Page 21 - DIVA_2_2015
P. 21


                          Opening of the International Moiitoriñ

                     n 15 June 2015, the Inter-  The ICDO and its Member States have   trends that are observed and the ways
                     national Civil Defence   a special responsibility to train civil   in which different States respond to
                     Organisation (ICDO)     defence personnel and to prepare civil   a wide range of natural or man-made
                     hosted an important  society to better respond to disasters,   disasters. This information will allow
          event at its headquarters in Geneva.   as well as to introduce modern infor-  countries to better assess risks, to pre-
          The opening ceremony of the Inter-  mation systems for disaster preven-  pare for them and to prevent disasters
          national Monitoring and Coordina-  tion. In this regard, the creation of   in the future.
          tion Centre (IMCC) was attended by   the IMCC at ICDO headquarters in
          representatives of the Municipality of   Geneva is of utmost importance and   in second phase, the IMCC will estab-
          Lancy, Geneva Cantonal authorities   constitutes a landmark in ICDO his-  lish auxiliary centres in several
          and Swiss Civil Defence, as well as by   tory. Specialists from national emer-  ICDO Member States where they are
          representatives of numerous natio-  gency services who have worked in   needed. ICDO will help these
          nal civil protection organizations and   similar centres in their own countries   countries equip their centres with
          international organizations in Geneva,   are expected to be seconded to work   modern technologies, and prepare and
          by heads of missions and a number of   at the IMCC. The Russian Federation   train their staff. The ultimate goal of
          journalists.                       and Kuwait have already taken steps   this project is to create an internatio-
                                             in this direction.                nal network of centres to promote the
          Natural disasters continue to cause                                  exchange of information on disasters
          more and more human and material   Russia, a strategic partner of the ICDO,   and to support the preparedness of
          losses. In this context, and pursuant   made a generous contribution towards   national, regional and international
          to decision 7 of the ICDO Executive   the creation of the Centre in 2014. Fi-  forces for disaster response.
          Council's forty-sixth session, the In-  nancial support for the ongoing activi-
          ternational Monitoring and Coordi-  ties of the IMCC will be provided by   Already today, the IMCC cooperates
          nation Centre was created as a tool to   different ICDO Member States.   with the Russian National Centre
           enable updated risk assessment and                                  for Crisis Management, the Russian-
          mapping of disasters in ICDO Mem-  During the first phase, the IMCC will   Serbian centre in the southern Serbian
          ber States, as well as for prevention-  collect the available disaster risk in-  city of Nig and with a similar centre
          planning. The major goal is to better   formation for inclusion in the Centre's   to combat disasters in the Kyrgyz
          protect the population, property and   database, where it will be analysed,   Republic. In future other operational
           environment. These objectives are   updated and disseminated to Mem-  centres will be created in such ICDO
           formulated in ICDO's Ten-Year Strate-  ber States. An information document   Member States as Algeria, Jordan,
          gic Programme 2015-2025.           will be prepared on the evolution of   South Africa and Azerbaijan.
                                             catastrophes across the world, the

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