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Interview             with   Ala   Almoman

                                    the  newly   appointed   Chef   de  Cabinet

                          at  the  International     Organization      for   Migration    (10M)

                                                                                       Despite   what   people   say,    the
             Mr.    Ala    Almoman     was
                                                                                       presence   of  the  United   Nations
             recently     appointed     as
             Director,    Chef   de  Cabinet                                           has  contributed    a  great   deal   to
                                                                                       global   peace   aiid   stability.
             at    the    International
             Organization    for   Migration
             (10M),    but    before    that    he                                     Q:   Do   you   think   that   the
             enjoyed     a    long     and                                             UN   has   lost   goodwill?
             distinguished    career    in  the
             United    Nations    in  Geneva                                           I  don't   think   that   the  UN   has
             and    various     field     mis-                                         lost   goodwill.    The   UN   does  a
             sions.    He   is   a  hardworking                                        great   deal   of  good   -  but   people
             man   with   a  big   heart.   His                                        out    there    do    not    receive
             office    is   like    a    museum                                        adequate    inforination.    They
                                                                                       say:  "Where   is  tlie  UN?"   But
             with     souvenirs     and
             memorabilia     from     the                                              you   are    familiar    with   the
             different     countries     in                                            mechanism.    It  is   the  Member
             which     he    has    served,                                            States    and    often   tlie    host
              including     photos     with                                            countiy   that   decide   what   to  do

              Heads    of   State,    UN   SGs                                         in   a countiy,    not   necessaiily
              (Boutros    Boutros    Ghali,                                            United   Nations'    peacekeepers
              Kofi    Annan    and   Ban   ki                                          or   the  Secretai'iat.
              moon)    and   gifts   from    his
              colleagues,    not   to   mention                                        It    is    sripposed     to    be    the
                                                                                       mandate   that   tells   yori   what   yori
             from   the   historical    events  Dirctor     General     VVilliam    Lacy     Swing     (to    the    right)
              at  which    he   has   been   pre-  welcomes    Ala   Almoman    (left)   to  IOM  can  and  cannot   do.  I  can  tell
              sent,    beginning     with    the                                       you    from    my    personal
              first   democratic    elections                                          experience    that   some   peace-
                                      guislied        Special  Peacekeeping    is  veiy   sensitive  keeping     missions     have
              in  South    Africa    in  1994.
                                      Representatives    over   a   pei'iod  and  eveiy   move   is   detennined  developed   their   priorities    and
                                      of   five   years   -   and  I  worked  by  tlie   Secu'ity   Council   and   by    only   after    they
              Q:   What    is   your    back-                                          programiries
                                      through    them   all   as  the   Cliief  of  the   Secretaiy-General    ii'i   close  have   arrived  in  the   host   counhy.
                                      Protocol   and   Liaison   iii  cliarge  concert    with    national    actors.
                                      of  Extemal    Relations.  Success    comes    from    this  For   instance,   rnilitaiy    peace-
              I    undertook     post-graduate
              studies   in  political   science   and                                  keepers   liave   built   schools   in
                                      In   Januaiy   2000,   I  left   Haiti   and
              economics    in  Geneva   and   Lyon                                     the  areas   wliere   they   have   been
                                      joined   Mr.   Jacqries   Paul   Klein,  These    peacekeeping     Missions  located.   They   have   also   attemp-
              (France)    in   the   mid-1970s.
              After   that,   I  became   acquainted  the   Special   Representative    of  were   a  success   in  iiriplementing  ted   to   print   scliool    books,
                                      the    Secretaiy-Gei'ieral     and  their   respective    mandates   of  the  always   with   liinited   resorirces
              with   tlie   UN   diplomatic    corps
              and  began    working    with    tbe  Head    of   the   {Jf%J    inission    in  {JN   Secirity    Coruicil.   There   are  in  areas  wl'iere   tlie   UN   partners
                                      Bosnia-Herzegovina,     stationed  many    positive     stories,    but  are   not  located.    If   a inilitaiy

              Arab   Lea@ie.   I  spent   17  years
                                      in  Sarajevo,   where   I  worked   iii  journalists,    as  yori   know,   often
              with   the  Arab   League   before                                       force   possesses   a   medical   rinit
                                      the  fi'ont   office   for   three-and-a-  overlook    tlie   positive   events   and  and  that   rinit   is  not   required   to
              joining   the  UN   in  1994.    My
                                      lialf   years   as  Chief   of   Protocol  focus   on  sensational   issues,   Or     personnel,    they
              first   assigiunent    was  iit  South                                   treat   militaiy
                                      and   Liaison.   I  was   then   appoiii-  on  peace  processes   thatliave    fal-  care   for   the  local   population.
              Ahica   from   Febi'uaiy   to  July
              1994.   It  was  a  pleasire   to  be  ted   iii   July   2003   as  the   Chef   de  tered.   It   is  the  liotspots   tliat   inte-
              included     iii    that    mission.  Cabinet     to    the    Secretai'y-  rest    the    media,    We   do  tliese   things   when  we   are
                                      General's    Special    Represent-  success   stories.   For   instance,  iii   the   field   and   they   are
              Working     with    the    Special
              Representative,    Mr   Lakhdar  ative    for    Western     Sahara,  South    Afi'ica     was    a   very  welcomed    by   the  local   popula-
                                      Alvaro   de  Soto.   After   only   one  positive     experience;  see  what    the
              Brahimi,     was   an   honour    iii                                    tion.   They    can
                                      montli,   Mr.   de  Soto   was  asked  Mozambique    was  aiiother   suc-  United   Nations    is   doing.   If
                                      by   the  Secretaiy-General    to  do  cess    story;    Bosnia     and  there   is  the  possibility    of   doing
                                      some    mediation     work    in  Herzegovina;     Cypius   is   going  on    the   social    side,   we
              After   retiu'iiing    to  Geneva,   Mi'.                                more
                                      Cypn+s,   and   I  then   became   the  well;    Cambodia    is   a   positive
              Brahiini    was   appoiiited    Special                                  would   do  it!
              Representative    for   Haiti    and  officer-iii-charge    of  the   inission  example;   iii   LatinAinerica    tliere
              asked   me   to  join   lmn   tliere,  before   retuiniiig,    in  July   2004,  is  Guatemala   and  many   others  Q:  Why   aren't    these   kinds
                                                               from   1948   to  date.  We  proceed
              wich    I  did   iii   November    1994.  tO   UNOG.                     of   things    promoted    by   the
                                                               from   peacekeeping    to   peace
              The   United   Nations   mission   iiy                                   media?
                                                               building   and  development    and
              Haiti   evolved   with   foir   diffe-  Q:    Were     these     peace-
              rent   mandates   ru'ider  forir  distiii-  keeping     missions     a  then   we  leave   wlien   tlie   job   is  If   you   were   to  look   closely   at
                                      success?                 done.
                                                                                                    3  2009   Diva   3
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