Page 29 - DIVA_3_2009
P. 29

In  Ran'iallah,   the   streets   were
                very   crowded,   even   though
                most   of   tlie  stores   were   closed
                owiiig   to   tlie  lioliday.   A  lot   of
                the  people   were   yoru'ig.   Jatnal
                Zakout,    an   elegat'itly   dressed
                and    distinguislied-looking
                middle-aged    man   holding   a
                BlackBei'i'y   in   l'ffls   hand,   took

                me  to  an  upscale house.
                Tliere,   lie  gave   me   an   ovet'vtew
                of   tlie   liardsliips  that   the

                Palestinian  people   had  to   endu-
                re  owiitg   to  tlie   occupation   atxd
                the  blockade   iii   Gaza.   He   then
                made   a   plione   call   to   Saman
                Kboru'y,   tlie  head   of the   Peace
               NGO   tl'iat  lias  an   office  in  East

               I  met  witli   Samau   twice,   once
               in  the  lobby   of  the   Aa'nencan
               Colony   Hotel,   the   second   time
               at  his  office,   wliere  he   gave  me
                                        Haifa,   becarise   of the   peaceful  Chairman   of   the   Palestunan  Meanwhile,
               tl'ie   dozen    or   so   names   of                                               we,   in  the
                                        co-existence    of   Jewisb   attd  Liberation    Organisation  Beyaliad-Ma'an
               Palestinian   iiitellectuals  who,   ui                            (PLO)               (Together)
                                        Arab   Israelis,   possibly   an   even  aid   the   President
               pruiciple,   liad   agreed  to  patttct-                          of   the  Getieva   Grotp,   will  continue
                                        better   one.   Tentatively,  Palestinian   National   Authorrty
               pate  in  the  meetu'rg.                    we                           our   modest   work   to   contribute
                                        agreed   to   hold   the   tneeting   ux  (PNA)   gives   me  hope.  our   two   cents'   worth  as   facili-
                                        Haifa,   on  the   19th,   20th   and
               hi  Tel Aviv,   I had  an  interesting                                  tators   of   this    great    goal:
                                        21st  Api'il   2009.    In   Israel,
               and  ii'istnictive   intea'view   with                   tlie  election   will  Israelis    and  the   Palestinians
                                                                ahnost   cei'tainly   produce   a  joining   liands   to   build   toge-
               Adam  Keller,   one  of the  leaders
                                        I   spent   my  last   week-end   in  coalition   gOVel'nment,   led  either
               of   tlie  Block   of  Peace   (Gush                                    tlier   a   better   and  viable   future
                                        Israel    reading   Sami's   novel  by  Tzipi    Livni's   Kadima   or
               Slialom)   wl'ffch  is   the  hard  core                                for   tlieir   two   natrons.
                                       Pigeons   on   Trafalgar   Square.  Biiiyainiit    Netanyahu's
               of  the   Peace   Now   (Shalom                                   Likoud
                                       As  I   closed   tlie   book,   I   was  tliat   will  joiii   forces   with Ehud  (*)   Writer,   scholar   and   social
               Achsliav)   movement.
               gave    me    a  copy  of    the  iinpressed  with Satni's  ability  to  Barak's   Labour-or,    in   the  actiyist,     Zeki   Ergas   is
                                       penetrate   the  Palestinian   soul
                                                               case  of   the  Likoud,   with   reli-  Secretary   General of   P.E.N.
               September   isste   of  The   Other
                                       and  iniiid.   The   novel   ends  with  gious   and  right-wing  Intei'national's
               Israel,   the   'Newsletter                                       patttes.          Swiss   Romand
                                 of  the  a Palestiian

               Sti'uggle   for  Israeli-Palestinian   man  getting  killed  A  Likorid   govet'nntent  Centre   and    a   inember of
                                       by   a   mob,  hyiiig   to   save   his  OppOSe   ITI(Xe   resistance   to   a  P.E.N.   Intei'national's
               Peace'   wl'ffcli   contains   a   sun-                                                  Wt'iters
                                       Israeli   relative's   life.  negotiated   peace   agreement.
               mai'y   of  tlie  history   of   the                                    for   Peace   Coiiunittee.   He   catx
               Jewish-Israeli                                  But   it  is  time   now   to   heed  the  be   reached   at   ergas@web-
                            and    Arab-
                                       Afker   my  retui'n   to   Geneva,   l  admonition    tliat   tlte   biblical
               Palestinian   conflict   in   tlye   last
                                       prepared   a project   proposal  aitd  Prophet    Isaiah   made   some
               centiuy   or  so-as   seen   by   the
                                       sent  it to  P.E.N.   h'itemational  in  three   thousand   years   ago   and,  Beyaliad-Ma'an
               Peace   movement-atxd                                                                  (Together)
                                 a   boo-
                                       London.   It  will   was   subtnitted  together   witli   the  Palestinians, Geneva   Group   rieeds   your
               klet   entitled  Tiauth  against  Truth
                                       to  P.E.N.'s   Board,   011   Februm'y  tiu'n   swords   into   ploughsha-
               that,  according   to   Uri  Avnet'y,                                   heip.   You   can  join  the   Group
                                       4,  2009.               res.
               one   of  tlie  foxmders   of   the                                     and/or   send   your   donations
                                                               In   Palestine,   any   real  progress  to.'   MillOnium
               Israeli  peace  movement,  'denno-                                                    SolidaritO
                                       I  presented  tlie   same,   on  March  requires   reconciliation
               lisli   (es)  the  myths,   convenho-                              bet-  Gmupe   de  Geyinve,   CCP   1 7-
                                       28,  at  the  annual   conference   of  ween    268167-9.   T)ianlcyou.
               nal   lies    and   histot'ical   false-               the    Palestinian
                                       tlie    Writers    for   Authority    (Fatali)   and  Hamas.
               lioods   (of   the)   Israeli   and      Peace
                                       Cominittee  of          That   will   happen,   I   believe,
               Palestiiiian   propaganda.'              P.E.N.
                                                  iiiBled, Slovetua.  pai'tly   because   this   fratricidal
                                                               war   is   desti'uctive   and   Calm-
               Back   iit  Haifa,   I   went   to   see
                                       As  I write  tliese  liiies,  the  war  ts  ter-productiye,    and,   perhaps
               Sarni   and   Racliel   again.   They
                                       oyer   in   Gaza.   As   for   future  iTlore   importai'itly,
               too  liad   a   list   of  a   dozen   or   so                 because
               Israeli   iiitellechials            tliey   will,   in  botl'i   pai'ties   realize   that   there
                              that   had
                                       large   part,   depend   on   Barack  will    be,   in   tlie   tnonths   to
               agreed   to   participate   in   the
                                       Obai'iia's   agenda.   The   fact   that  COITle,   a   great   opportunity   not
              meetiiig.   Saini   said  that  we  nee-
                                       lffs   first   telepl'ione   call   to   a  to   be  missed.   I   thit'ik   Hatnas
              ded  a   venue   and   a   date   for   the
                                       foreign   political   leader   was   to  will    agree   to   recognize   the
              meeting.   East   Jer'usalem   was   a
              good   option,   of  course,   but  Abbas,    the  State   of  Israel   and   gtve   up
                                                                                                   3   2009   Dive   27
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