Page 15 - DIVA_2_2015
P. 15

only under these circumstances that  Turkmenistan's foreign policy,  about by its particular geographical
           we could guarantee peace and unity  corresponding to the global targets of  milieu and which are a fundamental
           for our people, while advancing our  the world community. This also reflects  basis for its internal and foreign policy
           economic and social development  the growing cooperation between  interests and priorities. The particular
           plans.                            Turkmenistan and the United Nations,  interests of our country in the inter-
                                             resulting in its participation in the key  national sphere consist of protecting
           Neutrality became the best model for  structures of this, the largest inter-  our sovereignty and consolidating
           implementing these plans and goals,  national organization. The foreign  Turkmenistan's position in the inter-
           allowing Turkmenistan's foreign poli-  policy of neutral Turkmenistan allows  national arena; also the development
           cy to be constructed in a harmonious  the country not only to play an active  of equal and mutually beneficial rela-
           and natural way. Thus, we started  role in geopolitical and geo-economic  tions with all countries, as well as with
           to pursue a consistently sovereign,  processes, but also serves as their cata-  international organizations.
           neutral and, at the same time, active  lyst, promoting the creation of a new
           and constructive foreign policy. It  architecture for a global world order.   Thus, it should especially be noted
           is not surprising that our efforts to                                that the terms "national interests",
           secure Turkmenistan's neutrality as  Turkmenistan's neutrality serves as a  "foreign policy interests and prio-
           an international legal entity met with  mechanism for combining geopoliti-  rities" are in a direct relationship
           non-threatening attitudes and under-  cal interests in a constructive manner,  because without the definition of the
           standing from other countries. At first,  an important factor in guaranteeing  first concept it is impossible to formu-
           we received support from our neigh-  regional stability and the establish-  late the second. The national interests
           bours in the region, and then from  ment of a civilized dialogue. This has  of Turkmenistan define not only the
           the non-aligned movement. On 12  been shown by Turkmenistan's inter-  current focus of the state's domestic
           December 1995 the General Assembly  national initiatives put forward during  and foreign policy, but also its strategic
           of the United Nations unanimously  the sixty-ninth session of the UN Ge-  objectives. It stands to reason that there
           adopted the Resolution on the Perma-  neral Assembly on the protection and  are national, regional and wider inter-
           nent Neutrality of Turkmenistan. It is  strengthening of universal peace and   national interests at the heart of Turk-
           significant that twenty-five states co-  security, cooperation in the energy and   menistan's balanced foreign policy
           sponsored this resolution. Today, on  transport sectors, on humanitarian  developed by President Gurbanguly
           the eve of its twentieth anniversary, I   issues and human rights, ecology and   Berdimuhamedov.
           would like to express once again our   environmental protection. These in
           profound gratitude to the countries-  particular were the basic ideas behind   Q. There has been talk of new roads
           co-sponsors of the Resolution, and to  the foundation of a Sub-Regional UN  and railways, as well as general
           all members of the international com-  Disarmament Centre in Asia and the  economic development through-
           munity, international organizations,  conduct of a Security and Peace Fo-  out Central Asia. Could you tell
           statesmen and politicians for suppor-  rum in Central Asia, which Turkmen-  where Turkmenistan stands on this
           ting Turkmenistan in this venture.   istan proposes to hold in Ashgabat  matter?
                                             during 2015.
           Q. What are the current priorities                                   Railways and highways are important
           of Turkmenistan's foreign policy?   The national interests of Turkmenis-  structures in the international trans-
                                             tan include the complex of issues co-  port network. In Turkmenistan today,
           Peace, security and development  vering the individual, the society and  in order to favour transport and tran-
           -- these are the key priorities of  the state in various spheres brought  sit corridors, exceptional engineering

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