Page 30 - DIVA_3_2009
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                          The   world-famous           hip-hop      singer/songwriter
                                         writes    a  new   song   for   the

                             International       Day   of   Remembrance            of   the

                    Victims      of   Slavery     and   the   Transatlantic        Slave   Trade

                                                             Peter   Buffet   and  I  collabora-  Q:   Are   you    going    to
                                                             ted  on  the  lyrics.   We  wanted  release    the   song   that   you
                                                             something    very   direct    that  wrote    for   this   event?
                                                             gets   to   the   point    when   it
                                                             comes   to  the  slave   trade.  Yes,  absolutely.   We  are  going
                                                                                      to   have  it  on  Itunes   so   that
                                                             Q:  Your   origins    are   from  people   cmi   purchase   it,   and
                                                             Senegal,    but    you   grew  the  profit   can  go  to  children's
                                                              up   here   in   the   United  foundations.
                                                                                      Q:    You    are    an    Afro-
                                                             I'm   originally    from   Senegal.  American.    How    do   you
                                                              My  earlier  years   were   spent  in  think    the   United    States
                                                              Senegal,   and  then   I  came   to  has   changed    now    with
                                                              tlie  United   States   to   go    to  the    election     of   Barak
                                                              school.   Every   once   in  a  wMe  Obama    as  a  President?
                                                              I  go  to  back   home   to  Dakar
             Who   did  not  hear  the  song  hiin   at  the  United   Nations   in  and   then   retain   to  the  United  The   whole   world   is  changing
             "Lonely"    on  the  radio   and  TV  New   York   where,   as   part   of
                                                              States.                 because   of   it.   It  just   shows
             some   years  ago?  For  a  long  the  commemoratioi'i    to  mark
                                                                                      yori   tliat   everytlig    is  chan-
             time   this  song   was  on  all  the  the    Intemational    Day    of
                                                              Q:   Do   you   still   speak  gii'ig   and  that   the  world   is  not
             radios   -  one  of   Akon's   huge  Remembrance    of  the  Victims
                                                              Wolof?    What   about    your  what   it  used   to  be.  In   a  positi-
             international     hits.   His   real  of    Slaveiy     and    tl'ie     ve  way,   the  world   is  no  longer
             name   is  Aliaune   Thiam,   and  Transatlantic    Slave   Trade,
                                                                                      what   it  used   to  be.  It  is  very
             he  is   a  Senegalese-American  Akon   presented   a new   song.
                                                              Yes,   I  speak   Wolof   veiy   well.  uplifting.
             hip-hop   singer/songwriterand                   French?   Well,   I  have   been   in
             record   producer.      Akon   and  the  Einmy   Award-  the   United   States   too   loi'ig,  but
                                     winning     musician     Peter
                                                              Wolof  is  still   strong.
             Akon   rose  to  proininence    in  Buffet   (son   of  Warren   Buffet)
             2004   following    the  release   of  perfomied     their   new   song,
             his  single   "Locked    Up"   from  "Blood   into  Gold",   specially
             his   debut   albrun   "Trouble".  composed   for   the  event,   and
             His    second    album,  produced  by   the  not-for-profit
             "Konvicted':     earned    hiin   a  group   Culture   Project.
             Graminy   Award   noinination  Q:   Why   did   you   accept    to
             for   tlie   single   "Smack   That".  come    here   and    perform
             He   is   the   founder    of   two  today?
             record   labels,   Konvict    Muzik  This   was  scl'iedriled   a  couple
             and   Kon   Live   Disti'ibution.  of  weeks   beforehand.    They
             He  is  well   known   for   singing  introduced    me   earlier   to  Peter
             hooks   (an  easily   remembered  Buffet,   and  Peter   did  a  song
             musical   phrase)   and  has  over  for  the  event.   We  will   perfonri
             155   guest   appearances   and   23  it  later.
             Billboard    Hot  100  songs   to
             his  credit.   He  is  the  first   solo  Q:    How   did   you   find
             artist   ever   to  accomplish    tl'ie  inspiration    for   this   wng?
             feat   of  l'iolding   botli   the  niu'n-
             ber  one  and  two   spots  simul-  Inspiration    comes   from   eve-
             taneously    on    the   Billboard  rywliere.   As  a   tusician    you
             Hot   100   chaits   twice.  make   something   of  ever5r
                                      situation,   eveiy   event,   every-
                                                                          il i
             We  had  tlie  chance   to  meet  thing   that  happens.   Actually,
                 28  3  2009   Diva

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