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prison   populat'on.     wliere    in  the   world   visit   the
                                                                                      Shabazz   Center   when   they   are
                                                             Q:   A   French    journalist    said  iii   New   York   City.   We  want   to
                                                             that,   in  the   US,   minor    cri-  be  a  place   for   joui'nalists,    who
                                                             mes   that    would    not    be  speak   from   a broad  perspective,
                                                             punished    in   Europe    are  are  able   to  engage   in  dialogue.
                                                             strongly    punished    here.  But   not   just   joui'nalists-acti-
                                                             You   are   sent   to   jail.  vists,   other   intellectuals,    creati-
                                                                                      ve  people   of  various   types.   We
                                                             Absolutely,    and   if  yori   liave  want   tlus   to  become   a  gatlteig
                                                             been   a  convict   yori   lose  yoir  place   for   them.   The   Board   of
                                                             right   to  vote.   This   is  tlie   case  in  Directors   aiid   I  are  discussiiig
                                                             most   states  aiid   is  a  luige   pro-  these   issues   now.
                                                             blein.   There    has   been   a big

                                                             movement    to  undo   that   and  I  I  personally    worild   like   to  see
                                                             believe   some   shifts   liave   been  the  Sliabazz   Center   work   close-
            dealt  with   these   issries?   There   is  maintain   the  global   vision   that  made   in   New   York.   Tliese  ly  with   another   iiistitution    tliat
            a  grorip   sayiiig   tliat:   "They   look  Malcolm    X  had.   Dr  Shabazz  issues   then   iinpact   on  liow   tlie  can   lielp   translate   the  ideas   that
            like   me,  and  yet  they   distance  had  been  working    globally   with  civil   society   is  defined   and   the  our   constituency    speak   to  iiito
            tliemselves    from   me.  I  do  not  UNIFEM    and   other  NGOs.   We  way   that   people   feel.  meaningful     legislation-to
            understand   why   lliey   distance  are  a  yoru'ig   institution,    and   we  create   bills   and   foi'ums    Job-
            tliemselves."    So  they   came   to  liave   only   been   hosting   public  One  of   tlie  iiripoitant    paits   of  bying    for   ideas   and   making
            participate    in  the  dialogue.   This  prograinmes    for   two   years.  Malcohn   X's   legacy   was   that  lie  clianges.   I tlm*  that   was   one  of
            is  part   of  what   we   do.  When   and  wliere   we  caii,  we  was  the  first   one  of  the   liuirian  tlie   thiiigs   that   Malcohn    X   hied
                                     bi'ing   in  otlier   organizations    as  rights    activist   to  say  tliat   we  to  do  when   he  set  up  lffs  own
            We  have   also  created   a  voice  partners.   have   to   take    the   African-  iiistitution,    Temple    Number
            for  a  broad   range   of   political           Ainei'ican    sh'uggle   beyond   tlie  Seven.    Ai'iother     was    tlie
            sensibilities-from    the  leff   to  In  terins   of   more   iiiten'iational  boundaries    of  tlie   United   States.  Organization     for    African-
            the  centrc   to  the  right.   (There  and   global   work,   I  can  say  that  He  placed  it   iii   the   liunnan   riglits  Ainei'ican    Unity   and,  of  coru'se,
            liave   not   been   many    people  we  took   oit   first   step  towards  arena   so   that  this   counhy    is  it  was   ruider   that   uribrella    tliat
            from   tlie   political    i'iglit   coming  tliat   last  year   wlien   Dr  Satni  accountable    to  the  rest  of   the  lie    went    to    Cairo    to    tlie

            here!   This   is  not  because   we   are  Ariaiuie,   wlio   is a  Palestiiuan  world.   We   are  puslig    for  tliese  Organization    of   Afi'ican   Unity
            not   makii'ig   it  available    to  them,  luunan    i'ights    activist,    was  dialogues.  meeting   (today   it's  called   the
            but   becarise   it  worild   be  tlie   last  wrongly    detaiiied   by   the   United  African    Union).    You   cannot
            place   wliere   tliey   would   like   to  States   Goveininent.     We  were  Q:  Where    would    you    like  engage   in  )uunan   i'iglits   dialo-
            show   up!)   On  the  otlier   hand,  one  of   the  few   Ainei'ican    iiisti-  to   see   your    Centre    five  giie   and   address   sometl'iing    like
            from   tlie   centre   to  left   we   have  tutions   that  worked   with   the  years    from   now?  the  Ui'iited   Nations   tuiless   you
            voices   from   eveiy   kind   of  poli-  Ainerican    Muslim    task   force   to  liave   a  certaiii   organizational
            tical   spectnun.   We   are  proud   of  host   a  press   conference    deman-  As  a living   men'ioiial,    11011011-  stnictiire    behiiid   you.

            tliat   record   because   this   is  l'iow  diiig   his  release.   That   was  an  i'ing   botli   Malcohn    X   aiid   Betty
            tlie   Shabazz   Center   creates  iinportant    first   step.  Sliabazz,   WIIO  both   had  global  Q:  If  people    want   to   get   in
            civic   discorirse.    We   engage               visions,   we   iiitend   to  become   a  contact    with   you   what   they
            civil    society    iii   a meaningful  Pait   of   what   we   do  here   at  tlie  local   organization    with   a  global  should    do?

            way.  Eacli   one  of   ris  has  their  Sl'iabazz   Centre   is  to  coiu'iect  iinpact.   We   caiinot   lose   siglit   of
            own   beliefs   and  position.   We  local    witli   global    issues.   We  wliere   we  are  pliysically    loca-  The   website   is:   wvirw.theslia-
            create   a  neutral   space   for   them  lield   a luunan   i'iglits   round-table  ted,   but   at  the  same   tiine   we   do  bazzcenter:net    or   they   cart  write

            to   paiticipate    and   engage   as  tliat   dealt   with   tlie   Haitian   com-  want   to  liave   some   impact.   We  to  us at: info@theshebazzcen-

            actors   in  society,   regardless   of  mru'uty.  want   evenhially    to   acqriire  tei:org
            ethnic,   racial,    religioris    and           NGO    status   witli   tlie   United
            political    orientation.  We  had   anotlier   sector   oriented  Nations    and  become      a place
                                     discussion   dealing   witli   youtli  wliere   dignitaries    fi'om   any-
            Q:   Malcolm    X   was    very  and  education.   A  i-idiculously
            engaged     in   the    fight    for  dispropoitionate    munber     of
            civic   and   human    rights    -  African-Americans     and
            first    in  the    United     States  Hispaiffc    yormg   men,   and   a
            and   later   globally.    What   is  growiiig   population    of   young
            the   relationship    between  women,   are  beiiig   incarcerated.
            the   Shabazz     Centre     and  Tliere   is  a  ciiiniiialization    of  the
            other    institutions    in   the  cultiire   of  yorith.
            world?     Have    you    started
            partnerships    with    other  Q:   I  have    heard    that    a  i
            organizations?    Are   you  black   man    has   ten   times
            open   for   this   kind   of   part-  more   chances    of   going    to
            nership?                 jail   than   a  white    man.
            Yes,   absotutely!    We   liave   to  We   are  only   13%   of  the   popula-
                                     tion,   but   represent   35%   of   tlie
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