Page 10 - DIVA_2_2015
P. 10



         The Year of Neutrality

         and Peace                                                     The President of Turkmenist1I?

                                                                       Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov

                n October 2014, a Resolu-  wartime circumstances, while the  paradigm. It has become the basis
                tion by the Turkmenistan  obligations of neutral states in  for a new concept of cooperation
                Council of Elders declared  times of peace were not covered by  and achieving world peace.
         J 2015 to be "The Year of Neu-    international legal regulations. The
         trality and Peace". This year also  Turkmen neutrality model assumes  The unprecedented nature of Turk-
         marks the twentieth anniversary of  that contemporary international  menistan's neutrality is evident both
         the recognition by the internatio-  law is the rule of peace and that  by its registration as an internatio-
         nal community of Turkmenistan's  a neutral state must adhere to its  nal legal instrument, approved and
         permanent neutrality in accordance  status not only in wartime, but also  supported by the international com-
         with Special Resolution 50/80 of  in peacetime. As a new phenome-   munity, and in the exercise of that
         the United Nations General Assem-  non in international legal practice,  country's foreign policy. It repre-
         bly, 12 December 1995, entitled "The  Turkmenistan's neutrality sug-  sents the harmonious combination of
         Permanent Neutrality of Turkme-   gested that the international com-  national and international interests.
         nistan".                          munity should fundamentally  Having made a historical choice in
                                           change the global development  favour of neutrality, the young
         For the first time in the history of
         the United Nations the adoption of
         this Special Resolution recognized
         the peaceful foreign policy of Turk-
         menistan, at the same time as ap-
         proving Turkmenistan's authorita-
         tive role as a state making a worthy
         contribution to the peaceful devel-
         opment of international relations,
         while ensuring universal security
         and continued development.

         Turkmenistan's resolution opened
         a new page in the history of
         neutrality as an instrument in
         international relations. The
         earlier neutrality of countries,
         such as Switzerland, was linked to

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