Page 31 - DIVA_3_2009
P. 31

Interview              with   Dowoti   Desir

                                           Executive       Director      of   the

                                     Malcolm       X  and   Dr  Betty   Shabazz
                            Memorial        and   Educational   Center,  New  York

               Q:  You   are  the   Executive
                                       women    took   up    their  work,  tlie  coininuiiity    were  enraged  There   are  segments   of  the  com-
               Director     of  the   Shabazz     tlieir  visions   and  kept   their   voi-  by  tlffs  move  because   they  wa+y-  munity   here  of  Afi'ican   descent
               Centre.   Could   you   tell   us    ces   goiiig.  ted  to  save  the  building.   There  who   do not  necessai'ily  recogni-
               how   it  started   and   what   it
                                                                was  a  peculiar   mix   of  people  ze  themselves   as   such.  Because
               dOeS?                   Dr   Shabazz   was  also  an  educa-  who   I   believe   would   not,  in  tliese  identities   are   tuacertauq,
                                       tor.  What   land   of  methodology  other   circui'nstances,   have  cros-  they   create   confusion    and
               The  centre   was  actually   foun-              sed
                                       did  slie  use?  She   would   adopt  patlis.   So  you   had   the  coifflict   in  the  overall   comtnu-
               ded    by   Dr   Betty   Shabazz,    strongpositionsandwasdai'ing  Clianel-suited   ladies   working  nity  ofAfrican   descent.   How  do
               Malcohn   X's   widow,   in  the    iix   some  ways.  She  founded   a  with   the  new   Black   Panther  you   reconcile   ai'id  build   coali-
               inid-1990s.   She    was   looking    scl'iool   for   teenage   mothers   at  a  paities   to   save   tlffs  building!  tions   whose   identities   are  com-
               for   an  institution   that  worild   be
                                       tiine    was  veiy        Ou                        -eCOnOllllCi
               a  world-class   space   extending
                                       axid   embai'rassiiig   (as   to  sotrie  that!  It  was  a  tremendous   sour-  traditional,   etc.  Now,   tlus  is  not
               On    her    husband's    legacy.    extent  it  still   is  today)   for  young  ce   of   inspiration     for    Dr  tlie   place    to    say   to    our
               Unfortunately,    she   was  unable    women   who  were   pregnant,  Shabazz,   who   said "l  had  better  Doininicari   brothers   arid  sisters,
               to realize  tliat  objective  becarise
                                       still   ii'i   school   aiid   tuunai'i'ied.   It  take  tliis  pain  and make   it popu-  "you   are  of  African   descent.
               sl'ie  was  killed   in  a   fire   in  1997.    Jar".  She  transfomied
                                       often   happened   that   these          this  place  You   must   maintaiii   it  and  assu-
               However,   with   the  perseveraxx-
                                       youi'ig   women   would   drop  out  because   tliat  was  part  of   what  me  responsibility    for  it".   We
               ce   and  the  yision   of  her  daugh-
                                       of   lgh   scliool   aiid   thus  fail   to  lier  husband   had  wanted,   and  cai'inot   do  that.   What  we  can  do
               ters  and a couple   of  institutional     complete   their  education.    Dr  certainly   what   the  metribers   of  is  to  create  a  foruin   where   this
               partners,   we  were  able  to  pick    Shabbaz   created   an    environ-  the  comminity    warited.  issue  can  be   discussed   safely
               up    wliere    she   left    off.    ment  which   was    safe,   where  and    to   include    perspechves
               Eventually,   we  receiyed   our
                                       tliere   was  learimig   and  suppoit.  So  tliere   was   a    figlit    with  from   tlie   Dominicans   who   feel
              not-for-profit    status  in  2005.    It  is  called   the  YMED   educa-  Columbia     Uniyersity!     The  that  "yes,  we   are ofAfi'ican   des-
               We   were   able   to   raise  some    tion   centre.   Tliis   is  an iiripoitant  comproinise   was   not  to   tear  cent",   and  "yes,   there  is   discri-
               funds   for  the  centre  that  allo-
                                       part   of  her  legacy.  down  the whole  building   down,  inination   on  our  island,   and  we
              wed   us  to  spend  the  fu'st  year                                    big
                                                               but  to  consei've   40%  of   it  and    that  disci'iinination    with
              tlg     tlu:ougli   what  we   were
                                       I  have   to  tell   you   that  the  buil-  maiiitain   the  fagade   so  that   the  us  to  the  United   States.  We  are
              going   to   do.   We   liad   sotne    ding   where   the  enter   is  housed  bio-technology    centre-next  of   mixed   descent.   We  are  just
              general   ideas,  but  nothing   spe-            door-appears
                                       did  not  just   appear   out  of   thin    to be  aii integral  people   of  the  world."   We  are
              cific   on  what   kiiid   of  conferen-
                                       gir,   Tlie  Audubon   Ballrootri  pait   of  this  site.  looking   into   these  issues.
              ces   we  inight   hold   and  what    was  built    iii   1912   and   is   a
              aspects  of  the  Malcohn   X   lega-
                                       iinique   piece   of   architecture.   It  So  the   Sliabazz   Center   is   Towards   the   end   of  his   life,
              cy  we  wanted   to  pursue-ai'id     ruiis   a full   city  block.   The   outsi-  actually   iii   tlie  origiiial   40%   of    Brother   Malcohn   X  went   to
              tlien   how   to  tell  Dr  Shabazz's
                                       de  is  covered   iii  iiicredible   tile  the  old  buildiiig.   Tliis   is  where    Cuba   and  spent   a lot  of tizne   in
              story.  It  is   always   easier   to  tell
                                       work.   It  is   a  significant   monu-  Malcohri   X  fell   wlien   he  was    the   Caribbean. Therefore,   this

