Page 21 - DIVA_3_2009
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NUTRITION                 IN  A  NUTSHELL?

                                  Interview   with  Huub   Verhagen

                                   of  Medecins   sans   Frontieres

             The   Norwegian    documen-  mes.   MSF   realised   that  food  But   if   you  look   at   the  actual  researchers,    mahiutrition   is  a
             tary    film   "The     Famine  crises  not  only   occur   in  acute  figiu'es,   the  incidence   of  malnu-  topic   that  merits   intemational
             Scam",    about   the   so-called  crisis  situations   like   conflict   or  trition  is  extremely  igh  even   in  attention.   Interest   in  malnutri-
             famine    in    Niger    in    2005,  natural   disaster,  but  that  they  many   stable  contexts.  tion   has  been   neglected.   That   is
             was    awarded     the  are   also   present   in   stable               the  reason   why   MSF   is  hying
             Scandinavian    prize   for   the  contexts.     Q:   The    Nonvegian     docu-  to  attract   intemational    attention
             best    documentary    film.                     mentary     film    shows    that  to  this  problem.
             This   documentary    basical-  This  insight   prompted   MSF   to  children     were   not    dying
             ly  stated   that   humanitarian  raise  media   atkention   for  this  from     malnutrition     but  You  may  wonder  why  this  topic
             actors    like   M6decins    sans  neglected   crisis.   And   since  the  rather   from   the   complica-  has   been  neglected.   There  are
             Fronti6res    (MSF)   and   the  problem   goes  well   beyond   the  tions   of   malaria.    What   you  plenty   of   very   simple   reasons.
             media     exaggerated     the  Niger   crisis,   there  is  ever  since  are   saying   is  that   malaria  For   instance,   students   iii   medi-
             situation     and    that    there  a   clear   williiigness    within   MSF  has   nothing    to  do   with   it.  cal  schools   are  taught  very   little
             was   no  "famine"    in  Niger.  to  highlight   the  global   problem  People   get   malaria    becau-  about  malnutrition;    they   do
             The    image     of    the  of  malnutrition     as  a  major  se   of   malnutrition?  leai'n  about  other   pathologies,
             Nonvegian    Section    of   MSF  priblic   healtl'i   issue.            such  as   diarrhoea   and  malaria.
             suffered,    because    as  Jan                  There   are  d'fferent  pathologies:
             Egeland     said,    the    UN  aThis   motivation   has  nothing   to  malaria,   diarrhoea,   respiratory  But   there  are   also  completely
             Humanitarian    Co-ordinator  do  with   raising   more   funds,   but  tract   infections,    etc.   These  differentreasons.    Countries   that
             at  that   time,   the   figures    he  simply   with   raisiiig   awareness  young   cbililren   are   far  more  are  affected  by  malnutrition    are
             had   received     from   MSF  for   a   forgotten   crisis   that   causes  prone   to  disease  because   their  huxniliated   because   it  indicates
             about   the  "famine"     were  many   uniiecessaiy   deaths,  but  i+nmune   system   is  weakened.  that  the  govei'i'unent   is   incapa-
             even   higher    than   the   ones  that  has  been  considered   to  be  Their   iminune   system   is   wea-  ble  of   feeding   its  own   popula-
             the   UN  had   given   out.   We  notmal   becarise   we  got   used  to  kened  because   tliey  do  not  have  tion.  As  long  as   they  do   not
             therefore     met    with    Huub  a   under-five-mortality    rate   of  a   proper   diet.  Thus,  yori   can  have  a   solution  to  this   problem,
             Verhagen    of  MSF   here   in  200  cildren    orit  of  every   l'OOO  conelate   malmit+'tion   with   the  it  is  also  politically    difficult   to
             Geneva   in  order   to  better  newbom.         probability    of   death.  Then,   the  make   them   reco@iize   the  size
             understand     MSF's   stance                    actual  disease  that  makes  the  of   the  problem.   aphis   is   on  a
             regarding    malnutrition.  In  global   tenns,   malnutrition    is  child  die  is perhaps   malaria,   but  completely   different   scale:   a
                                      the  underlying   cause  in  50%   of  the  underlying    cause  is  actually  veiy   political   problem.
             Q:  What   is  your  function?  deaths   of  childrenunder   the  age  malnutrition    in  rougmy   lialf   of
                                      of  5  years.   That   figiire   is  a huge  the  cases  of  child  mortality.  Q:    TaFking     about     mal-
             I   am  attaclied   to   the   general  factor    in    accounting    for   the  nutrition     as   such,     and
             d'qectorate   of  MSF   and  I  cover  child   deaths  under   the  age  of  5,  Q:    l'm    not    a   medical  taking     the    example     of
             different   topics.   One  is  to be  the  and    especially    among   vei'y  doctor    but   I  don't   see   the  people    eating    too    much

