Page 8 - DIVA_2_2015
P. 8

In governance, female  sue a successful career  numerical weather for        Q: Do you still have time
         participation in WMO  in science meeting my  the first few years. Then  to carry out research?
         constituent bodies still  professional 	aspira-  in the late 1980s we ente-
         does not exceed 20% on  tions. I was supposed to  red an era when satellites,  Unfortunately not, now
         average, and the picture  become a professional  especially meteorological  that my role is to support
         is not too much different  pianist, like my mother.  satellites, went digital. In  global international col-
         at the national level. But  However, I understood  the early days satellite in-  laboration in meteoro-
         whereas all this exper-  at quite an early age that  formation was transmit-  logy. At the WMO I had
         tise is extremely valuable  I was not meant for a ca-  ted as facsimiled pictures  the privilege of working
         in policy- and decision-  reer in music and went on  so that the forecaster  with the global scientific
         making for disaster and  to study geophysics and  could observe the synop-   community on a number
         climate risk resilience,  geography. It was really  tic situation, cloud for-  of programmes of his-
         women are still too few  my passion because ever  mations, etc. Then satel-  torical significance. For
         in governance, manage-   since childhood I have  lite technology entered a  instance, I was part of the
         ment, research and deci-  been reading about na-   new stage and they began  key team organizing and
         sion making. As we build  tural sciences and geo-  to provide us with nume-  realizing WMO's wide-
         weather and climate resi-  graphy and I still prefer  rical data and a range of  ranging multi-disciplina-
         lient societies, we must  that kind of environment.  parameters that could be  ry initiative of ICSU, the
         benefit from the critical  And yet, I remember that  retrieved from remote-  International Polar Year
         leadership and invol-    when I was a young uni-   sensing data, so that our   2007-2008;  in  2003  we
         vement of women. We  versity student, my fas-      knowledge about the  organized the interna-
         need them as scientific  cination for oceans and  state of the atmosphere,  tionally highly esteemed
         researchers, as key actors  marine life could not  the oceans and
         in disaster risk reduc-  translate into an acade-  the land increased
         tion, climate adaptation  mic degree in oceano-    tremendously.
         and mitigation, as wea-  graphy as I was told that  These new data,
         ther forecasters, as agro-  this was a field for men  especially over
         meteorologists, hydrolo-  only. Meteorology and  the vast ocean
         gists and climatologists  hydrology was supposed-  areas previous-
         -- as agents of change.   ly more fitting for a wo-  ly not covered
                                   man. Since I was good at  with conventio-
         But whereas women  mathematics, I obtained  nal observations,
         form an invariable part  a Ph.D. in Mathematics  contributed to a
         of our work in weather  and Physics. I then en-    considerable im-
         and climate, a survey that  joyed every day in meteo-  provement in the
         WMO recently conduc-     rology for nearly thirty  accuracy of wea-
         ted revealed that they  years, first in the Russian  ther forecasts. My
         comprise only one-third  Hydro-Meteorological  job was to develop
         of the global workforce  Services where I worked  methods and tools
         in national meteoro-     on numerical models and  for the application
         logical and hydrological  satellite meteorology, and  of satellite data in
         services, and that only one  my last twelve years in the  numerical wea-
         out of five senior mana-  WMO Secretariat, where  ther prediction
         gers is a woman. Further-  I have held the positions  and various envi-
         more, studies conducted  of Director of Research,  ronmental appli-
         by UNESCO demonstrate  Director of Cabinet and  cations. All these
         that women are under-    finally joined the execu-  developments
         represented in both basic  tive team in the position  were taking place
         scientific research and  of Assistant Secretary-   when I was a
         at the decision-making  General.                   young scientist. I've  research programme
         levels. UNESCO also talks                          always had an appetite  THORPEX which was
         of a "gender bias" where   Q: Do  you need a lot  for new challenges and  successfully completed
         women and girls are deter-  of mathematics for  an ambition for finding  in 2013; and we launched
         red from studying science.  weather forecasts and  solutions. In the end, I  the WMO Bulletin on
                                  remote sensing?           have become quite well  Greenhouse Gases, which
         On a more personal note,                           known in the atmosphe-    is currently widely reco-
         I count myself very fortu-  Certainly. Meteorology  ric science and satellite  gnized and appreciated.
         nate to have benefited  is very firmly based on  meteorology communi-        Later, in 2009 I organized
         from wide educational  mathematics and phy-        ties, and I also became  the high-level segment of
         opportunities open to  sics. Climate and weather  deeply involved in inter-  World Climate Confe-
         me and, as a woman, I  systems are extremely  national cooperation.          rence-3 with wide repre-
         have been able to pur-  complex. I worked in                                 sentation from the UN

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