Page 25 - DIVA_2_2007_No.29
P. 25

Every    year,   a  repoit    is  the   distoitions     go  beyond  ground    level    as    we   liave  compai'ison,    Chiiia   is  over
              priblished     by    Freedom  certain   liinits,   I'm   tliere   to  for'ind   that   tliey   grow   better  7%,    whicli     means    that
              Horise   wlffch   classifies    tlie  respond.  tliat   way.             Israel   is  a  veiy   prosperoris
              different     countries    accor-                                        counhy   from   an  economic
              diiig   to   their   level   of  respect  Q:   In   general,     we   only  Inigation     is    anotlier  poiiit   of  view.   It  is  vigorous
              for   huinan   rights.   Israel   is  hear   about   your   country  domain    wl'iere    we   l'iave  in  all   fields.
              ranked   at  tlie   same   level   as  when   there   is  a  problem.    I  excelled.    Thanks    to   new
              Switzerland.            wonder   if  you   could   tell   us  ii'rigation     teclu'iologies,  In   addition,    we   liave   built   a
                                      some    general     things  eveiytlmg    is   chi'onomete-  democracy    wliicli    is  consi-

              Eveiywliere    we   enjoy   a  lot  about    your   country.  red.   We   do  not   waste   water,  dered   as exemplary.    Tliere
              of  respect-iix    WTO,   and   iit             as  water   is  a  scare   resorirce.  are   ceitain    iiistitutions    in
              tlie    Conference     on  From   a  geograplncal    and  We   sliare   all   tl'iis   laiow-liow  Israel   tliat   do  not   exist   in
              Disai'i'iiament.    It's  hue   tliat  territoi'ial    point   of  view,   we  witli   otlier   cormtries.    So  tlie  otlier   democratic    coruih'ies.
              tliere    are   speeclies    ci'itici-  are   a  small   countiy    of  agi'icultiire    sector   is  liiglily  Tliis   affects   all   the   residents
              ziiig   Israel,   but   everybody  20,000   sqriare   161ometres   -  developed,    and   it's  an  area  of  Israel,   i'iot   only   tlie   natio-
              knows     that    we    hide  tlie   size  of   New   Jersey   in  wliere   we   collaborate    witli  nals   but   tlie   Palestinians
              notliing,    and   tliat    is   orir  tlie    United     States.  otlier   countries.    We   sliare  and   tlie   Arabs-as    well.
              moral   strengtli.    This   gives  Economically,    on  tl'ie  otlier  our    laiow-how     and
              us  tlie   strengtl'i   to  respond,  liand,   Israel   is  not   small   at  expetttse.  If  yori   are  judged    by   a ti'ibu-
              and   tlns  is  sometlmtg    peo-  all   witli   a per   capita   GDP   of  nal  and  yori   consider   tliat
              ple   understand    and   accept.  US$26,200.    We  liave,  for  Today   Israel   lias   also  be-  tlie   corut    sentence    is    not

                                      i nstance,     an   agricultural  come   tlie   liarbour    for   lffgli-  coi'rect,   yori   as an  iiidivi-
              It  is  not   easy   becarise   tliere  ii 'idushy   tliat   is  veiy   well  tecluiology    witli   biotecluio-  dual   can  appeal   directly    to
              are   always    lots   of   thiiigs  Icnown     througliorit     tlie  logy,   medical    tecluiology  tlie   Higli   Corut   of   Justice.
              liappening.    The   way   tlmigs  world.   Noi'inally,    you   can-  and   computers    and   tliori-  Tlie   Higli    Couit   will   tlien
              are  presented    is  not   always  not   liarvest    ceitaiii   fi'uits   all  sands   of   stait   rips.  We  are  decide   upon   your   case.  To
              exact-there     are   allega-  year   round,   but   tliis   is  now  among   tlie   world    leaders   in  my   laiowledge,     tliis    does
              tions.   However,    we   caniiot  possible    ii'i  Israel.   We   liave  tliese   fields.  not   exist   elsewliere-not    ii'i
              nui   to  the  press    at   eveiy  overcome    tlie   seasonal   sys-   tlie   US,   not   in  tlie   United
              moment     and    explain.  tem.   For  instance,   strawber-  Tlie,   econon'iy   is  booming  Kingdom.    It   is   not   lilce
              Sometimes    you   liave   to  ries   noi'inally    grow   on  tlie  witli   an  ai'uuial   growtli    rate  being   judged    at  tlie   local
              react;   at  otlier   times   it's   bet-  grouid.    But   in  our   countiy,  of   5  %,  and   we   liope   to  go  level,   then   tlie   regional
              ter  to  remaiii    qriiet.   When  they    are    grown     above  beyond    6%   tliis   year.   hi  level,   goiiig   from   one   court

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