Page 9 - DIVA_2_2015
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system and other part- The implications of jing+20 review (twenty pectations from climate
ners, which developed chang-ing weather, cli- years since the adoption service is paramount
and negotiated the gover- mate, water and related of the Beijing Platform for the reputation of our
nance mechanism for the environmental condi- of Action at the Fourth Organization.
Global Framework for tions are escalating the World Conference on
Climate Services (GFCS) demand from govern- Women) shows that bla-
Leaving Ms Manaenko-
and facilitated the una- ments, institutions and tant gaps remain in wo-
nimous approval of the citizens for more use- men's and girls' lives, and va's office I realised that
Intergovernmental Board ful and reliable infor- calls for efforts to achieve WMO is far more impor-
on Climate Services mation, products and gender equality and tant in our lives that I
by the Extraordinary services. The WMO women's empowerment had imagined and that
Congress in 2012. and its Members' Natio- should be stepped up. we need people like Elena
nal Meteorological and All these global agendas who is dedicated to rolling
Q: Why is meteorology Hydrological Services are interdependent and up her sleeves and facing
so important? (NMHSs) play a foun- interrelated. They are of the challenge of making
dational and authorita- significant importance to us understand the impor-
Weather, climate, hydro- tive role in the provision WMO and will determine
tance of climatic change.
logical and environ- of these products and the Organization's future
mental information and services. This demand direction.
prediction services are is also fuelling growth
recognized for their essen- in value-added private Meteorological, hydro-
tial contributions to the sector service providers. logical and climate ser-
protection of life and vices play a key role in
property from meteo- Q: Therefore, WMO is ensuring social and econo-
rological and hydrolo- far more important in mic benefits. Disaster and
gical hazards, including our lives than we ima- climate risk management
severe storms, exces- gined. Why are you not is becoming a norm in all
sive heat, droughts and more proactive in pro- sectors of economy and
floods. social life. This is a mo-
moting your work?
they also underpin eco- ment of great responsibi-
nomic growth in sectors Over the past years, lity and great opportunity
including agriculture and WMO has become a for WMO. The demand
food production, trans- highly respected organi- for WMO and the exper-
portation, energy and zation that is recognized tise, information and
water resources. High- for its competence, services of its members'
impact weather and cli- expertise and the benefits national
mate extremes are likely it provides its members. gical and hydrological
to occur with greater The year 2015 marks a services has never been
frequency and intensity turning point. This year, so high. WMO should
due to climate variability States will agree on a new and can respond by
and change. And today, global sustainable deve- providing
these changes in weather, lopment agenda for the in expertise and inter-
climate, water, the chem- next fifteen years that national cooperation to
ical composition of the recognizes that natu- inform political and eco-
atmosphere, as well ral disasters and climate nomic decisions and to
as other related envi- change, food and water enable delivery of, access
ronmental conditions, security, among other to and use of high-quality
such as those caused by challenges, have to be risk-based weather, cli-
space weather effects, addressed in an integra- mate, water and related
are having compelling ted way. The new Sendai environmental services in
consequences for the Framework for Disaster all countries. WMO and
environment and for the Risk Reduction 2015- the meteorological com-
prosperity of nations. 2030 has been recently munity should reinforce
Investments to streng- adopted. The new cli- their contribution to di-
then monitoring infras- mate change agreement saster risk reduction, and
tructures and improve under the United Nations demonstrate and com-
the quality of weather, Framework- Convention municate their role in
climate and hydrolo- on Climate Change the climate agenda. Suc-
gical predictions can (UNFCCC) coming into cessful implementation
result in effective disas- force by 2020 will deter- of the Global Framework
ter prevention and so- mine a climate-resilient for Climate Services and
cio-economic planning. future. The UN Bei- delivering on growing ex-
International 7