Page 34 - DIVA_3_2009
P. 34

Interview             with   Nazanin   Afshin-Jam,

               President,              Stop   Child   Executions   (SCE),

                              by   Nicolas-Emilien                       Rozeau.

                                     and   government    makes  projects   ourselves   and  have  necessaiy   steps   to  put   a  stop
                                     your      association's  received   a  small   amount   of  to  this   practice.   Nobel   Peace
                                     actions    both   political    as  donations   from   the  general  Laureate    Shirin    Ebadi    has
                                     well     as   humanitarian,  public.   SCE   helps   to  act  as  a  made   child   executions    her
                                     do   you   not   fear   for   your  liaison     between     families  pet   project   this   year   with   her
                                     own   life?              seeking   legal    counsel    and  Centre   for    Human    Rights
                                                              human    rights   lawyers;    as  Defenders.     Over    half   a
                                     I  have   received   threats   to  my  well   as  channeling    inforina-  dozen   top  Islamic   scholars
                                     life   but   working    to  combat  tion   from   Iran   to  internatio-  and   jurispnidence    have   also
                                     injustice   in  the  world   is    a  nal   human   rights   groups   like  signed   a  joiiit   statement   cat-
                                      sacrifice    I   am   willing     to  Amnesty    International     and  ling   for   an  end  to  this   'unis-
                                     make.   If   I  did   nothing   and  organizations     like    the  lamic'   practice.   Presidential
                                      chose   to  ignore   issues,   like  United   Nations.  candidate    Mehdi    Karoubi
                                      child   executions   that  I  feel              has   publicly    stated    that  if
                                     veiy   strongly   opposed   to,  I  Do   you   not   think    that  it  elected   he  worild   prit   an  end
              You   are   president    of   the  would    be   a  part   of   the  would     be    better     to  to  death   penalty   for   minors.
              organization     "Stop  problem.   I  guess  you   could  approach    the   problem
              Child     Executions",  consider   any   subject   p  through     international  Your     activeness     and
              which    is   fighting    to   abo-  olitical   but  I  feel  that  our  diplomatic     channels,  willingness    are   second-
              lish   the   death    penalty  campaign    is  not   overtly    poli-  internal     Iranian     politics  to-none,    but    what    are
              for    minors    in   Iran.   To  tical   and  sticks    within   tlie  and   civil   society    rather  the   real   means    of   pres-
              have    a  better    unders-  confines   of   "human    tights".  than     an    external  sure    you    have    to   stop
              tanding    of   what   is  going  Iran   is  state   paity   t  organisational?  these    child   executions?

              on;   could    you   explain    to  o the  ICCPR   (International
              us   what    crimes     these  covenant    on  civil   and   politi-  We   are  voicing    what   the   vast  SCE   has  initiated    a  petition
              minors    on   death   row   in  cal    rights)     and    CRC  majority    of  the   population    in  with   over   20,000   signatures,
              prisons    are   accused    of?  (convention    on  the   tights   of  Iran   want:    an  end  to  child  organized   rallies,   produced
                                      the  child)   which   clearly   for-  execution     and    an    inter-  documentai'ies,    participated
                                                                                      in    major     human     rights
              Crimes     and   punishments  bids   the  execution    of   those  national    law    which    would
              vary   for  different    offences.  who   have   committed    an  prevent     such    executions.  conferences,     conducted
              Girls   above   the   age  of  9,  and  offence   before   the   age  of  18.  Just   recently,    1500    active  speeches   in  vai'ious   parlia-
              boys   above   the   age  of   15  are  We   are   simply    reminding  lawyers    and   huinan    rights  ments   worldwide    and   has
              considered     adrilts    under  and  pressuring    tlie   Islamic  defenders   in  Iran   signed   a  been   cited   in  major   global
              Islamic   Shari'a   law   and  the-  Republic    of  Iran   to  abide   by  joint    statement    requesttng  newspapers,     magazines,
              refore   are   held    criminally  their   obligations.  that   tlie   govenurient    and   the  television    and   radio    riews
              responsible    for   tl'ieir   actions          council   of  guardians    take   the  programs.
              and   tried   the   same   as  adults.  Your    campaign     takes
              Since   the   1979   revolution,  place   in  a  sensitive    and
              when   there   was  a redefini-  complex     geo-political

              tion   of  Shari'a   laws,   we   have  environment,     are   you
              reports   on  jriveniles,     who  independent     of    all
              haye    been    executed     for  forms    of   political     pres-
              apostasy,     homosexuality,  sure   and   influence    be   it
              drug   trafficking,    acts  incom-  internal     or    external,
              patible   with   chastity,   endan-  governmental    or   non-
              gering     national     security,  governmental    for   this
              murder    and   manslaughter.  campaigning?
              There   are  currently    over   140
              children    on   death    row    in  We   are  an  independent,    non-
              Iran.                   political,    non   profit   organi-
                                      zation     run    entirely     by
              Campaigning     against  vohmteers.    Up   rintil   now,   we
              the    Iranian     President  liave   mostly   funded   all  the
                                                               0   Khaled  Nahiz/IBM
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