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What    are   the   key   points     represent    tlieir    poprilous.  Apart    from   working     on    media   aborit    cliild    execu-
               of   your    report     of   July     Tlie   UN   must   haye   a  much  child   executions,    I   address    tions,   Become   a   vohmteer,
               which    will   be  launched     stronger   hand   than   it   does  many   otlier    human    riglits    donate   time   and/or   resour-
               in  the   UK   parliament    via    now,   to  enforce   intei'natio-  issues.   I  will   continue   wor-    ces  so  we  can  continue   fun-
               the   Foreign    Policy    cent-     nal   instruments     to    whicli  king    towards     bringing     ding   orir  activities    or  fuid
               re?                      Iran    is    state   party.    Those  liuman   riglits    and  freedom     creative   ways   to  lielp   rising
               Our   report   provides    the    particular     individuals     that  TO   all   oppressed    IlatiOllS    your   talents   and  blessings.
               latest   statistics    and   data    violate   humari   rights   should  wl'iether   Iran,   China,   Burma     We  liave   liad   people   write
               based   on   juveniles    who    not   go  with   impunity.    This  or  otlier   countries.   My   only    songs,    create    paintings,
               l'iave   been   executed    and    July   our   major   project   is  to  Tllle   WlSb   18  far    PeOPle'S    poetns,   sculpture,  video
               who   are   waiting   on  death    release    a  con'ipreliensiye  minds,   bodies   and  souls   to    clips,    graphic     arts...
               row   in  Iran.   We  provide   a   report,     offering    practical  be  free   and   therefore    be  itt  a   Everyone   has  their   unique
               historical    background,    legal    recoini'nendations    to  policy  space  to  be   able  to   fulfill     y01,3   10   plBy   iB    IH   SCE
               analysis     of   internatiorial     makers   and  actiyists   011   tl'+e  their   greatest   capabilities.     action,   as   well   as  in  tbeir
               law,    Iranian     law,    the    situation    of  child   executions   own   lives,   tmougli    peace,
               tlieological    cliallenges,    case    in    Iran,    prior   to    Iran's  While    waiting     for   that    loveandhappiness.Dropby
               studies     and,    of    course,     Universal    Pexiodic   Review  day   to  come,    how   can    drop   we   can   create   an  ocean
               recommendations     witl'i    early   2010.      one   help   individually    or    of   change    and  prit  out  the
               emphasis    on   rehabilitation                  collectively    to  support    fires   of   injustice    in  this
               and   re-socialization    as  alter-  A   wise   Indian    once   said  Stop    Child    Executions    world.
               native     means    to    capital  that     our    actions     are  and    its   voluntary    wor-
               punishinent.             always    a  way   to   reduce  kerb?           Thanlc   )iou   vety   inuch   for
                                        our   personal     internal                     answering    these   questions
               You   were   in  Geneva    on  tensions.    Your   first   goal  I  would   encourage    eveiyone     and   I   uiish   you   all   the  best
              19   April   to   participate    in  was   to   save    Nazanin  to  check   out   our   website   at   for   )iour  persorial  and pm-
               meetings     with     the  Fatehi    and   you   magnifi-  www.stopchildexecutions.c    fessioria7  projects.
               LINOG,    what    did   your  cently     succeeded     in  01Tl  , sign   our   petition,    read

               participation    entail?  your   mission.     Of   cour-  the    "wbat     you    can    do
                                        se,   other   people    got  in  section"     whicli     involyes
               I    chaired    and  presented    a  touch    with    you   after  writing    letters   to   Irantan
               speech   on  tlie  situation   of  this,    but    what    are   the  officials,     the    {JN,    local
              human   rights   in  Iran   at  tlie  real   reasons    that   make  members   of   parliament    and
               Geneva   Suininit    for   Human  you   continue    your    cam-
              Rights,     Tolerance     and  paign?
              Democracy     wliere     more
              than   500   human   riglits,   anti-  After     tlie    success    of
              racism    and  pro-democracy  Nazanin    Fatehi's     release
              activists    assembled    from  from   prison,    wlien   other
              around   the  world   to  place  families    started    coiitacting
              the   most   pressing   sihiations  me,  I   could   not  leave   that
              on  the  intematiorial    agenda,  responsibility     behind.     I
              to  run   parallel   to  the  United  chose   to  take   on  tliis   battle
              Nations     Durban     Review  because   I    tnily   believe   it
              Conference.    I  spoke   on  the  can   be  won.   I  liave   seen   the
              death    penalty,     women's  power    tliat   we   liave   as
              rights,    the   persecution     of  luiman   beings   wlien   we  join
              religious    and   ethnic   minori-  forces   to   combat    ills.   I
              ties   and  political    prisoners  continue   the   stnzggle   for   the
              in  Iran.                cause   but   also  to  give   hope
                                       to  others   that   something    can
              What   do   you   think   the  be  done,   and   also   encourage
              role   of   the   UN   is  in  the  them   to  lead   tl'ieir   own   cam-
              domain     of    human   paxgns.
              rights,     and    particularly
              in  its  action    to   abolish  If  a  law   was   passed    in
              child   executions?      Iran   concerning    Child
                                       Executions,    would    you
              I    believe    the   '[JN   l'ias   an  continue     working     on
              imperative     role    to    play  actions    in  Iran   or   would
              wliere   liuman   rights   abrises  you    change     your
              are   concerned    especially  objectives?
              wlien   dealing   with   oppressi-                (C   Masooma   Mohamadi/IRIN
              ve   regimes    tliat   do   not
                                                                                                   3  2009   Diva   33

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