             liaison   person   with   Swiss  civil  yoring   cildren    aged  about   2   or  link    between     a mosquito  fast   food    in    Europe    and
             society   and  official   iiistitutions  3   years.  At  that  age,   they  are  bite,    the   development     of  the   United    States,    could
             on   the   topic   of  malnuti'ition.  exh'emely     vulnerable     and  malaria    and   dying   of   mal-  one   say   that   malnutrition
             The  Swiss  section   of  MSF   is  depend   strongly   ripon   a  proper  nutrition.    Ifl   went   to   Africa  exists   everywhere?
             supporting     an   international  diet  to  achieve  healthy   develop-  next   week   and   contracted
             campaign   drawing   more   atten-  ment.   Without   that  proper   diet,  malaria   one   way   or  ano-  Malnutrition     is   a   clearly
             tion  to  the   global   problem   of  it  is  not   only   death   that  they   are  ther  deftned    pathology,    but   you
             malnutiition.    We  are   ti'ying   to  facing   brit  tlieir   whole   self-  could    say   indeed   tliat   bad
             mobilize   the  intemational    com-  defence   system  breaks   down  ...  you  would   not  die  from   it.  nutrition   is   typically   affecting
             tnunity   to  address   this  problem.  with   long-tei'in   consequences  But   you   mght   die  if  you   were  the   most  vulnerable,   i.e.  the
                                      for  their   health-even    if   they  malnourished    and   your   self-  poor  in  any  society.  What   is
             Q:    What   are  your   com-  sui'vive.    It  is    a   huge  public  defence   mecliaiiistri   had  been  happening  in Western  societ5r  is
             ments   on  the   thesis   that  health  problem.  weakened.             a  m'rror   image   of  what   is  hap-
             MSF    has   been    exaggera-  Our  belief   is   that  malnutrition    pening   in  developing   countries.
             ting   the  "famine"    of  2005   in  has   not  received   the  attention  This  is  what   researchers   have  What    you   see  is  the   most
             Niger?    People    say   that  that  it deserves   at the  intematio-  been  studying.   Your  intuition  fragile    section    of    the
             MSF    did   so   in    order   to  nal   level.   This   goes   beyond  may  suggest  that  there  is  no  cornmunit5r   tending   to  em  fast
             raise   more   funds.    simple   humanitarian    action,  correlation   between   these  two  food.    They    cannot    afford
                                      because   malnuti'ition    has  tradi-  events.  But   that  correlation   is  healthy   food   and    tlierefore
             The   food   ci'isis   in Niger  of  2005  tionally   been  associated   with  well  established   by  scientific  develop   problems   with   obesity.
             was  characterised   by  a   major  acute  conflicts   aiid  other   emer-  literature.   Roughly,   lialf   of   the

             increase   in   the   munber   of  gencies,   leading  to the displace-  child   mortality   rate  in  develo-  Q:  I do   accept   to   a   certain
             patients   that  we  received   in  our  ment   of  populations,   etc.  ping   cointries   is  a  direct   result  degree   what   you   say,   but
             ongoing    nutritional   program-                of  malnutiition.    Accordiiig   to  we    also    have    lots    of
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