Page 13 - DIVA_2_2015
P. 13

Field of Prevention and Resolution  negotiations under the auspices of  future this could become an integral
           of Emergencies in the Caspian Sea.  the United Nations. Turkmenistan  part of a modern transport and com-
           Today, one of the questions on the  is in favour of a more focused and  munication network between East
           agenda is preparing a draft agree-  substantive interaction with various  and West.
           ment on trade and economic coop-  countries of the world and with
           eration among the Caspian coastal  international organizations in-   Today, neutral Turkmenistan
           states and the proposal to establish  volved in regional issues in order to  consistently promotes a fruitful
           a permanent Caspian Economic  develop coordinated approaches to  relationship at the interstate, re-
           Forum, which would hold its meet-  such issues as combatting terroristn,  gional and global levels by streng-
           ings alternately in the cities along  extremism, organized crime and  thening effective partnerships in the
           the coastline. Stressing the growing  drug trafficking.              framework of such prestigious re-
           role of the Caspian Basin as a ma-                                   gional and international organiza-
           jor transport hub for the Eurasian  This country's position was once  tions as the United Nations, the Eu-
           continent, the President outlined  again clearly expressed during the  ropean Union, the Commonwealth
           the strategic vision of creating a  recent talks in Ashgabat between the  of Independent States, the Organi-
           fundamentally new structure of  Presidents of Turkmenistan, Turkey  zation for Security and Cooperation
           relations among the Caspian states
           in the transport sector. It was sug-
           gested that every effort should
           be made to create new transport
           routes between the Caspian, Black
           and Baltic Seas in the near future,
           as well as examining the possibi-
           lity of creating a transport network
           linking the Caspian region with the
           Middle East and the Mediterra-
           nean, South and South-East Asia.
           In this regard, it was proposed to
           develop a draft agreement on coo-
           peration in the field of transport
           in the Caspian Sea and establish a
           Caspian regional transport and logis-
           tics centre as a way of realizing this
           cooperation. Initiatives were put
           forward by Turkmenistan related to
           the creation of international trans-
           port corridors at both regional and
           continental levels. The proposal for
           a special inter-regional programme  and the Kyrgyz Republic, and the  in Europe, the Non-Aligned Move-
           on transport development was  Prime Minister of Italy, where the  ment and the Organization of Isla-
           announced by the Turkmen leader  Turkmen leader noted that the  mic Cooperation.
           at the Summit of the Shanghai  settlement of the situation in
           Cooperation Organization (SCO).   Afghanistan must be achieved  This Year of Neutrality and Peace,
                                             through peaceful political channels.  which will be marked by large-scale
           One of the main aspects of coopera-  It is necessary to create the condi-  celebrations, will reveal more fully
           tion between Turkmenistan and the  tions for the restoration of Afgha-  to the international community
           SCO is reaching a peaceful settle-  nistan through creative processes in  the value and the role of Turkmen
           ment on the situation in Afghan-   politics and economy, with the ob-  neutrality as an important factor
           istan and, in this regard, Turkmen-  jective of its successful integration  in guaranteeing regional security,
           istan has once again confirmed  into the regional and world econo-   stability and sustainable develop-
           its readiness to place the poten-  my. This is the only way to achieve  ment, together with national develop-
           tial of its neutrality at the service  lasting peace and reconciliation on  ment and the welfare of its people.
           of regional peace and security. In  Afghan soil. This will be facilitated,  This will undoubtedly contribute
           order to establish long-term peace,  in particular, by the "TAPI" inter-  to an increase in the international
           stability and security in this neigh-  national gas pipeline project which  authority of Turkmenistan and the
           bouring country, it is necessary  is nearing the practical construc-  implementation of a strategy aimed
           to establish a broad inter-Afghan  tion stage, as well as through a joint  at turning the country into one of
           political dialogue. As a neutral  initiative to create an Afghanistan-  the centres of political power, eco-
           state, Turkmenistan offered its  Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-    nomic stability and cultural attrac-
           political services for the conduct of  Turkey transport corridor. In the  tion in Asia and around the world.  u

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