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              The  firstPEC    award    cereinony    at   the   Swiss   Press   Clgtb,

                                                          Mexican Ambassador to  the UN  in  GenevaLuis Alfonso
              Geneva,   June   4th   2009   (pJiotos   lceystone   mtrezzini)  de Alba,fust  President of  the Human Rights  Council
               The   first   ever   awards   for   the  2009   by   all   sides.  Geneva.
               Protection    of   Joumalists    were
               handed   to  their   recipients   the  The   award    was   split    with  The  event   was  sponsored   by
               Palestinian     Center    for  Mexican   Airibassador    to   the  the    Norwegian     Foreign
               Development     and    Media  UN   in   Geneva   LuisAlfonso    de  Minishy,    Kuwaiti    magazineAl
              Freedoms   (MADA)    headquar-  Alba,   first    President    of   the  Yaqatha     spearheaded     by
              tered   in   Ratnanah    for   its  role   in  Huinan   Riglits   Coru'icil,   for  lffs  Alunad   Yusuf   Behbehani,    the
               exposing     media    violations  efforts   to  highlight   the   issue   011  Swiss   ress  Club   and   the   PEC.
               duig     the    Gaza    war    27  the  level   of   the  HRC   and  the
              December    2008    -18   January  diplomatic     comiminity     in

                        THE   PATH  TO  PEACE   IN  ISRAEL   PALESTINE

              It   all   started  with   a  chance   mee-  tlus  group   n'iet  bee   tiines   to  meeting     of    Israeli     and  the   world.    Nothing    perhaps
              ting,   about   nine   months   ago.  A  elaborate     a   'Concept  Palestinian    intellectuals    who  expresses   better   the  pain   and
              meeting   that   had   nothing   to  do  Docrunent'.    After   I  decided   to  would    discuss   consti'uctively  the  oritrage   felt   by   neutral   obs-
              with    this   initiative.    I    met   a  travel    to   Israel-Palestine,    in  the  issues   involved    in  the  buil-  ervers   as tlie  sight   of   Ban   ki

              young   Israeli   woman   writer   at  a  October,    I  was   able   to  meet  ding   of  a  better   future   in  Israel-  Moon,     the   U.N.    Secretaiy
              reading    at    the   Off-the-shelf  witli   tlie   Israeli   and   Palestinipn  Palestine.  General,   wlio   visited   Gaza   after
              Bookstore.    We  both   belong   to  ambassadors   to  the  U.N.   WIIO  the   war   and   made   a  declaration
              the  Geneva   Wi'iters    Group.   I  provided     me   with    iinpoitant  I  did   not   know   then,   of  course,  in  front   of   the  cameras.   That
              saw   her   again   at  a  meeting   of  contacts.  that   the  Gaza   war   would   break  Asiaii   man,   wlio   is  usually   very
              the  Huinan   Rights   Council   at              out  on  the  27th   of   December,  much   in  control   of   his  eino-
              the  U.N.   where   she  introduced  On  December    4,  2008,   I  took  only   four   days  after   my   retum  tions,   looked   haggard   and   tei'i-
              me  to  a  Palestinian    diplomat.   I  an  El   Al   plane   and  flew   to  Tel  to  Geneva.   That  war,   which   las-  bly   upset.
              do  not   believe   in  chance   mee-  Aviv.     ted  twenty-two    days,   did  not
              tings.   I  tbiiik   eveiy   meeting   has  The   pm'pose   of  my   voyage   was  wiii   many   heaits   and   minds   for  However,    be  tliat   as  it  may,   we
              a  reason   that   we  often   do  not  to   hy   to   organize,    possibly  Israel    which    chose   to   ii&ct  must   now   look   ahead,   and  not
              know.   We  decided   to  forin   a  under   tlie   sponsorsip    of  P.E.N.  death  and  desh'uction   from   a  back,   and   tlie   only   question
              group   to  see  if  we   could   come  Intemational    (wich    is,   foun-  safe  distance,   as  if   Palestinian  woith   asking   is:  Has   the   bottom
              up   with    some   oi'iginal    ideas  ded   in  1921,   in  the   aftennath    of  lives   were   somehow    less  valua-  been   reaclied   at  last?  I  believe
              about    building    the   future    in  tlie   rust   world   war,   by  writers  ble  than   Israeli   ones.   Too   many  that  it  lias,  and  that   the  Gaza
              Israel-Palestiiie.    In  the  months  hoi'rified   by  tbe   cai'nage,    the  civilians   were   killed   or  badly  war   was   the  last   war.   The   time
              tbat   followed   three   or  four  other  only    world-wide    organization  injured,   especially    women   and  lias   come   to  build   the  peace,   in
              people    joined    ris.   We   later  of  writers;   it  has  145   centres   iii  children.     Foreign     reporters  large  pait,    and  perliaps   even
              named   the   group    the  Yaliad-  more   tlian   100  coru'iti'ies   and  were   not   allowed   into   Gaza.  conclusively,    because   the   winds
              Ma'an    (Together)     Geneva  represents    more   tlian   15,000  ButAl    Jazeera   was   there   and   its  of   cliange   are  blowing   across
              Grorip.   In   tlie   sruniner   of  2008,  wi'iters    around    the   world),    a  iinages   were   beairied    around  tlie   Atlantic    Ocean.

                                                                                                   3  2009   Drva   25

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