Page 18 - DIVA_2_2015
P. 18
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Moving towards economic and political modernization
zbekistan is a young and maintain consistently high rates of a set of measures aimed at imple-
dynamic Central Asian growth and industrial development. menting structural reforms, further
nation, an independent According to the report by the United modernization and diversification of
Ucountry since 1991. Nations Development Policy and production. This process is expected
Demographically, it is the biggest Analysis Division entitled World eco- to lead to a 50% rise in industrial out-
country in the region with a rapidly nomic situation and prospects: Mid- put by 2020 with some US$38 billion
growing population of 31.5 million. 2015 update, as well as World Bank of planned investments.
Historically, Uzbekistan has always and EBRD estimates, annual GDP
been at the crossroads of different growth in Uzbekistan for the period Today more than 80% of GDP is pro-
civilizations and cultures. As evi- 2006-2013 was in the region of 8% vided by the non-state sector. Small
dence there is the multi-ethnic and and for 2015-2016 it is expected to be business is becoming a driving force
multi-confessional character of the around 7%. for the Uzbek economy. Its share in
country, which is a peaceful home GDP has increased over the period
for representatives of more than 130 The Government of Uzbekistan since 2000 from 31 to 56%. In the
different ethnicities and followers of announced the following as its key context of the new privatization
sixteen confessions. priorities for socio-economic develop- programme, in 2015-2016 the state
ment for 2015: maintaining high rates share in the economy will be further
Uzbekistan boasts more than 4,000 of economic growth; further struc- reduced by selling off some 1,000
historical and architectural monu- tural transformations of the economy; state enterprises.
ments. Famous ancient cities such modernization and diversification of
as Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva and the industrial sector; greater locali- Along with measures to diversify the
Shakhrisyabz were classified by zation of production; and develop- economy, one of the key features of
UNESCO as World Heritage sites, ment of the transport and engi- Uzbekistan's development model is
since they attract millions of foreign neering infrastructure. Taking into implementation of a strong social
tourists who come to see landmarks account rapid demographic growth, policy. Today in Uzbekistan 60% of
on the Great Silk Road. one of the most challenging tasks is budget allocations are channelled
to create more new jobs for young to the social sector, including more
Since independence, Uzbekistan has people, together with a continuous than 34% to education and more than
been striving to become self-suffi- improvement in working conditions. 14.5% to healthcare.
cient with a diversified economy.
Despite the negative impact of the In January 2015, the Government In Uzbekistan it is usual to adopt nd
recent global financial and economic presented a new five-year industriali- implement annual state programi Les
crisis on many countries, for the last zation strategy and a two-year priva- on topical issues of social policy nd
ten years Uzbekistan has managed to tization programme, which include international obligations. Thus, 2 )14
16 International