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        MAN ' S BLUES

         A Lesson in Integrity, Professionalism

         and Earned Respect

                               n one of the companies  He will take on multiple
                               I  work with, there is a  orders without complaining.
                               man whom  I  look up  He is occasionally confronted
                         I to for three attributes  with frustrating orders and
                         that  I  have always aspired to  contradictory
                         achieve in my professional life,  but he somehow always
                         they are: integrity, professiona-  manages to find his way
                         lism and earned respect. I  am  through this confusion with-  that he walks into a room
                         sure you are wondering: who is  out asking for clarification or  with over twenty people in it,
                         this man and what does he do  expressing frustration.     moves around silently, making
                         for that company?                                         eye contact with each person
                                                      For executives who work on  or coming close by from the
                         His name is not relevant to  the two top floors, none of  right-hand side and with a
                         the story, but his job is. His  them has ever had to shout at  minimum of words, he takes
                         official role is "Messenger",  him, admonish him, or express  everyone's orders and deli-
                         but the role entails, in addition  anything other than full satis-  vers them without disrupting
                         to collecting "things" from one  faction with his service. As far  the meeting or even making
                         office and delivering them to  as anyone can recall, he has  his presence felt. While he is
                         other offices throughout the  been with the company for  doing all of this, he will deli-
                         building, the primary task of  twenty-five years.  No  one has  ver slips of notes from  PAs
                         making tea and coffee, etc.,  ever complained about him,  to their bosses, take pieces of
                         to staff and guests on the two  and just as importantly, he  paper and make copies, collect
                         executive floors.            has never complained about  printouts from photocopiers
                                                      anyone.                      and hand them to the persons
                         So, how can a man who basical-                            in question; all done in almost
                         ly performs a relatively simple  For executives and visitors,  total silence.
                         task with limited responsibility  occasional and frequent, you
                         demonstrate so much integrity;  only need to tell him your pre-  If all of the above does not
                         professionalism and earn res-  ference for drinks once: coffee,  demonstrate these three qua-
                         pect at the same time?  I  am  black with one sugar; tea with  lities of integrity, profession-
                         glad you asked me this ques-  milk and no sugar; green tea  alism and earned respect,  I
                         tion!                        with honey and so on. Once he  don't know what does! Hand
                                                      hears it from you for the first  on heart; would you say your
                         He is largely silent; only  time, it stays in his memory  last twenty-five years could
                         speaks when necessary. He lis-  bank forever, even if you visit  be described in the same way
                         tens to you intently, answers  only every two years! I am one  as my friend and hero above?
                         your questions fully without  of the difficult ones who some-  Personally, I would not.
                         elaboration or embellishment.  times asks for coffee with milk
                         His face has a hint of a smile  and sugar and sometimes for  I have always said: when  I
                         without breaking into a big  Darjeeling tea without milk  grow up, if I grow up, I would
                         and insincere grin. He never,  or sugar. He knows just from  like to be like him. I am
                         ever over-steps his bounda-  the look on my face which  serious!
                         ries or becomes too familiar  of the two  I  have in mind!
                         with you.                    The most remarkable thing                  Mufid Sukkar
                                                      about this amazing man is

         4 Businessman's Blues
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