Page 20 - DIVA_2_2007_No.29
P. 20

Taiwan   doctors   leap  into  the   outbreak  zone
                                                             By   Alexander    Chou

                                                            Kenya.   On   18   Decet'nber  lation    wards,    preventrve
                                   The  humble   mosquito   has
                                                            2006,  Dr.  Clien   Hou-chartng  gOWnS,  sanitation   program-
                                  been  one  of the   greatest   tnass
                                                            and  several   otber  medical  spe-  mes,   infomational   data   and
                                   n'iurderers   lmown   to   mat'd.  cialists   were   sent   to   Kenya   to  laboratones.
      P                           Malaria   and   dengue   fever   are  find   out  in  what   way   Taiwan
                                  just  two   of tlie  most  comt'nonly
                                                            could    lielp.    TaiwatyIHA  Chen  sent  a  message   back   to
                                  la'iown   mosquito-bome   disea-
                                                            accomplislied   this   by   contac-  Taipei   with   a   list   of needs   and
                                   ses   tliat   have   claimed   many
                                                            ting   persoi'inel   from   orgamza-  a   wm'ning   about   an   on-going
                                   lives.   But,   in  Decetriber   2006,
                                                            tions   such  as   the  United  States  civil   war  between   rebels   and
                                   some   of   Taiwan's   brightest
                                                            Centers   for  Disease   Control  goveminent   troops   in   nearby
                                   doctors   and  scientists  went  uyto
                                                            and   Prevention    (USCDC),  Somalia.   A   task-force   was
                                  battle  against   another   lethal
                                                            local  health   authorities   and  iininediately     foimed.    Chen
                                                            intemational   health   organuza-  infomied   the   Depa+tinent of

                                                            tioris.                 Healtli,    wl'iicli   promptly
                                  In  Decetnber   2006,   an   outb-
                                                                                    requested   its  Centers    for
                                  reak   of  RiftValley   fever  (RVF)  "TaiwanIHA    is   a  professional  Disease    Control
                                  was   repoited   in   Gax'issa, the                                 and

                                                            organization,   not    a   chax'ity,"  Preventionto    assemble  a list of
                                   capital   city   of  Kenya's   North-
                                                            said  Chen,   an   otthopaedist  qualified   expexts.
                                  Eastem   Province.   Rift  Valley
                                                            wlio   liad   sei'ved  at  the   Central
                                  fever  is,  according  to  the  World
                                                            Hospital   of  Mzuzu,   Malawi,  Tlie   lead  doctor   was  Ho   Bin-
                                  Healtli   Orgaimation   (WHO),
                                                            from   2004  to   2006.  "I  made  slieng,   a family  pliysicia+t  with
                                  mainly   an   animal   vix'us   that
                                                            some    careful    prelitninat'y  experience    in   co-ordinating
                                   sometimes   affects   humans.
                                                            assessments   of  the   situatiot'i  scientists   from   different   fields.
                                  The  vii'us  is   transmitted   from
                                                            there  based  on  my   professio-  He  was  recoininet'ided   to   talce
                                  infected   mosquitoes   to   lives-
                                                            nal  experience."       charge  due   to   liis  fluency   ux
                                  tock,   aiid  then   onto  hrunans.
                                                                                    English   and  enthusiastn  in ser-
                                                            Clien   l'iad  previorisly   travelled  viiig   niral   connmuuties.
                                  The  case   iii'unediately   caught
                                                            to  Indonesia   to   assessthe

