Page 11 - DIVA_2_2015
P. 11
state has expressed a responsible also made a public commitment to Weapons-Free-Zone was reaffirmed
approach not only about the fate develop harmonious relationships during the Turkmen/Kyrgyz nego-
of its people, who will live in cir- with neighbouring countries and tiations in Ashgabat, when the lead-
cumstances favouring devel- to promote international peace and ers of the two countries expressed
opment, but also to peace and security on a global scale." their willingness to work together
security by creating a zone of for the implementation of practical
stability and constructive coopera- Recent years have shown that steps in the field of disarmament
tion in the troubled Central Asian Turkmenistan has remained within the framework of the UN and
Region. loyal to its international obli- the Organization for Security and
gations and neutral status with Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).
The international legal status of its long-term goals for the com- The value of Turkmenistan's neu-
Turkmenistan's permanent neu- munity of nations and a concern tral status as an effective instrument
trality is enshrined in its current for the national development of to strengthen peace and to find
Constitution and is supported by a countries and peoples in peace constructive solutions to the pres-
number of documents from inter- and security. During these years, sing problems of our regional and
national organizations and bilateral Turkmenistan has actively contri- global dimensions was pointed out
agreements, statements and decla- buted to the settlement of regional by the Italian Prime Minister, Matteo
rations, as well as in communiqués conflicts and provided a neutral Renzi, during recent talks with the
signed with other countries. Thus, platform for dialogue between war- Turkmen leader in Ashgabat.
Article 6 of the Constitution states: ring parties from different countries.
"In its foreign policy, as a full mem- On several occasions, the Turk- Over the years, the peacekeeping
ber of the international community, men President has spoken about potential of Turkmenistan's neutra-
Turkmenistan pursues principles of major initiatives concerning the lity has continued to grow, finding
permanent neutrality; non-
interference in the internal
affairs of other countries,
non-use of force and non-
participation in military
blocs and alliances, and the
promotion of peaceful, frien-
dly and mutually beneficial
relations with the countries
of the region and countries
around the world." The UN
General Assembly's reso-
lution declares that it: "1.
Recognizes and supports the
status of permanent neutra-
lity, declared by Turkme-
nistan; 2. Calls upon States
Members of the United
Nations to respect and sup-
port this status of Turkmen-
istan and also to respect its
independence, sovereignty
and territorial integrity?'
In his letter to President Gur- non-proliferation of weapons of new forms of practical implemen-
banguly Berdimuhamedov on the mass destruction, the prevention of tation, establishing new initiatives
occasion of the fifteenth anni- conflict, as well as the transforma- and formats for constructive inter-
versary of Turkmenistan's neu- tion of Central Asia and the Caspian national cooperation. Peace, secu-
trality in December 2010, the region into azoneofpeace and mutual rity and development -- these are
UN Secretary-General wrote: "It cooperation. the key priorities of Turkmenis-
was a historic day for the people tan's foreign policy corresponding
of Turkmenistan and the unique The regime's continued commit- to the global goals of the interna-
achievement of the foreign policy of ment and firm adherence to the non- tional community. This is an illus-
the Government of Turkmenistan. proliferation of weapons of mass tration of the growing cooperation
Turkmenistan has not only made destruction and strict compliance between Turkmenistan and the
a strategic decision to obtain the with the provisions of the Decla- UN, and its representation in the
status of permanent neutrality, but ration of a Central Asia Nuclear- key structures of this, the largest
International 9