Page 14 - DIVA_2_2015
P. 14


         Neutrality and

         Transport in Eurasia

                             Interview with His Excellency
                Atageldi Haljanov


         Q: Could you tell us something  Indeed, in 2015 we cele-
         about your country?               brate a grand occasion:
                                           the twentieth anniversary
         Turkmenistan -- the neutral, demo-  since the world community
         cratic, legal, secular and dynamically  recognized the legal status
         developing state in the Central Asian  of Turkmenistan's perma-
         region -- is a land with a unique land-  nent neutrality according
         scape, rich natural resources, nume-  to a resolution adopted by
         rous historical monuments, a multi-  the United Nations Gene-
         national population and age-old  ral Assembly. Furthermore,
         cultural traditions.              by a national resolution of the Elders  of international relations, has not been
                                           Council of Turkmenistan, 2015 has  able to avoid being faced with exactly
         Abundant natural resources and an  been declared the Year of Neutrality  these circumstances. Therefore, at
         advantageous geo-economic location  and Peace.                       the moment of its independence the
         have resulted in the development of                                  challenge of choosing a strategy for
         the country's diversified production  This year is really a meaningful  its foreign policy became a most cru-
         potential. Enormous reserves of raw  date for our people -- an impor-  cial and difficult matter. What should
         materials are available beneath the  tant event in the independent his-  our foreign policy be? What kind of
         Turkmen land. Turkmenistan has the  tory of the Turkmen state. It is also  relationships should we establish with
         fourth largest natural gas reserves in  a good occasion to review progress  the international community? And on
         the world. The country is not limited   over the recent past, to sum up the  what principles should cooperation be
         to the production or export of energy  results, to take stock of Turkmen-  based? The fate of Turkmen statehood
         resources, but is also home to high-  istan's present stage of develop-  and sovereignty depended to a large
         performance enterprises using inno-  ment, and to make plans and set prio-  extent on the finesse of our choices.
         vative technologies to cater to the  rities for the future. This year we will
         modern market. Industry is a basic  proceed together with our friends and  Turkmenistan has chosen a model
         component of economic growth. The   partners from different countries of  called positive neutrality and has for-
         concentrated supply of raw materials  the world --whose opinions we value.  mulated its fundamental principles:
         has led to the setting up of an indus-                               peacefulness; non-interference in the
         trial sector in Turkmenistan based on  Concerning the importance of Turk-  affairs of other nations; respect for
         the fuel and energy sector. In fact, the   menistan as a neutral country, it  their sovereignty and territorial integ-
         country's entire territory as well as the  should be noted that any country  rity; and non-participation in inter-
         adjacent off-shore areas of the Cas-  that has taken the road towards inde-  national military organizations and
         pian Sea are of interest in the explora-  pendence is forced to address a range  treaties. Of course, first and foremost,
         tion for oil and gas.              of challenges in a very short space  Turkmenistan was guided by national
                                            of time, to find its place among new  self-interest. The young Turkmen state
         Q: The twentieth anniversary of  realities and to respond to objective  wanted to exist in peace and harm-
         Turkmenistan's neutrality has just  issues with which history confronts it.  ony with its neighbours, to maintain
         being celebrated. Why was it so  Turkmenistan, which gained inde-    friendly and fair relations with all
         important for your country to be   pendence after the collapse of the  countries, and to develop mutually
         neutral?                           Soviet Union and experienced the des-  beneficial economic contacts with
                                            truction of the entire post-war system  them. We firmly believed that it was

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