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but   for   foreigners    too.  Islamic   banks   in  Balmaiii    and
                                                              Of   course,   we   have   a veiy  they   are  doing   veiy   well,   but   it

                                                              advaiiced    housing   policy-that  is  a  free   market   and   they   have
                                                              was    the    reason    why    His  to   compete.    People    liave    the
                                                              Highness    the   Pi'iine   Minister  freedom   to   choose.    We  have
                                                              was  awarded   a  pi'ize   by  LTN-  seen   that   cominercial     banlcs
                                                              Habitat    for   our  housing   pro-  have   also   included    sections   that
                                                              grainme.   Eveiy   citizen   is  entit-  are  iuled   according    to  Islainic
                                                              led   to  receive   a  house   from   the  law,  so  they   are  moviiig    in  a
                                                              Govemirient.    We   started   this   in  veiy   good   direction.
                                                              the   late  1960s   and  big  program-
                                                              mes   are  in   place.   Q:  In  Switzerland    there   are
                                                                                       banking    secrets.
                                                              We   are  also   veiykeen    on   attrac-
                                                              ting   foreign   inveshnent,    so  you  Ours   is  a  totally   different   sys-
                                                              will   see  that   there   are  a  lot  of  tem.   As  I  told   you,   we  liave   a
                                                              employment     opportunities  veiy   advanced   monetaiy    sys-
                                                              either   in  hospitals,    education,  tem,   but   totally    different.    I
                                                                                       know    the    advantages     that
                                                                                       Switzerland    lias,   but   these   can-
                                                              Q:  Bahrain    is  known    to   be  not   be  applied   worldwide.    The
                                                              aiming    at   becoming     the  movement    of   fiutds   is  carried
                                                              financial    hub   of   the   Middle  out  in  a  veiy   transparent    way.
                                                              East.                    Tl'ffs  is  an  advantage   for   hust
                                                                                       building    and  you   are  avoiding    a
                                                              This   lias  actually   been   taking  lot  of   problems.   We  are  prorid
                                                              place   since  early   1970s.   As  I  of  our   system   andwe   have  been
                                                              told    you   earlier,   our   leaders  able   to  attract   a  lot  of   foreign
                                                              recogi'med    at  an  early   stage   that  inveshnent.
                                                              we   had   to  diversify    our   econo-
                                                              my;   one  of   the  sectors   to  be  Q:   You   are   actually    leaving
                                                              developed   was   the   banking    sec-  Geneva    to  take   up  a  new
                                                              tor.  Of   course,   in   the   beginniiig  position.
                                                              a  lot  of   offshore   banks   moved
              inight   laiow,   we  are  the  first  His   Majesty   the  King   Hainad
              counhy     iii    the    Gulf  Biii   Isa  AL   KHALIFA,    Kiiig   of  to  Bahrain.   They   subsequently  Actually,    I'm   leaving  veiy   soon.
              Cooperation    Council   (GCC)   to  Bahrain   has  taken   veiy   coura-  found  that   the   environirient    was  I  have   been   appointed   by  the
                                                              suitable   as  a  centre   for   the  Gulf  Govemrnent    of  Bamain    and   tlie
              get   rid   of   tl'ie   sponsorsliip  geous   refonris   in  all   aspects   of
                                                              in   teims   of  location,   in  terms   of  Minister    of   Foreign   Affairs   to
              system.                 life:   political,    econoinic    and
                                                              restrictions    and,   most    impor-  be  tlie  Under-Secretaiy    in  the
                                      social   refonns    which   help    in
                                                              tantly,   we   have   a veiy   advanced  Minishy    of   Foreign   AfFairs.   I
              Q:  Could   you   explain    this  busting   tlie   counhy.
                                                              monetaiy    system.   Bamain   has  feel   that   the  Geneva   expei'ience
              a  little   further
                                                              been   the  counhy   that   was   least  has  been   a  very   good   one  tliat
                                      Bahraiii     lias    always    been
                                                               affected   by  the  fuiancial    ci'isis  will   be  useful   to  us.  There   have
              Freedom     of   movement     of  known   for   its  freedom   of   faith.
                                                              because   the   Central   Bank   of  also   been   a  lot   of  developments
              labour   means   tliat   you   do  not  We  have   all   kinds   of   chrirclies,
                                                              Balmain   has  a  very   good   moni-  takii'ig   place   in  the  Minishy    of
              need   the  authorizatiori    of   your  a  small   Jewisli    community,
                                                              toig    system.          Foreign   Affairs.   Despite   being
              employer   to  move   from   one  job  Buddhists.    In   tenns   of  faitli,   we

                                                                                       a small   counhy,   we  are  veiy
              to  another.   If   you   fiiid   a  better  are  a  veiy   tolerant   society.

                                                              Today,   in  fuiance   as a  whole,  active    with    leaderslnp    iii   the
              opportiinity,    you   are  free   to  take
                                                              including     insurance,    nobody  multilateral    arena.   The   Minishy
              it.  This   is  something    tliat   was  We   have    many    nationalities
              not  possible    earlier.   We   also  from   an  over   the   world.   Some  can   compete   with    us   in   the  of   Foreign   Affairs    is  always
     z        introduce   unemployinent    insu-  people   have   taken   their   retire-  Middle     East.    In    tenns    of  paiticipating    in   conferences
              rance   benefits.   Anyone   who   is  ment   in   Bamain.  Islainic   banking,   we  are  nuin-  and  workshops    that   are  taking
                                                              ber   one   iii   the   world.  place,    especially     when    it
              unemployed    will   be  paid  by   the
                                                                                       concems   Our  regloll
              Minishy    of  Labour    for   six  Q:  Is  it  a  good    place    to   reti-
                                                               Q:  What   is  the   difference
              montlis   until   he  or  she  fuids  re  to   because     people     do
                                                               between    a   normal     bank  We   are   not   a  counh'y    that
              another  job.           not   pay   taxes?
                                                               and   an   Islamic    bank?  attempts   to  iinpose   itself.   We
                                                                                       are  always   being   asked   by   our
              Despite    being   a veiy   small  It's   not  only   about   taxes.   Of

                                                               In  terms    of   the  system,   they  fi'iends   to  attend   these  confe-
              coruity,   we   have   a  lot  of   good  course,   people   do  not  pay   taxes,
                                                               apply   different   i'ules.  I  do  not  rences   because   tliey   know   that
              stories    to  tell  the  world.    We  pi'ivate   ownership-you    have
                                                              want   to  go  into   detail,   but   basi-  we   have   a  moderate    foreig,
              have   a  veiy   open   and   democra-  education-pi'ivate    or  public.
                                                               cally   Islainic   banks   are  based  policy    and  we   always    toy  to
              tic  system   of   legislation,    with  The   universities    only   charge
                                                               on  profit-shariiig,    wliereas   tlie  support    our   region   and   our
              two   chainbers-aii    upper   and   a  administrative    costs.   Health
                                                               coininercial    banks   are  based   on  friends.   We   have   veiy   good
              lower   horise.         care   and   education    are  also   free
                                                               interest   rates.   We   have   very   big  relations   witli   all  the  countries
                                      thus   far;   not   only   for   Babraiiffs
                                                                                       of  the  world.
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