Page 16 - DIVA_2_2015
P. 16
interaction and develop-
ment, leading to an impro-
vement in people's living
standards and the success-
ful integration of the region
without the risks of conflict
and confrontations. This,
in its turn, will make the
region attractive to external
investments and long-term
international programmes
in many different spheres.
While initiating large-scale
projects in the transport
sector, Turkmenistan is ma-
king an enormous contri-
bution to the architecture
of a new geo-economic
works are under way establishing new and partnership with the specialized cooperative space that meets modern
infrastructures for the transport sec- structures of the UN, particularly with standards according to current global
tor. These projects are also important the Economic Commission for Europe trends.
steps in laying the groundwork for (UNECE) and the Economic and So-
regional and interregional transport cial Commission for Asia and the Paci- These initiatives have found increa-
routes passing through Central Asia fic (ESCAP). In this context; Turkmen- sing understanding and support in
and the Caucasus. Active implementa- istan is ready to discuss the possibili- the world, as is shown by the recent
tion of investment programmes for the ties for creating a Modal Highway Ini- high-level International Conference
transport sector will link our country tiative for Central Asia giving access to in Ashgabat attended by heads of
into a unique economic infrastructure. Turkey, with the participation of the international organizations, in parti-
International Road Transport Union cular: Shun-ichi Murata, Deputy Exe-
On 4 September 2014, the heads of (IRU), UNECE and ESCAP. The cutive Secretary of ESCAP; Lamberto
international organizations, together IRU's initiative in favour of the above- Zannier, Secretary-General of OSCE;
with the President of Turkmenistan, mentioned highway corresponds Janusz Lacny, President of the IRU; as
took part in an international forum exactly to our vision of developing well as Umberto De Pretto, Secretary-
to celebrate the opening of a new new transport routes in the region. General of the IRU; Eduard Biriucov,
customs terminal, a large bus station Secretary-General of TRACECA; Sha-
and the beginning of a new highway At the International Conference which mil Aleskerov, Secretary- General of
linking the city of Turkmenabat on took place in Ashgabat 0113-4 Septem- ECO; and Christian Friis Bach, Execu-
the border with Uzbekistan with ber 2014, President Berdimuhame- tive Secretary of UNECE.
Turkmenbashi on the Caspian Sea. dov stated that Turkmenistan is also
ready to play its role in the TRACECA A recent quadripartite meeting also
In accordance with the President's Programme (Transport Corridor Eu- took place in Ashgabat concerning the
initiatives for the development of rope-Caucasus-Asia) in the belief that creation of an Uzbekistan-Turkmen-
Turkmenistan's merchant fleet and the creation of the Western Trans- istan-Iran-Oman transport corridor.
the accompanying infrastructures, a port Corridor from Central Asia will As you may already know, an inter-
key component has been the construc- have a huge impact in the context of governmental agreement concerning
tion of an international seaport at the proposed revival of the Great Silk the creation of a transport and tran-
Turkmenbashi, which began in August Road and connecting the world's two sit corridor "Central Asia-the Middle
2013. This new seaport on the Caspian economic poles of Europe and Asia on East" was signed on 25 April 2011 in
Sea coast will become the most impor- qualitatively new principles. Ashgabat upon the initiative of the
tant link in a modern marine transport President of Turkmenistan. This large-
system. It will serve to create a new As the President emphasized, the cor- scale project is expected not only to
level of trade and economic coopera- nerstone of Turkmenistan's policy of promote mutually beneficial trade
tion between the countries of Asia and international cooperation in the Cen- and economic cooperation between
Europe. With the prospect opening tral Asia and Caspian Basin regions the countries of Central Asia and
up of interregional and intercontinen- envisages a strong link with strategic the Middle East, but it will also have
tal communications, there are huge stability in the southern belt of Eura- an impact by providing sustainable
opportunities for stepping up the flow sia, and the prospect of becoming development on a regional and inter-
of transport in the Eurasian region. an economic partner for the Euro- national scale. The practical imple-
pean and Asian countries through mentation of this project featured on
Regarding the development of the the existence of a large transport the agenda of a quadripartite meeting
international transport infrastructure, network of continental dimensions. of foreign ministers held in August
Turkmenistan has always empha- A whole range of new opportuni- 2014 in Muscat, the capital of the
sized the need for closer cooperation ties are opening up, in particular for Sultanate of Oman, and was devoted
14 International