Page 19 - DIVA_2_2015
P. 19

was declared: "The Year of a Healthy  Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan  Bodies, consisting of representatives
           Generation". This year -- 2015 -- has  has been granted 15 seats, given the  of about fifty different countries.
           been announced as "The Year of Care  importance of nationwide issues  As was the case for the parliamen-
           for the Senior Generation" with the  related to ecology, public health  tary elections, no major incidents
           adoption of a set of measures aimed  care and environmental protection.  were reported and foreign observers
           at providing proper and comprehen-  The newly elected Members of Par-  agreed that the election process had
           sive support for the elderly.     liament represent different ethnic  been transparent.
                                             groups, including Uzbeks, Karakal-
           As part of a development model based  paks, Russians, Tajiks, Kazakhs and  By its demography, geostrategic loca-
           on gradual political reforms since  Koreans.                        tion, economic weight, and strong
           last December, Uzbekistan is in the                                 historical and cultural heritage
           process of renewing its democratic  The presidential elections in  Uzbekistan will remain a key nation
           institutions which started with elec-  Uzbekistan in March were a major  in Central Asian affairs. The country
           tions to the Legislative Chamber of  political event and confirmed Islam  intends to continue its efforts to-
           the Oliy Majlis (Supreme Assembly)  Karimov as President for another  wards further political and economic
           and was concluded by presidential  five-year term. The re-election of  development and modernization, as
           elections which took place on 29  Karimov was a signal to the outside  well as preserving peace and stability,
           March 2015.                       world that development trends and  and an environment of inter-ethnic
                                             stability in Uzbekistan will conti-
                                             nue. Since mid-February, candidates
                                             had been campaigning all over the
                                             country. National legislation and a
                                             relevant resolution of the Central
                                             Election Commission of Uzbekistan
                                             provided that presidential candi-
                                             dates shall have equal rights in terms
                                             of access to the media to bring their
                                             election programmes to voters, and
                                             this was indeed the case. There are
                                             about 20 million registered voters
                                             in the country. The four presiden-
                                             tial candidates each represented the
                                             political parties in the country, namely:

                                             • Mr. Hotamjon Ketmonov nomina-
                                             ted by People's Democratic Party;
                                             • Mr. Akmal Saidov nominated by the
                                             "Milliy Tikianish" Democratic Party;
                                             •  Mr. Nariman Umarov from the
                                             "Adolat" Social-Democratic Party
           Parliamentary elections also were  and                               and inter-religious understanding
           held in the context of broadening  •  Mr. Islam Karimov, incumbent  and harmony. Current developments
           Parliament's powers and following  President, nominated by the Liberal-  unfolding in our globalized world
           considerable improvements in elec-  Democratic Party.                mean it is completely impossible for
           toral legislation. Four political parties                            a nation to stay aloof from many eco-
           that competed in the elections share  The authorities made considerable  nomic and security challenges. Uzbe-
           mandates in the new legislature, as  efforts to ensure openness and trans-  kistan considers as its primary task
           follows: Movement of Entrepreneurs  parency in the election process, par-  to further cement friendly relations
           and Businessmen/Liberal Democra-  ticularly by inviting more than 300  and mutually beneficial cooperation
           tic Party - 52 seats; Democratic Party  foreign observers from international  with all countries, first of all with its
           "Milly Tikianish" (National Revival)  organizations, including the OSCE/  neighbours, and further strengthen-
           - 36 seats; People's Democratic Party  ODIHR, Shanghai Cooperation Orga-  ing its constructive participation in
           - 27 seats; Social Democratic Party  nization, CIS Executive Committee  multilateral activities within various
           "Adolat" (Justice) - 20 seats. The  and Associations of World Election  international organizations.
           PUB LIC ITE

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