              someone's   life  stoiy  if   it  has
                                       ment   with   its  own   interesting  assassinated.  For  this  reason,    issuewouldhavecotneup.Asa
              beenwidelypublishedandwell     lustoiy,becausetherewerealot  we  are   not  oiily   an  institution     Living   metnorial,   we   are   hytng
              documented.    In  the   case    of    of  famous   actors,   actresses,  and  a non-profit   ceni'e,   but  also    to   think   about   what   would   he
              Malcohn   X,  we  also   have  the
                                       musicians   and  peifoimers   who  a  place   of  collective   conscious-    say  from  his  point  of view?
              adyantage   of   history-several
                                       liave   appearedhere   sii'ice  1912.  ness-a    memoi'ial.
              decades  of  looking   back   and
                                                                                       We  create  a   space  where   tl'ffls
              analysing   things   have  kept   lffs
                                       Of   course,  it  is  perliaps   best  The  Board  of  Directors   atyd I  do  kind   of  discussion   can  be  held.
              visionsandhisnamealive.But,     known   as  the   place   where  not  want  a  memorial   that  is  This  has  largely   benefited   the
              in  the  case  of  Betty   Shabazz,   it    Malcohn   X  was  assassiiiated.  focused   on  the  past.  We  want  Dominican     cominunity,
              has  been  quite   a  cliallenge   for
                                       l   told   you   earlier   that   Dr  this  to  be  a   living   memot'ial,   so  although  it was  originally   inten-
              the  Center   to  catch   up  with   lier
                                       8pabazz    was   looking    for   a  we  asked  ourselves   what   were  ded  for   a  wider   public.   I  have
              alld  iO  determUne  Whaj  She   haS             the   issues   that
                                       plB(,(H   ypBl(5  5p(;   (z@llld   pl55(;11j  Malcolm    x  had  Afro-Americans    who  have
              done.  Who   was  tis   woman?
                                      11@r   husband's   legacy,  but  she  would   have  been  dealing   with  asked  me:  "Why   do  you   bave
              What   did  slie   do?   There   are                                     tlus  kind   of   discussion   for  the
                                       did  not  really  waiit  to  do  it here.  if   he  was  still  with   us.   What
              quite   a  few  women-like     She   liad  had  enough   of  tls  would   Dr  Shabazz,  who  was  Domiicans     here?"   Tliere    is
              Winnie    Mandela,    Movie    place  (as   you  could   iinagine),  goiiig   to  be  the  director   of   the  now   a  huge  problem   between
              Eveits,   Coretta   Scott   King   and           Center,   have   progra+nmed?
                                       but   then  slie  saw  liow   much   the        the    Dominicans     and    the
              nurnerousotherpowerfulfema-     coinmunitywasangeredbythe  Wasmigton   Heights    in   New  Haitians.
              le   leaders-whose    husbands    idea   of  Columbia   Utfflversity  York    City    is   a   largely
              have  done  much   work   that  has              Dominicaii              I'm   Haitian-Ainerican,
                                      teming   tlie  building   down   in    coimxiunity,   while         bot'n
              been   recognized.    And    after    order   to  build   a  bio-teclmology  one   of  Malcohri    X's   main  and  raised   in  Haiti,   so  I  have  a
              tlieir   passing,   their   voices   were        concein   was  pan-Africaiffsm.
                                      centre.  All   kinds   of   people   in          special   interest   in  this  matter.
              quieted.    Tlierefore,     tlieir               So  how   do  you  reconcile   that?  How   worild    Malcolm    have
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