conduct    the   two
             A  lot  of   work   is  being   done             acute    crises-war,
                                     child-i.e.    US$40/60,    that   is              approaches   -  development    and
             about   this   at  the   moment.   Then          displacement,     etc.    If    we
                                     the  treatment   itself,   plus   logis-          humanitarian    aid   -  in   parallel.
             we   are  no  longer   talking   about           encounter    malnutrition    in   a
                                     tics,   plus   consultations,    etc.  -
             treating   the  children   but   rather          politically    stable   county,   tbis
                                     you   can   simply  multiply    that  by
             about   prevention.                              indicates    profound     shuctural
                                     the   number   of  severely  malnou-  problems.   For   example,   it  has
                                     rished   children.   Studies   indica-
             Q:   I  know    that    MSF    is                been   identified    in  Niger   that,
                                     te   that   there   are   some   20
             doing    a  lot   of   lobbying    in            although     there    was    food
                                     million    severely   malnourished  available   on  the   market,   people
             the    United     States
                                     children   in  the  world.   If   you  did   not   have   the   money   to  buy
             Congress     about     this
                                     want   to  treat   these   children,   the
             issue,    and   in  particular    for            it.  It   is  as  simple   as  that!
                                     final    figure    comes   close    to
             Plumpy'Nut.    I have   heard

                                     US$1   billion.   The   World  Bank
             the    figure    of   something                  Instead   of  giving   food   products
                                     is  working    on   the   figures   to  tac-  you   can,   of  course,   give   money
             close    to   US$750    million
                                     kle   malnut'tion    and  they   are
             mentioned,     if    I'm    not                  to  the  population    to  buy   food.
                                     including    many   more   activities
                                                  UNIQA,   the   right   plan   to   fit   your   needs
                                                         Your   best   interest    is  our   top   priority
                We  don't   make   you   fit   the   policy;   we   find   the  policy  that  fits  you

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