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ger   at  those   employees    who   are  employees.     The    answer    is  troops.   This   can   only   be  achie-
             not   motivated    is  great.   The   rea-  rather   siinple:   first   do  what   it  ved   by  first   reciuiting    people
             lity   is  that,  even   if   tl'iey   may  takes   to  ensure   that   they   keep  determined    to  succeed   and   then
             have   some   responsibility,    tliey  their   initial   level   of  motivation    -  by  manag'ng    this   pre-existing
             are   rarely    the   guiltiest    ones.  -  the  one  they   had   when   they  motivation.    Inspiring    people   by
             Their   boss   inight   actually   be  at  joined   the   organization...  acting   as  a  role   model   is  one  of
             fault.   The   real   issue   is  to  find        the  secrets.   Any   manager   who
             out   what   led   unmotivated    peo-  Things   usually   start   to  tiun   sour  does   not   spontaneously    do  that
             pie   to  lose   their   initial   motiva-  wlien   employees   discover   cer-  will    generate    presenteeism    at
             tion.                    tain   negative   things   about   the  one   point   or  another.
                                      organization.    These   findings
             Except    for   certain    low-skill  affect   their   implication.    It   could  This   puts   a  heavy   burden   on
             positions,   most   people   stait   a  be  political    games,   the  lack   of  managers:    to   avoid    presen-
             job   with   a  very   high   level   of  recogition,    compromises    peo-  teeism   tliey   must   beliave   in  ai'i
             motivation.    Unfortunately,    it  is  ple   have   to  make   to  keep   their  etical    manner   and   act  as  role
             often    the    management  job,   the   fear   of  properly    addres-  models.   Because   this   is  such   a
             style/SKILLS   of  their   supei'iors  sing   certain   issues,   the  inade-  key  factor   of   success    and  to
             that  progressively    affect   their  quate   handling   of   confficts,   an  avoid   the  expensive   team   de-
             motivation.              incompatible     management  motivation,    etical    leadership    is

                                      sf5rle,a bad team spirit,  etc.  becoming    more   important    in
             In   other   words,    umnotivated                university    education.   It  is,  for
             employees    are   demonstrating  The   worst   liappens   when   peo-  instance,   a  central   theme   of  the
             that   their   management    has  not  ple   find   out   that   one   or   more   of  Diploi'i'ia    of  Entreprenein'ship
             done   what   was   required   to  pre-  their   own   values   is  not   being  and   Business     Development
             vent    this   loss   of   motivation.  respected.    This   triggers     an  (ME3A-level     executive    conti-
             Managers   who    complain   that  emotional   reaction   giving   the  nuous   education     programme
             their   team   is   not   motivated  impression    that  the   organiza-  for   people   who   want   to  boost
             enough   can  only   blame   them-  tion   values   are  not   compatible  their   career:    http://entrepre-
             selves   since   they   are  adinitting  with   their's.   A  study   has  even
             to  their   own  management    short-  shown   that   the  "nuinber    one"
             cori'ungs.               reason   that   people   give   to  justi-  Real   (virtuous)   leaders   obtain
                                      fy   why   tliey   would    change  an  unconditional    positive   ans-
             It   is  considerably    casier   to  nur-  position   is  the  unetbical   beha-  wer   to  the  following    veiy   sim-
             ture   the  initial   motivation    than  viour   of   their   boss  or  of   their  ple  question:   "Do   you   want   to
             to  re-motivate    people   who   are  orgaruzahon.  be  led   by   me?"   A   "yes"   means
             no   longer    motivated.    In   any             that   people   are   inspired    and
             case,   the  manager  whose   staff  is  This   is   quite    understandable:  engaged    enough    to   do   their
             no  longer   motivated    rarely   has  how   can   anyone   feel   safe  in  an  best.   Did   your  boss   ask  you  this
             the  necessary   credibility    requi-  environinent    that  is   govemed  question?
             red   to  motivate    them   again.  by  different   etical    standards.
                                      Their   conscious   or  unconscious  Rapha61    Cohen
             The    art    of    motivating  perception    is:  "how   can  I  tnist  Management    Booster    and
              people                  an    organization     that   treats  Entrepreneur,
                                      clients   or   other    people   that  University    of   Geneva
              Creating   the  right   conditions    to  way?    If   lack   of  fain'iess    and
             keep   teams'   motivation    is  a  fun-  recogn3tion    are  possible   here,   I
              damental     managerial     duty.  may   be  the  next   victim...".    At
             Engaged   people   translate   into   a  that   stage,   the  safest   course   of  "   Pi'icewaterhouseCoopers
             real   coinmihnent   to  deliver   cus-  action   is  to  look  for   another  job.
              tomer   satisfaction,     generate  This   is  the   vicious   circle.
              income,    unprove    processes,
              reduce   costs,   identify   oppoitu-  Ethics   is  directly   connected   to
             nities,   etc.  This   is  not   only   hue  people's     values.    Something
              in  the   private   sector;   it  remains  unethical   is  something   that   is
              tnie   in  the  public   sector   and   in  not   respecting    their   values.
             NGOs.                    When   people's   values   are  not
                                      respected,   they   interpret   it  as
              The   virtuous   circle   is:  engage-  injustice.    Again,   how   caii   anyo-
              ment   brings   efficiency    and   effi-  ne  feel   safe   in  an  envii'onment
              ciency   biings   success.   So,  suc-  where  justice   is  not   granted?   In
              cess    requires     cominitted  that   case,  it  is  smarter   to  aban-
              employees.              don   ship   as  soon   as  an  opporhi-
                                      nity   is  identified.
              The   question   at  this   point   is  to
              find   out  what   can  be  done   to  The   first    mission    of  leaders
              maintain      coinmitted  should    be   to   mobilize     their

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