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                NEW   MASTER   IN  INTERNATIONAL                          TRADE   RELATIONS

              Starting    in   September    2009,   IUG   will   offer   a  new   master   degree   in   International    Trade   Relations.    This   unique   program    is  aimed
              at  shidents   planning    careers   in  commercial    diplomacy,    intemational    trade   organizations,    ministries    of  trade,   non   governinent
              organizations    involved    in  trade   matters   and   trade   promotion    agencies.   The   program    will   consists   of   core   courses   taught   by   IUG
              faculty,   trade   specialists,    visiting    faculty    from   other   universities    and   complemented    by   visits   to  the   World   Trade   Organization
              and   other   Geneva   based   international    organizations.

                                 GRADUATION               CEREMONY               2009

               At   the   occasion    of  the   graduation    ceremony    of  the   International
               University    in  Geneva   (IUG)   on   5  June   2009   at the   hotel  President   Wilson
               in  Geneva,   Mr.   Kevin   Roberts   CEO   worldwide    of   Saatci    and  Saatcbi
               will   be  awarded   an  honoraiy    doctorate   in   recognition    of  is   pioneering
               work   in   the  field   of  Advertising.    Dr.  Rolf  Jeker,   Chairman    of  the  Swiss
               Trade   and  Inveshnent   Board   (OSEC)   will   also   awarded   an honoraiy    doc-
               torate   for   his  commitment    it+  promoting    sustainability    in  intemational
               The   honorary    degrees   will   be  conferred    in   the   presence   of  50  candidates
               for   the   Bachelor    and   Master   degrees   of  Business   Administration,    Media
               as  well   as  Communication    and   Intemational    Relations,    representing    31
               different    countries.   The   ceremony    will   be  attended   by   numerous   fainily
               members   of  the  candidates,   diplomats    as  well   as  other   invited   guests.
               Among    other   laureates,   the  University   had  inprevious    years   awardedhonorary    degrees   to  the   late   SirPeterUstinov,    Dr.   BeitraiidPiccard,
               Prof.   St6phane   Garelli   and   Mr.   Adolf   Ogi   fomier   President   of  the  Swiss   Confederation.
               The   Intemational    University    in  Geneva   is  a  Sw'ss   non-profit    foundation    with   an  intemational    student   body   from   62  countries.   It  is  an
               institution    of  higher   lean'iing   offering    Bachelor    and   Master   degrees   iii   Business   Adininist'ation,    Media   and   Communication    as  well   as
               Intemational    Relations.

                    IUG  EXPANDS              ITS  INTERNATIONAL                   NETWORK

              To  strengthen    its  intemational    network,    the   University    has  signed   recently    cooperative    agreements    with   several   universities    world-
              wide   and   similar    agreements    are  under   discussions    with   other   Universities.

                                                                       DUBAI   : American    University    in
                                                                      CZECH   REPUBLIC      :  University    of
                                                                        RUSSIA   :  Academy    of  National

                                                                     THAILAND      : Thammasat    University
                                                                       FRANCE      : Institut   Superieur    du

                                                                             Commerce     ISC  Paris

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