                                  the   attention   of   intemational
                                                            medical   needs  of   stu'vivors  A  teain   of  three  biologists  was
                                   organizations,   such   as   the  Red
                                                                            of   26
                                                            from   the   tsunami    appointed   for   laboratory   work
                                   Cross,   WHO,   World   Food
                                                            December   2004.  Chen   identi-  attempting   to  analyze   tlte   dis-
                                  Prograinine     and    Doctors  fied    two    goals    ease,  conduct  tests   and  w+'iting
                                  Without   Borders.   The   global           for
                                                            TaiwanIHA's    operation    reports:   Yang   Jyh-yuan,   Yang
                                   organization    of  epidemiolo-  Kenya:     m
                                   gists  TEPHINET-Training                         Clien-fu   and   Huang    JYII-
                                                            l   prevention   of  tlie   disease;   l  hsiung.   Ainong   thetn,   Yang
                                  Prograinines   in   Epidemiology
                                                            and   gatlieriiig   scientistwho  Chen-fuwas    recentlyrecntited
                                   and    Public   Health   liad  experience   with   SARS,  after   working   for   eighteen
                                  Interventions     Network  -
                                                            wl'+ich  is   siii'iilar   to   tlye   RVF  years  with   the  USCDC.   Jiang
                                   contacted   all  its   members   and
                                                            yii'us   in  tliat   both   had  no   cure  Dal'i-sliyong,   a   specialist   in
                                   asked   for   their   help,   inctuding
                                                            aiid  were   transinitted  by infec-  dengue   fever,   lieaded   the   ept-
                                                            ted  mosquitoes.        den'ffology  team.   Chuang  Ren-
                                                                                    hsiang,    a   cliief  intelligence
                                  While   Taiwan   had  ca+'ried  out
                                                           "I  foruid   that,  even  with   the  officer,   and   Huang   Ji-jia,   a
                                  medical   missions   before,   this
                                                            help  of  some  of  the  top   scien-  specialist  in parasites  and  11108-
                                  was  the  first  tiine   it was  able  to
                                                            tists  and  medical   expexts  sent  quitoes,   were  also   rect'uited.
                                  participate   in   an  intemational
                                                            by  intemational   organizations,  Hing   Miii-nan,   in   charge   of
                                  mission   as   an   equal  pattner
                                                            they   also  needed   more   epide-  infection   control,   proved   ct'iti-
                                                     an'ie  iniologists    and   biologists   to  cal   in  providing   appropnate
                                  witli   otlier   countries.
                                  nation's   medical   specialists
                                                            cai'iy   out  fiuther   research   into  treahnent  to RVF  patients.  The
                                  were  syumnoned   to   fight   the
                                                            tlxe  virus   that  caused the  epide-  team's   inission   and   destuatton
                                  RVF   outbreak   because  of  tbe
                                                            tnic,"   Chen   added.  were   clearly  defined,   and
                                   experience   tbey  liad  acquired
                                                                                    eqriipment,   medication   and
                                  in  dealing   with   severe  acute
                                                            On  25   December   2006,  Chen  staff   were  made   ready   for
                                  respiratoiy   syiidrome   (SARS)
                                                            personally  'visitedthe  contami-  deliloyinent  to  Kenya  for  three
                                  in  2003.
                                                            nated  area  of  Gai'ssa,   close  to  weeks.
                                                            the  border   of   Somalia,   with   a
                                  Taiwan   hitei'iiational    Health  population   of  about   350,000.  By   12  Januaiy   2007,  however,
                                  Action   (TaiwanIHA),    an   orga-  Most   of   the   people   were  tbe  disease  l'iad   already   taken
                                  nization   providing    medical
                                                            Son'iali   nomads   who   lived  and  more  tlian  130   lives.   On   14
                                   assistance   to  developing   corut-
                                                            slept   witli   their   livestock.  Januai'y,   the i'nission   led  by  Ho
                                  tries,   kept   a  close  watch   all  the
                                                            Cben  forind   tliat   the   local  reaclied   Nairobi,   the   capital
                                   development   of  the  disease   in
                                                            hospital   had  a   sliortage   of iso-  city   of  Kenya,   where   the
                 'l 8   2   2007   Diva
                            w   w  w    d   i   v   a   in  t   e   r   n   a   t   i   o   n   a   I   c   h
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